Cities in astrology and astrogeography. This category gives you access to a collection of over 200 articles on the interpretation of astrogeographical positions of places and what they explain about the location, atmosphere, energetical qualities and characteristics of metropolitan regions, urban centers, towns, parts of towns, villages and other forms of settlements.
Every town on our planet has a particular unique quality which can be investigated by the way its location is embedded in the overall landscape. My astrological world map calculation system calculates the astrological position allowing to compare the difference between town and what it means for our personal relationship to that place.
Astrogeography can help us understand which fields of life are supported by a place. meaning that we differentiate between a town that stimulates income, one that stimulates family life and another that supports opening up for relationship and meet new partners.
An important field is the use of this type of astrology in the interpretation of planet transit in relation to capitals, governments and the foundation charts of nations, companies, organisations, political parties and others.
List of astrogeographical positions of the Largest agglomerations worldwide in the year 100 ADcalculated for morphogenetic field level 1 (region, global resonance)
Angela Merkel and the Astrogeographic Constellation of the German Chancellery Following Gerhard Schröder she was the second chancellor to move into the newly built Federal Chancellery in Berlin. The Chancellery is located in the constellation of the earth sign Capricorn with the air sign Gemini. This correspondence is valid for astrogeography level 3, which shows how the place is embedded in the environment.
Capricorn represents the second house in the birth chart of Angela Merkel indicating that the place stands for financial security and social recognition. This could mean that she has a very solid and safe position here and that there is a great chance that her personal interests and needs could be satisfied here.
As the site lies in the first degrees of the zodiac sign Gemini it falls in the sixth house of her birth chart. This may indicate that the place stands for a situation comparable to one of an employed worker and could mean that her decisions may be influenced by other people.
Since the second house stands for the urge for financial security and the sixth house for safety concerns and existential fears this whole constellation can be evaluated as symptomatic of a situation in which material interests and the protection of one`s social position are the most important personal motives here.
Prunksall der Wiener Nationalbiliblithek neben der Wiener Hofburg. Das gebäuse liegt so wie das Kunst- und Naturhistorische Museum in der Kombination Waage mit Zwillinge photo: Richard Hopkins, ccbysa2.0
The Fukushima Event in Astrogeography. Mundane astrology and astrogeography: the Fukushima tsunami of 2011 and the nuclear meltdown of the Fukushima reactor.
The Ishtar Gate of Babylon in Astrology. The astrogeographical position of the procession street and gate at the ancient City of Babylon. Related articles: The Ishtar Temple of Mari, Architecture and…
The abundance and tendency for inflationary repetition of ornamentation may be examined as a symptom of the combination of Sagittarius with Libra ph: Colegota, ccbysa2.5