The Menhir du Champ Dolent in Aquarius & Sagittarius

The Menhir du Champ Dolent in Aquarius & Sagittarius. Astrology and magical places: The astrogeographical position of the menhir in spiritual sign Aquarius and Sagittarius as an indicator for shamanistic purposes.…

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Read more about the article Lincoln Memorial & Temple in Astrology
The site of Lincoln Memorial and Temple in Washington has bot astrogeographiscl resonance coordinates in mystic, spiritual water sign Pisces.     wikimedia source: us gov

Lincoln Memorial & Temple in Astrology

Lincoln Memorial & Temple in Astrology. The astrogeographical position of Lincoln Memorial in Pisces and the resonance with the Olympian Zeus Related articles: The Temple of Zeus at Olympia, Pisces…

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Murugan – A god of War in Aries the sign of Warfare

Murugan - A god of War in Aries the sign of Warfare Astrology and Places: Murugan - A god of War in Aries the sign of Warfare The 42 m…

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The Toadstool Hoodoos in Aries with Capricorn

The Toadstool Hoodoos in Aries with Capricorn. Aries for phallic structures - Capricorn for stability. Related articles: The Sedona Vortex System in astrogeography, Checkerboard Mesa and the combination of Scorpio with Gemini, …

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The Swan Bell Tower in Perth located in Sagittarius & Virgo

The Swan Bell Tower in Perth located in Sagittarius & Virgo Astrology, Places, Art and Architecture: The Swan Bell Tower in Sagittarius & Virgo - Video Related articles: Fondation Louis…

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Hvitserkur the Dragon Drinking from the Ocean

Hvitserkur the Dragon Drinking from the Ocean. Astrology, Nature, Sculpting and Places: on the astrogeographical position of the Hvitserkur rock formation on the Vatnsnes peninsula in Iceland Related articles: Devil´s Garden as…

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Read more about the article Krishna`s wives Rukmini and Radha in astrogeography
The Radha Rani Temple in Barsana has both coordinates in Aquarius oh: GourangaUK, GNU/FDL

Krishna`s wives Rukmini and Radha in astrogeography

Krishna`s wives Rukmini and Radha in astrogeography. Astrology, mythology and sacred sites: aquarius as the sign of India`s only Radha Rani Temple in Barsana near Mathura, India. Related articles: The…

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The Blue Mustang at Denver Airport in Sagittarius

The Blue Mustang at Denver Airport in Sagittarius. Astrology, Sculptures and Places: the astrogeographisc position of the Blue Mustang that greets all visitors arriving at Denver airport on their way to…

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Capricorn plus Scorpio: Oymyakon is the coldest place on Earth

Capricorn plus Scorpio: Oymyakon is the coldest place on Earth. Astrology, Nature, Meteorology & Places: on the astrogeographical position of Oymyakon in Yakutia the coldest place on eerth and what we…

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Read more about the article The Shell Museum of Dalian in Cancer the sign of shells
Beim Standort des Muschel-Museums in Dalian, Xinghai, China erstrecken sich beide Koordinaten von Wasserzeichen krebs in das Feuerzeichen Löwe. pH:

The Shell Museum of Dalian in Cancer the sign of shells

The Shell Museum of Dalian in Cancer the sign of shells. Astrology, architecture & design: the symptomatic elements of the Cancer archetype.  Compare: Cancer in astrogeography - compilation of the…

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Read more about the article Dun Aengus ringfort and temple in astrology
Prehistoric hill fort Dun Aengus on Inis Mor, the largest Aran Island photo: IG: Lorenz.12, ccbysa4.0 photo: IG: Lorenz.12, ccbysa4.0

Dun Aengus ringfort and temple in astrology

Dun Aengus ringfort and temple in astrology. Temples & Magical Places: the astrogeographical position of the megalithic ringfort on the Aran island of Inishmore near Galway, Ireland Related articles: The…

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Relámpago del Catatumbo – the Eternal Lightning

Relámpago del Catatumbo - the Eternal Lightning. Astrology, Nature, Weather Phenomena & Places: on the astrogeographical position of the region of the Catatumbo lightning phenomenon in the combination of fire…

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Read more about the article Astrology and Architecture: characteristic features of Aries
ntwerp Port House designed by Zaha Hadid is located in Aries with Aquarius photo: Bobo Boom, ccbysa2.0

Astrology and Architecture: characteristic features of Aries

Astrology and architecture: characteristic features of Aries. Some thoughts on an astrogeographical typology of design elements in Aries. Related articles:  Aries as the Sign of Unicellular Structures: Astrodome & Co,  Hallgríms…

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Read more about the article Bristlecone Pine Forest: Sagittarius as the Sign of Conifers
Methuselah Grove in the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest photo: Oke, GNU/FDL

Bristlecone Pine Forest: Sagittarius as the Sign of Conifers

Bristlecone Pine Forest: Sagittarius as the Sign of Conifers. The astrogeographical position of the oldest living trees on earth Compare: The tree of Life, Árbol del Tule with the stoutest trunk of…

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Drowned in the sea or captured by a UFO: Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370

Drowned in the sea or captured by a UFO: Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370. Astrology, History, Terrorist Attacks, Accidents & Places:  the disapperance of an airplane that was never seen again…

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