Read more about the article Samye Gompa the oldest monastery in Tibet
Jungfrau und Zwillinge – Samye Gompa das älteste Kloster Tibets photo:Tsui license:ccsa2.0 photo:Tsui license:ccsa2.0

Samye Gompa the oldest monastery in Tibet

Samye Gompa the oldest monastery in Tibet Astrology and astrogeography of the oldest monastery in Tibet

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Read more about the article Taurus and Cancer – The Hagia Sophia as a Temple of the Earth Mother
The Hagia Sofia is located in the combination of earth sign Taurus with water sign Cancer ph: Arild Vågen, ccbysa

Taurus and Cancer – The Hagia Sophia as a Temple of the Earth Mother

The Hagia Sophia as a Temple of the Earth Mother Astrology and astrogeography of Hagia Sophia

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Read more about the article The Temple Mount at Jerusalem in Astrology
Pisces and Taurus - The Temple Mount at Jerusalem photo: אסף.צ license: GNU/FDL photo: אסף.צ license: GNU/FDL

The Temple Mount at Jerusalem in Astrology

Pisces and Taurus - The Temple Mount at Jerusalem Astrology and astrogeography of the Temple Mount at Jerusalem

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Gemini and Sagittarius – The Stonehenge Monolithic Circle

Gemini and Sagitarius - The Stonehenge Monolithic Circle Astrology and astrogeography of the Stonehenge Monolithic Circle

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