Read more about the article Singers & Songwriters with Sun in Scorpio
Scorpio: Joni Mitchell performing in concert photo by Paul C Babin

Singers & Songwriters with Sun in Scorpio

Singers & Songwriters with Sun in Scorpio. Astrology, music and poetry: natal charts of singers & songwriters born with the Sun in Scorpio. Astrology, Astrogeography & Music: Singers & Songwriters with…

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Read more about the article The London Temple in astrogeography
Convento de Cristo em Tomar church located in Scorpio with Taurus photo: Daniel VILLAFRUELA., ccbysa4.0

The London Temple in astrogeography

The London Temple in astrogeography. Astrology, astrogeography and history: the astrogeographical position of the London temple and other sites related to the Knights Templars Compare: The Temple Mount in astrogeography, Astrologie &…

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Read more about the article Rosslyn Chapel in astrogeography
Rosslyn Chapel is located in Aries with Virgo photo: Sabine Perry, ccbysa4.0

Rosslyn Chapel in astrogeography

Rosslyn Chapel in astrogeography. Astrology & Sacred Sites: the astrogeographical position of the mystical Rosslyn Chapel near Edinburgh. Related articles: The London Temple in astrogeography, The Church of the Holy Sepulchre,…

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Read more about the article The Zoroastrian Sarve or Cypress of Abarkhu
Zoroastrian Sarve or Cypress of Abarkhu is located in Sagittarius with Pisces  photo: TruthBeethoven, ccbysa3.0

The Zoroastrian Sarve or Cypress of Abarkhu

The Zoroastrian Sarve or Cypress of Abarkhu is located in Sagittarius Compare: The tree of Life, Árbol del Tule with the stoutest trunk of any tree in the world, Bristlecone Pine Forest:…

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Read more about the article Le Chêne Chapelle – The Chapel Oak in astrogeography
La Chêne chapelle - the chapel oak is loctaed on the cardinal divides between Pisces and Aries and between Virgo and Libra

Le Chêne Chapelle – The Chapel Oak in astrogeography

Le Chêne Chapelle – The Chapel Oak in astrogeography. A magical 1000 year old oak tree and the opposition of 2 cardinal divides and the punctuation of the morphogenetic field by a temple…

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Read more about the article 2017 Saint Petersburg Metro bombing in astrology
Explosion in the St. Petersburg Metro on April 3, 2017 in the tunnel between the stations "Sennaya Ploshchad" and "Tehnologichesky Institut". An exclamation sign noted an unexploded bomb at the station "Ploshchad Vosstaniya". map: AlexTref871, ccbysa4.0

2017 Saint Petersburg Metro bombing in astrology

Astrology and terrorism: the 2017 Saint Petersburg Metro bombing in astrology. Astrological analyses of the event chart. Related articles: Moscow & Russia in Political Astrology. Barcelona Terrorist Attack on 17…

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Read more about the article The 2017 Mocoa landslide in astrogeography
Physical Location map of Colombia map: Shadowxfox, ccbysa3.0

The 2017 Mocoa landslide in astrogeography

The 2017 Mocoa landslide in astrogeography. Mundane astrology and astrogeography: the event chart of the landslide compared to the astrogeographical position of the place. Physical Location map of Colombia map:…

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Read more about the article Niki de Saint Phalles Tarot Garden
Tarot Garden Giardino dei Tarocch photo: Alessandro Bonvini, ccbysa2.0

Niki de Saint Phalles Tarot Garden

Niki de Saint Phalles Tarot Garden. Astrology and Art: the astrogeographical position of Niki de Saint Phalle`s Tarot Garden Related articles: Libra as the sign of symmetry, Giardino dei…

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Read more about the article Magical Trees: The Tree of Life in astrogeography
The magical Tree of Life located in Virgo with Scorpio photo: Alawadhi3000,, ccbysa3.0

Magical Trees: The Tree of Life in astrogeography

Magical Trees: The Tree of Life in astrogeography. On the astrology of trees: a magical tree in the Bahrain desert. Compare: The tree of Life, Árbol del Tule with the stoutest…

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Read more about the article General Sherman Tree in astrogeography
Child at the foot of General Sherman Tree located in Capricorn with Pisces photo: Neal Parish, ccbysa2.0

General Sherman Tree in astrogeography

General Sherman Tree in astrogeography. The astrologyand astrogeography of plants and the places where they grow. Compare: The tree of Life, Árbol del Tule with the stoutest trunk of any tree…

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Santa Barbara’s Moreton Bay Fig Tree – astrogeographical position

Santa Barbara's Moreton Bay Fig Tree - astrogeographical position Compare: The tree of Life, Árbol del Tule with the stoutest trunk of any tree in the world, Bristlecone Pine Forest: Sagittarius…

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Read more about the article The largest Cashew tree on the planet in astrology
The largest Cashew tree in the world at Parnamirim, Rio Grande do Norte has both coordinates in Leo photo: Wolfhardt, ccbysa3.0

The largest Cashew tree on the planet in astrology

The largest Cashew tree on the planet in astrology. On the astrogeographical position of the cashew tree power house in Leo the sign of expansion of life itself. Compare: The…

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The 2017 Westminster terrorist attack in astrogeography

The 2017 Westminster terrorist attack in astrogeography. On 22 March 2017, a terrorist attack occurred on Westminster Bridge, in Parliament Square and within the grounds of the Palace of Westminster,…

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Read more about the article The Great Fire of Smyrna in astrogeography
Great Fire of Smyrna as seen from an Italian ship on 14 September 1922

The Great Fire of Smyrna in astrogeography

The Great Fire of Smyrna in astrogeography. Mundane astrology and astrogeography: Uranus opposite Smyrna. Compare: The Great Fire of London, The astrogeographical position of Ankara The Great Fire of Smyrna or…

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Read more about the article The Providence Arcade oldest shopping mall in the USA in astrogeography
Interior of Westminster Arcade, Rhode Island located in Aquarius with Capricorn

The Providence Arcade oldest shopping mall in the USA in astrogeography

The Providence Arcade oldest shopping mall in the USA in astrogeography. Astrology and architecture: the astrogeographical position of the first shopping mall In 1828 the Westminster Arcade in downtown Providence, Rhode Island…

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The Swastika Building between Sagittarius and Capricorn

The Swastika Building between Sagittarius and Capricorn. The Swastika Building in San Diego as a swirling cross between Sagittarius sign of circles and Capricorn sign of the cross The multicultural…

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Read more about the article Amsterdam and the Netherlands in Astrology
The Binnenhof in Den Haag is the seat of the States General - the parliament building of the Netherlands. The site is located between Leo and Virgo and in Virgo for fl4 which describes the atmosphere and energetical situation of the building ph: Christopher A. Dominic, ccbysa2.0

Amsterdam and the Netherlands in Astrology

Amsterdam and the Netherlands in Astrology and Astrogeography. Birth and foundation charts for the Netherlands and astrogeographical transits in Dutch history. Articles on political astrogeography & birth charts of nations:…

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Read more about the article The Astrogeographical Positions of Pyongyang and Seoul
Seoul is located at 28°Virgo and 23°Aries ph: 서울특별시 소방재난본부, ccbysa4.0

The Astrogeographical Positions of Pyongyang and Seoul

The Astrogeographical Positions of Pyongyang and Seoul. Korea and its Capitals Pyongyang and Seoul in astrology and coming transits of the outer planets. Articles on political astrogeography & birth charts…

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Read more about the article Led Zeppelin`s Stairway to Heaven in Astrology
Bron-Yr-Aur cottage located between Taurus and Gemini and in Scorpio photo: andy, ccbysa2.0

Led Zeppelin`s Stairway to Heaven in Astrology

Led Zeppelin`s Stairway to Heaven in Astrology: On the astrogeographical positions of important places related to Led Zeppelin´s magical song. Astrology, Astrogeography & Music: Singers & Songwriters with Sun in…

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