Astrological Psychology

Astrological Psychology is the quest for exploring the holistic, abstract, long-term processes of human life and experience of individuation and individualization through exchange between subjective interpretation and the conditions of living.

Since astrology is that part of the sciences of interpretation which explores individual birth charts or single events or long-term processes horoscopes its natural field of transfer of parallel deductions is from the structures, cycles, conditions and circumstance of time itself onto the materialization, incarnation, unfolding of development of resonance, action, fate, effects, consequences, experience and of subjective human interpretation of success, trauma, pain and learning thhrough repetition.

What is the purpose of human life and existence? How and why do we learn? What is the human psyche and why does it exist? What is the purpose of re-incarnation? What could be the spiritual dimension of our habit to confront and deal with trauma? What could a psychological outlook on human destiny and emancipartion from the point of view of astrology be like? How do we learn through fate? How do we leartn through experience?

Astrological psychology is probably the most important part of astrology.  A serious and holistic, systemic natal astrology seeks to  understand the birth situation of an individual being in relationship its parents, family, place of birth, ancestors, hereditary and karmic inheritance and the topics of individual psychological and karmic development.

Astrology and astrogeography of Bagdad, Iraq and Babylon
Foundation chart for the first Babylonian Empire calculated as a spring equinox for March 22 in 1994 B.C.

This astrological chart can be used for interpretion as an inititial or even foundation chart for a possible key moment to the modern age of cultural individuation and the developments accompanied by the allowance of a larger spectre of individuality.  The modern concepts of the karmic issues of a birth right of going forward in the cycles of individual life, subjective experience, development of an I and Ego, the pursuit of individual happiness, the allowance of self-responsibility, emancipation of humans from destiny and a highest personality of god-head in and the cultural reflection of aspects of individuation and individual psychology introduced through this new era may be explored as central aspects of the developements gebun through the age of script

The very special and unique potential of astrological psychology is that it delivers a holistic, complete overview of the inter-relatedness of all single levels of our life: the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, our family inheritance, experiences during pre-natal and early childhood, topics of individual and collective fate and of emancipation and self-responsibility, karmic issues of habitual patterns, belief systems and blocks of development from past incarnations.

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Cadbury Castle has one coordinate located in Aquarius and the 2nd between Taurus and Gemini ph: Graham Horn, ccbysa2.0

Saint Michael Leyline in Astrogeography

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Astrological Geomancy – what is it?

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Christ of the Abyss in Scorpio the sign of the underworld

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Cancer and Libra: The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem

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The magical spring of Lourdes in astrology

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Lying or Flying – The Leaning Tower of Pisa

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Pisces and Pisces – The Site of Buddha`s illumination

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