Read more about the article The Headington Shark sculpture in astrology
The Headington Shark sculpture is located in the combination of earth sign Taurus with fire sign Leo photo Henry Flower, GNU/FDL

The Headington Shark sculpture in astrology

The Headington Shark sculpture in astrology. Holistic astrological interpretation of the symbolism and energetical impact of works of art on the landscape field The Headington Shark sculpture in astrology The…

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Astrology & Magical Places: Joshua Tree National Park

Astrology & Magical Places: Joshua Tree National Park Related articles: George Van Tassels Integraton Project at Joshua Tree, California Joshua Tree National Park in southeastern California is a U.S. National Park since 1994 National Monument…

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Astrogeographical Data for large Automobile Companies

Astrogeographical Data for large Automobile Companies - Astrology, Economy & Life-Style: an introduction to the astrology of automobile companies and the foundation chart for Tesla Motors Inc. The table below shows the astrogeographical…

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The Chicxulub Crater in astrogeography

The Chicxulub Crater in astrogeography Astrology, places & history: The Chicxulub Crater in astrogeography From the wikpedia article: The Chicxulub crater is an impact crater buried underneath the Yucatán Peninsula in…

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Intro to an astrogeographical analysis of data from the Brexit Referendum

Intro to an astrogeographical analysis of data from the Brexit Referendum. Political astrology and astrogeography in action: Compare also: The astrogeographic position of London, the national charts for Great Britain and…

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Read more about the article The Dallas Sniper Massacre & Shootings of Alton Sterling & Philando Castile
Law enforcement personnel investigate a mass shooting scene after an attack that killed and wounded Dallas police officers, in Dallas, Texas, July 8, 2016.

The Dallas Sniper Massacre & Shootings of Alton Sterling & Philando Castile

The Dallas Sniper Massacre & Shootings of Alton Sterling & Philando Castile. Astrology, Politics, History & Places: The Dallas Sniper Massacre, the shootings of Alton Sterling & Philando Castile and the question…

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Read more about the article Astrology & Architecture: Box-like forms in Virgo
Robot Building in Bangkok Thailand located in Virgo with Leo photo: Sumet jumsai, ccbysa3.0

Astrology & Architecture: Box-like forms in Virgo

Astrology & Architecture: Box-like forms in Virgo. On the typology of zodiac signs in architecture: examples for piles of boxes and functional design in Virgo. A typical approach to architecture that…

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The Istanbul Atatürk Airport Attack on 28 June 2016

The Istanbul Atatürk Airport Attack on 28 June 2016 Astrology & Terrorist Attacks: Pluto`s 3-year tansit over Istanbul and the Istanbul Atatürk Airport Attack on 28 June 2016 in astrology…

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Read more about the article Cancer with Leo: Lactating Mermaids on a Fountain of Neptune
Fountain of Neptune in Bologna located in Cancer with Leo photo: Vreve90, ccbysa4.0

Cancer with Leo: Lactating Mermaids on a Fountain of Neptune

Cancer with Leo: Lactating Mermaids on a Fountain of Neptune symbolizing fertility, Astrology, places & art: the lactating mermaids of Neptune Fountain in Bologna Compare: Neptune as a Guardian at Virginia Beach, Neptune staking…

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Neptune staking claims in Taurus

Astrology & Art: Neptune staking claims in Taurus The astrogeographical position of Neptune fountain at Boroboli Gardens in Taurus with Libra The "Taurus-Neptune" at Boboli Gardens appears to be staking claims…

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The coldness of the Capricorn plus Scorpio combination in astrogeography

The coldness of the Capricorn plus Scorpio combination in astrogeography Astrology, architecture & places: an astrogeographical analysis of the architecture and atmosphere of Ludwigskirche in Munich  The image above shows…

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Astrology & Places: Gorilla Harambe Shot Dead in Cincinnati Zoo

Astrology & Places: Gorilla Harambe Shot Dead in Cincinnati Zoo I read a blog "Astrology and the death of Harambe the Gorilla" by astrologer Matthew Currie providing relevant time data.…

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Read more about the article The Delaware Tax Loophole Building
"Delaware Tax Loophole Building" The Corporation Trust Company ,1209 North Orange Street located in Virgo with Pisces

The Delaware Tax Loophole Building

The Delaware Tax Loophole Building in astrology. Astrogeographical research on the energetical issues of corruption. Related articles: The Astrogeographical Position of Washington, Astrogeographical resonance degrees for the 50 US State…

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Kim Tuccis quintuplets born on 28 January 2016

Kim Tuccis quintuplets born on 28 January 2016., The astrology and astrogeography of natal charts combined: the birth chart for 5 babies at a time and the astrogeographical position of the hospital…

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Read more about the article Architecture & Astrology: Distortion as an element of style in Aquarius
Gehry Buildings Neuer Zollhof located in Aquarius with Cancer photo Hermann Luyken, ccbysa1.0

Architecture & Astrology: Distortion as an element of style in Aquarius

Architecture & Astrology: Distortion as an element of style in Aquarius Related articles: Lying or Flying – The Controversy between Taurus and Aquarius at the leaning tower of Pisa, The…

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Read more about the article Architecture, Astrology and Places: Zaha Hadid
Overview of the 2 buildings of Guangzhou Opera House, with the smaller white building in the front. photo: 圍棋一級,, ccbysa3.0

Architecture, Astrology and Places: Zaha Hadid

Architecture, Astrology and Places: Zaha Hadid. An introduction to the astrology and astrogeography of Zaha Hadid´s buildings, style, design and the resonance with the construction sites. Zaha Hadid´s birth chart…

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