Read more about the article Seoul, Pyongyang and Korea in Political Astrology
Seoul is located at 28°Virgo and 23°Aries ph: 서울특별시 소방재난본부, ccbysa4.0

Seoul, Pyongyang and Korea in Political Astrology

Seoul, Pyongyang and Korea in Political Astrology and Astrogeography. History and Present day situation of Korea and the transits of planets in relation to the 2 capitals. Capitals & Nations…

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Read more about the article The Suicide Bombing Attack on the Lal Shahbaz Qalandar Shrine
Lal Shahbaz Qalandar Shrine located in Sagittarius with Cancer photo: Zainab Arain, ccbysa4.0

The Suicide Bombing Attack on the Lal Shahbaz Qalandar Shrine

Astrology & Terrorism: The Suicide Bombing Attack on the Lal Shahbaz Qalandar Shrine Sufi Shrine in Pakistan on 16 February 2017 in astrogeography Related Articles: The astrogeographic position of Islamabad…

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Read more about the article UNASUR – Union of South American Nations in astrogeography
Unasur Headquarters buildiing located in Aries with Virgo photo: Montserrat Boix, ccbysa4.0

UNASUR – Union of South American Nations in astrogeography

UNASUR - Union of South American Nations in astrogeography. Political astrology and astrogeography of the south-american self help organisation Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A - Z: Lists of all…

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Read more about the article The Great London Smog of 1952 in Astrology
Nelson's_Column duringthe Great Smog of 1952 photo: N T Stobbs, ccbysa.2.0

The Great London Smog of 1952 in Astrology

The Great London Smog of 1952 in Astrology. The Saturn-Neptune conjunction over London and the Great London Smog of 1952 in astrogeography Compare: Saturn - Neptune Conjunctions in astrology,: London and…

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Read more about the article The USA and Washington in Astrology & Astrogeography
Astrogeographical Transit History for Washington and the USA 1985 - 2032

The USA and Washington in Astrology & Astrogeography

The USA and Washington in Astrology & Astrogeography. Planetary transits in relation to the capital, government and center of the national morphic field of the USA. Cornerstone articles: Pluto Transits…

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Read more about the article Madrid and Spain in Political Astrology
Urban panorama of Azca, Madrid ph: FDV, ccbysa3.0

Madrid and Spain in Political Astrology

Madrid and Spain in Political Astrology & Astrogeography. Planet Transits for Madrid in important national charts and events in the history of Spain. Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A -…

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Read more about the article Riyadh and Saudi Arabia in Political Astrology
View from the Kingdom tower in Riyadh ph: Ferozkal, ccbysa3.0

Riyadh and Saudi Arabia in Political Astrology

Riyadh and Saudi Arabia in Political Astrology. Birth & foundation charts of Saudi Arabia and the astrogeographical position of its capital. Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A - Z: Lists…

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Read more about the article London and Great Britain in Political Astrology
London Westminster ph: FiatLUX, ccbysa3.0

London and Great Britain in Political Astrology

London and Great Britain in Political Astrology & Astrogeography. The national charts for England, Great Britain and United Kingdom and important planetary transits in relation to the astrogeographical position of…

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Read more about the article Paris and France in Political Astrology
Élysée Palace - the seat of the Presidents of France is located in

Paris and France in Political Astrology

Paris and France in Political Astrology & Astrogeography: important birth + foundation charts of France and the astrogeography of its capital Paris. Related articles: Macron, De Gaulle, Sarkozy and the Élysée-Palace,…

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Read more about the article Meenakshi Aman Temple in astrology
Meenakshi Temple in Madurai is located in the combination of Pisces with Capricorn photo: எஸ்ஸார், ccbysa3.0

Meenakshi Aman Temple in astrology

Meenakshi Aman Temple in astrology. Astrology & Sacred Sites: Meenakshi Aman the temple of temples. A short interpretation of the astrogeographical position of the famous temple in Tamil Nadu, South…

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Read more about the article The Sacred Mountains of China in Astrology
Sunrise at Emei Shan. photo: Staceynyx, ccbysa3.0

The Sacred Mountains of China in Astrology

The Sacred Mountains of China in Astrology. Astrology and Sacred Sites: the astrogeographical positions and energetical topics of the Sacred Mountains of China Related articles: Astrogeographical position of Beijing, The Forbidden…

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Astrological-Geomantical study of the new government quarter in Berlin

Astrological-Geomantical study of the new government quarter in Berlin. Astrology, Astrogeography  and Astrological Geomancy: "Astrological-geomantical study of the new construction of the government quarter in Berlin" Excerpt from the book: …

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Read more about the article Astrogeography of largest cities worldwide
Largest Cities worldwide in 2014 and their Astrogeographic positions for field level 1

Astrogeography of largest cities worldwide

Astrogeography of largest cities worldwide. On the astrology and astrogeographical positions of large urban centers, mega-cities and metropolitan regions. Compare this article to: Astrogeographical positions of the largest cities in…

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Read more about the article The Waterloo Lion as a Guardian
Waterloo Lion in the position of a guardian at 0° Capricorn and in Aquarius ph: Foroa ccbysa2.5

The Waterloo Lion as a Guardian

The Waterloo Lion as a Guardian. Astrology, sculptures and feng-shui: the position of the lion sculpture on the Battlefield of Waterloo. Related articles: The “Little Mermaid” as a Guardian, Lion Sculptures…

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Read more about the article China and Beijing in Political Astrology
The skyline of Beijing CBD ph: 郭友柏, ccbysa4.0

China and Beijing in Political Astrology

China and Beijing in Political Astrology. The astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the capital, government and center of the national morphic field of China in Chinese history and astrological foundation charts.…

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Read more about the article Iran and Tehran in Political Astrology
Tehran skyline ph: Amir1140, GFDL

Iran and Tehran in Political Astrology

Iran and Tehran in Political Astrology. Transit Planets in relation to the capital & government in Tehran and important natal and event charts for Iran. Articles on political astrogeography &…

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Read more about the article Jerusalem and Israel in Political Astrology
The Knesset building in Jerusalem is the House of Parliament of Israel. For field level 4 (exact adress) the building is located between Cancer and Leo and in Aquarius ph: Beny Shlevich, GFDL

Jerusalem and Israel in Political Astrology

Jerusalem and Israel in Political Astrology. Birth Charts of Israel and transits of the outer planets in relation to the capital, government & national center of Israel. Capitals & Nations…

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Read more about the article Moscow & Russia in Political Astrology
Der Großer Kreml Palast liegt wie die gesamte Moskauer Kremlfestung in der Kombination Waage mit Steinbock photo: Ed Yourdon, ccbysa2.0

Moscow & Russia in Political Astrology

Moscow & Russia in Political Astrology. Political astrology and astrogeography of Russian history and of the capitals Moscow and St. Petersburg. New Articles: The End of the Ukraine War in…

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Read more about the article Athens and Greece in Political Astrology
Idealised view of the Acropolis (located in Virgo with Aquarius) and Athena Promachos carrying a great spear in her right hand (rather than with an owl as indicated from copies and coins), by the painter Leo von Klenze in 1846, who portrayed the great statue of Athena Promachos as visible from far away, as reported in ancient texts.

Athens and Greece in Political Astrology

Greece and Athens in Political Astrology. Transits of the outer planets in relation to the capital and government of Greece. This is an older article - I`m hoping to find…

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Read more about the article The European Central Bank in astrogeography
European Central Bank new building located in Capricorn with Pisces         ph: Simsalabimbim,: ccbysa3.0

The European Central Bank in astrogeography

The European Central Bank in astrogeography. Astrology and Politics: a short analysis of the astrogeographical position of the new building for the European central Bank Related articles: The European Union in Political…

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