Read more about the article The 1700 Cascadia megathrust earthquake in astrology
A map of the Juan de Fuca Plate with noted seismic incidents, including the 2001 Nisqually earthquake

The 1700 Cascadia megathrust earthquake in astrology

The 1700 Cascadia megathrust earthquake in astrology & astrogeography. Charts, data and analyses of the event along the Cascadia subduction zone  Earthquakes in Astrology: The San Francisco earthquakes in astrogeography, The Fukushima…

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Read more about the article The Taal volcano eruptions and current situation
Taal volcano on 13 January 2020 ph: Adisidis, ccbysa3.0

The Taal volcano eruptions and current situation

The Taal volcano eruptions and current situation. Mundane astrology and prediction: the current astrogeographical transits for Taal volcano Related articles: The Eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991, The 1707 Eruption…

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Read more about the article Mexico and its Capital in Political Astrology
The Paseo de la Reforma area is the skyscaper center in Mexico City. The local astrogeographical coordinates (field level 3 - surrounding area) are in Aquarius - the "mothersign" of skyscrapers and around the cardinal divide between Virgo & Libra the sign of the horizon and of stage presentation ph: Alejandro Islas, ccbysa2.0

Mexico and its Capital in Political Astrology

Mexico and its Capital in Political Astrology & Astrogeography. Transits of the outer planets in relation to the government center of Mexico. Compare: Templo Mayor in Mexico City and the…

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Read more about the article Canberra & Australia in Political Astrology
Axis from the Australian War Memorial to Parliament House, as seen from Mt Ainslie, Canberra photo: Petaholmes, GNU/FDL

Canberra & Australia in Political Astrology

Canberra & Australia in Political Astrology and Astrogeography. Birth & foundation charts and important transits in Australian history. Compare: Cancer and Leo: the magic of Uluru, Australian Federal Elections on…

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Read more about the article Brazil and its capital Brasilia in Astrology
Palace of the Dawn at night, the official residence of the President of Brazil, in Brasília located in Cancer with Virgo. In the foreground, the sculptural group The Bathers, by Alfredo Ceschiatti ph: Thum_Fel, GFDL

Brazil and its capital Brasilia in Astrology

Brazil and its capital Brasilia in Astrology. Birth & foundation charts in the history of Brazil and the astrogeographical position of Brasilia. Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A - Z:…

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Read more about the article The 2018 Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami in astrogeography
Sulawesi earthquake map image: Phoenix7777, ccbysa4.0

The 2018 Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami in astrogeography

The 2018 Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami in astrogeography. Astrology, history, earthquakes and tsunamis: astrogeographical data and analyses. Related articles: The San Francisco earthquakes, The Lombok earthquakes of 2018, 2018 earthquake…

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The haunted forrest of Hoia Baciu in Transylvania

The haunted forrest of Hoia Baciu in Transylvania: Astrology, Paranormal Activity and Magical Places: a short astrogeographical analysis of the small forrest near the City of Cluj-Napoca in Romania. Related…

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On the geographical centers of countries in mundane astrology

On the geographical centers of countries in mundane astrology. Astrology, astrogeography, politics, history and the importance of the astrogeographical position of countries in mundane astrology The astrogeographical coordinates of a…

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Read more about the article Pluto opposite London: The Battle of Cable Street
The Cable Street Mural commemorating the Battle of Cable Street, photo: jo-marshall, ccbysa2.0

Pluto opposite London: The Battle of Cable Street

Pluto opposite London - The Battle of Cable Street. On the astrological analysis of an important event in the history of the fight against globalized fascism Compare: London and Great Britain…

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Read more about the article The 2017 Kermanshah earthquake
Map of the Arabian Plate image: Sting and Woudloper, GNU/FDL

The 2017 Kermanshah earthquake

The 2017 Kermanshah earthquake. Astrology, astrogeography and earthquakes: Related articles:  Krakatoa and the extreme weather events of 536 AD, The Nepal Earthquake on 25 April 2015, The San Francisco Earthquakes, Haiti earthquake, Fukushima. Kaohsiung Earthquake…

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Read more about the article The Las Vegas Massacre in astrogeography
Site of the Las Vegas massacre behind the 2 grey poles. Site of Route 91 Harvest Festival shooting site, Las Vegas Village and Festival Grounds, Las Vegas Strip, Nevada photo: Mariordo, ccbysa3.0

The Las Vegas Massacre in astrogeography

The Las Vegas Massacre in astrogeography. Astrology, Events & Places: astrological data and analyses for the October, 1 2017 Las Vegas Massacre Related articles: Astrogeographical resonance degrees for the 50 US…

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The Independence Referendum in Catalonia

The Independence Referendum in Catalonia, Astrology & Politics: the Independence Referendum in Catalonia. astrogeographical analysis of the situation during the planned referendum. Compare:  Barcelona Terrorist Attack on 17 August 2017, Astrogeographic…

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Read more about the article The 2017 Puebla earthquake in astrogeography
2017 Central Mexico earthquake map image: Phoenix7777, ccbysa4.0

The 2017 Puebla earthquake in astrogeography

The 2017 Puebla earthquake in astrogeography. Astrology & Earthquakes: Astrological data and analyses data of the 19 September 2017 earthquake in Mexico Related articles: Astrogeographical Position of Mexico City, The…

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Astrology & Volcanoes: Paektusan volcano in astrogeography

Astrology & Volcanoes: Paektusan volcano in astrogeography. Astrogeographical data about one of the world`s most dangerous volcanoes. Compare: Volcanic eruptions in astrogeography,  The Astrogeographical Positions of Pyongyang and Seoul and future…

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Read more about the article Hurricane Irma in astrogeography
Five-day forecast cone of uncertainty with track line for w:Hurricane Irma (11L) from the US National Hurricane Center.

Hurricane Irma in astrogeography

Hurricane Irma in astrogeography. Astrology & Hurricanes: the astrogeographical position of Miami and the transits of planets in relation to the "Great American Solar Eclipse" Compare: The Great American Solar…

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Read more about the article Hurricane Katrina in astrogeography
Hurricane Katrina track. Uses the color scheme from the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale. The points show the location of each storm at six-hour intervals. The colour represents the storm's maximum sustained wind speeds as classified in the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale (see below), and the shape of the data points represent the nature of the storm

Hurricane Katrina in astrogeography

Hurricane Katrina in astrogeography. Astrology, Events & Places: astrogeographical data and analyses of the landfall of Hurricane Katrina near Buras-Triumph, Louisiana Compare: Hurricane Harvey in astrogeography, Hurricane Irma in astrogeography, When…

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Read more about the article Hurricane Harvey in astrogeography
Hurricane Harvey near the coast of Texas at peak intensity late on August 25, 2017

Hurricane Harvey in astrogeography

Hurricane Harvey in astrogeography. Astrology, Events & Places: Hurricane Harvey from an astrogeographical point of view - a short analysis of astrogeographical data and planetary transits Related articles: Hurricane Irma…

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The site of the Chernobyl Reactor in astrogeography

The site of the Chernobyl Reactor in astrogeography Astrology, History & Politics: the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 in astrogeography Compare:  The Fukushima disaster in astrogeography, Uranus on Midheaven and in Opposition to…

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Rythmical activations in the “Great American Solar Eclipse”chart

Rythmical activations in the "Great American Solar Eclipse" chart Rythmical activations in the 21 August 2017 "Great American Solar Eclipse" chart - the 2017 North Korea crisis in relation to…

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