Read more about the article Sun Temples in Astrology
Sun Temple of Niuserre at Abu Ghurob located in the constellation of the warrior caste Aries with Capricorn

Sun Temples in Astrology

Sun Temples in Astrology. Astrology, Astrogeography and Sacred Sites: a comparative study of the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Sun temples. Important Sun Temples in astrogeography: Sagittarius with Leo for the site…

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Read more about the article Temples of the Sun and the Planets in India
This is a wheel engraved in the 13th century built Konark Sun Temple in Orissa, India. The temple is designed as a chariot consisting of 24 such wheels. Each wheel has a diameter of 9 feet 9 inches with 8 spokes. Each wheel acts as a sun dial and the various engravings shows the daily activity of people at different hours of the day

Temples of the Sun and the Planets in India

Temples of the Sun and the Planets in India. Astrology and Sacred Sites: temples related to astrology and the planets in astrogeography. Related articles: The Navagraha Temples for the planets in Hindu…

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The Navagraha Temples for the Planets in Hindu Astrology

Astrology and Sacred Sites: The Navagraha Temples for the planets in Hindu Astrology and other places related to Nadi Astrology Navagraha temples are temples devoted to Navagraha - the nine…

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Read more about the article The Sacred Mountains of China in Astrology
Sunrise at Emei Shan. photo: Staceynyx, ccbysa3.0

The Sacred Mountains of China in Astrology

The Sacred Mountains of China in Astrology. Astrology and Sacred Sites: the astrogeographical positions and energetical topics of the Sacred Mountains of China Related articles: Astrogeographical position of Beijing, The Forbidden…

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Read more about the article The Legendary Shaolin Monastery
Chinese Martial Arts at Shaolin Monastery photo: Shawn Xiangyang Liu, GNU/FDL

The Legendary Shaolin Monastery

The Legendary Shaolin Monastery. Astrology and magical places: the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the famous Shaolin monastery Related articles: Astrogeographic position of Beijing, Sagittarius and Capricorn – The Forbidden City in…

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Read more about the article The Magic of Prediction at Ancient Greek Oracle Places
The Ammun Temple with the legendary skiff oracle of Siwa has both coordinates in Scorpio photo: Thom Chandler, ccbysa2.0

The Magic of Prediction at Ancient Greek Oracle Places

The Magic of Prediction at Ancient Greek Oracle Places and in ancient greek culture - Astrology and Sacred Sites: here comes a list of important oracle places and their astrogeographical positions.…

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Read more about the article Krishna`s wives Rukmini and Radha in astrogeography
The Radha Rani Temple in Barsana has both coordinates in Aquarius oh: GourangaUK, GNU/FDL

Krishna`s wives Rukmini and Radha in astrogeography

Krishna`s wives Rukmini and Radha in astrogeography. Astrology, mythology and sacred sites: aquarius as the sign of India`s only Radha Rani Temple in Barsana near Mathura, India. Related articles: The…

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Read more about the article Dun Aengus ringfort and temple in astrology
Prehistoric hill fort Dun Aengus on Inis Mor, the largest Aran Island photo: IG: Lorenz.12, ccbysa4.0 photo: IG: Lorenz.12, ccbysa4.0

Dun Aengus ringfort and temple in astrology

Dun Aengus ringfort and temple in astrology. Temples & Magical Places: the astrogeographical position of the megalithic ringfort on the Aran island of Inishmore near Galway, Ireland Related articles: The…

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Read more about the article The Cathedral of Brasilia in Leo with Pisces
Blue waves on the ceiling of the Cathedral of Brasilia photo: Leandro Neumann Ciuffo, ccbysa2.0

The Cathedral of Brasilia in Leo with Pisces

The Cathedral of Brasilia in Leo with Pisces. Astrology, architecture & design: the astrogeographical position of the Cathedral of Brasilia  Related articles: The Temple Mount at Jerusalem, The Birth Place of Jesus…

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Read more about the article Heaven`s Gate on the point of the winter solstice on Tianmen Shan
Heavens Gate, on Tianmen Shan Mountain is located at 0°Capricorn and in Aries.

Heaven`s Gate on the point of the winter solstice on Tianmen Shan

Heaven`s Gate on the point of the winter solstice on Tianmen Shan. Astrology & Sacred Sites: Heaven`s Gate on top of the Sacred Tianmen Shan Mountain of China Related articles: Astrogeographic…

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Read more about the article Aphrodite`s Temples and Birth Place in astrology
Ruins of the Temple of Aphrodite at Aphrodisias located in Aquarius with Pisces photo:Brocken Inaglory license:GNU/FDL

Aphrodite`s Temples and Birth Place in astrology

Aphrodite`s birth place and the ancient temple at Aphrodisias - The legend of Aphrodite`s birth as delivered by Hesiod (ca.750 BC) reveals her relation to the astrogeographical constellation of the temple site best: when taking over the rule over the world Cronos the son of Gaia and Uranus, in an act of castration chopped off his father`s genitals and threw them into the sea. Aphrodite (aphros=foam) was born in the splashing ocean the moment Uranus` genitals and semen fell into the sea at Petra tou Romiou near Paphos, Cyprus. Homer (ca.850 BC) records a slightly different but not necessarily older version in which Dione and Zeus are parents to Aphrodite.

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Read more about the article The magical spring of Lourdes in astrology
Cancer and Sagittarius - the magic Spring at Massabielle Cave in Lourdes photo: BRUNNER Emmanuel, Manu25 license: GNU/FDL

The magical spring of Lourdes in astrology

Cancer and Sagitarius - the magic Spring of Lourdes

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Read more about the article Capricorn and Sagittarius – The Temple of Zeus in Olympia
Roman Seated Zeus, marble and bronze (restored), following the type established by Phidias

Capricorn and Sagittarius – The Temple of Zeus in Olympia

Capricorn and Sagitarius - The Tempel of Zeus in Olympia

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Read more about the article The Pyramid of Kukulcán in Chichén Itzá
Kukulkan at its finest during the March Equinox. Chichen Itza Equinox March 2009. The famous descent of the snake at the temple. source,

The Pyramid of Kukulcán in Chichén Itzá

Virgo and Aquarius - Pyramid of Kukulcán in Chichén Itzá

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The Ishtar Gate of Babylon in Astrology

The Ishtar Gate of Babylon in Astrology. The astrogeographical position of the procession street and gate at the ancient City of Babylon. Related articles: The Ishtar Temple of Mari, Architecture and…

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