Soma Mine Disaster 2014
Astrology, Places and und Eevents: Soma Mining Disaster 2014 This is the astrological chart for the disaster in the Soma Coal Mine in Soma in the province of Manisa on…
Astrology, Places and und Eevents: Soma Mining Disaster 2014 This is the astrological chart for the disaster in the Soma Coal Mine in Soma in the province of Manisa on…
Astrology and architecture: characteristic features of Aries. Some thoughts on an astrogeographical typology of design elements in Aries. Related articles: Aries as the Sign of Unicellular Structures: Astrodome & Co, Hallgríms…
Bristlecone Pine Forest: Sagittarius as the Sign of Conifers. The astrogeographical position of the oldest living trees on earth Compare: The tree of Life, Árbol del Tule with the stoutest trunk of…
Café Tortoni and the most auspiscious constellation for a pub. Astrology, pubs, bar, restaurants and places for going out: the oldest extant coffee house in Buenos Aires in Leo and…
Drowned in the sea or captured by a UFO: Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370. Astrology, History, Terrorist Attacks, Accidents & Places: the disapperance of an airplane that was never seen again…
Astrology and Places:Earthquake in the Black Sea - HAARP or who else caused it? Its an answer to the Russian invasion? - HAARP or who else caused it? Related articles: San…
How auspiscious is the Whats App deal for Facebook? Astrology, Business and Places: some thoughts about how auspiscious the the Ahat´s App headquarters appear in relation to the astrological and astrogeographical…
A Kali Temple in Libra the sign of the angels. Astrology, astrogeography, mythology and sacred sites: energetical topics of temples for the goddess Kali Related articles: The Shakti Peetha Shrines…
Astrology and Places: The astrogeography of the Sochi Adler-Arena Skating Centre Sochi Adler-Arena Skating Centre is the arena where the speed skating competitions are held during the 2014 Winter olympics.…
The Great Pyramid of Cholula in astrology: Connecting earth with heaven through a sky temple. Related articles: Gemini and Virgo: the Great Pyramid of Giza in astrology, The Pyramid of…
Krakatoa and the extreme weather events of 536 AD - Astrology and Events The extreme weather events between 536 and 542 AD were the most severe events of short-term episodes…
Christ of the Abyss in Scorpio the sign of the underworld. Astrology, sculptures and the magical punctuation of the landscape. Compare: Scorpio as the sign of sculpting, Capricorn and Sagittarius…
The "Candelabra of the Andes" (or: Viracochas`s Trident) is a prehistoric geoglyph near Paracas in Peru in the style of the famous Nazca-Lines. It is dated around 200 BCE. The…
The Cathedral of Brasilia in Leo with Pisces. Astrology, architecture & design: the astrogeographical position of the Cathedral of Brasilia Related articles: The Temple Mount at Jerusalem, The Birth Place of Jesus…
The Birth Place of Jesus in Pisces and Sagittarius. Astrology, Temples, Sacred and Magical Sites: The Birth Place of Jesus in the Church of Nativity in Pisces with Sagittarius Related articles:…
A Queens Bath in Virgo and Scorpio. Astrology, Travelling, Nature & Beautiful Places: the astrogeographical position of a natural pool that allows relaxed bathing and Scorpio as the sign of…
On the astrology of Hobbitland. Astrology, Archetypes and Places: On the astrogeographical position of the Hobbiton village from the "Lord of the Rings" at Matamata, New Zealand. Virgo as the sign of…
An Astrological Typology of City Squares: Astrology & Places: comparing the astrogeographical positions of large and important city squares. Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington is located in Libra with…
Astrology and Places: Gemini the sign of Bridges and Road Crossings The "Judge Harry Pregerson Interchange" near the Athens and Watts communities of Los Angeles, California is one of the…
An Aquarius Tower for the Olympic Flame Astrology & architecture: Aquarius and a tower holding the flame of olympic culture Rekated articles: Lying or Flying – The Controversy between Taurus and…