Astrology & Magical Places: Joshua Tree National Park

Astrology & Magical Places: Joshua Tree National Park Related articles: George Van Tassels Integraton Project at Joshua Tree, California Joshua Tree National Park in southeastern California is a U.S. National Park since 1994 National Monument…

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Astrogeographical Data for large Automobile Companies

Astrogeographical Data for large Automobile Companies - Astrology, Economy & Life-Style: an introduction to the astrology of automobile companies and the foundation chart for Tesla Motors Inc. The table below shows the astrogeographical…

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The Chicxulub Crater in astrogeography

The Chicxulub Crater in astrogeography Astrology, places & history: The Chicxulub Crater in astrogeography From the wikpedia article: The Chicxulub crater is an impact crater buried underneath the Yucatán Peninsula in…

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The Istanbul Atatürk Airport Attack on 28 June 2016

The Istanbul Atatürk Airport Attack on 28 June 2016 Astrology & Terrorist Attacks: Pluto`s 3-year tansit over Istanbul and the Istanbul Atatürk Airport Attack on 28 June 2016 in astrology…

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Read more about the article A Fountain of Neptune in the Signs of Mars
Fountain of Neptune in Trento located in Aries with Scorpio photo: Idéfix, GNU/FDL

A Fountain of Neptune in the Signs of Mars

A Fountain of Neptune in the Signs of Mars. Astrology & Art: A Fountain of Neptune located in Aries with Scorpio Related articles: Neptune as a Guardian in Virginia Beach, Neptune…

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Neptune staking claims in Taurus

Astrology & Art: Neptune staking claims in Taurus The astrogeographical position of Neptune fountain at Boroboli Gardens in Taurus with Libra The "Taurus-Neptune" at Boboli Gardens appears to be staking claims…

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The coldness of the Capricorn plus Scorpio combination in astrogeography

The coldness of the Capricorn plus Scorpio combination in astrogeography Astrology, architecture & places: an astrogeographical analysis of the architecture and atmosphere of Ludwigskirche in Munich  The image above shows…

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Astrology & Places: Gorilla Harambe Shot Dead in Cincinnati Zoo

Astrology & Places: Gorilla Harambe Shot Dead in Cincinnati Zoo I read a blog "Astrology and the death of Harambe the Gorilla" by astrologer Matthew Currie providing relevant time data.…

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Read more about the article Paris and France in Political Astrology
Élysée Palace - the seat of the Presidents of France is located in

Paris and France in Political Astrology

Paris and France in Political Astrology & Astrogeography: important birth + foundation charts of France and the astrogeography of its capital Paris. Related articles: Macron, De Gaulle, Sarkozy and the Élysée-Palace,…

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Kim Tuccis quintuplets born on 28 January 2016

Kim Tuccis quintuplets born on 28 January 2016., The astrology and astrogeography of natal charts combined: the birth chart for 5 babies at a time and the astrogeographical position of the hospital…

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Read more about the article The polarity of Aquarius with Scorpio
Dome and Tower of the Oscar Niemeyer International Cultural Centre - an example for the polarity of Scorpio with Aquarius photo: FDV ccbysa3.0

The polarity of Aquarius with Scorpio

The polarity of Aquarius with Scorpio. Astrology, architecture and design: On the astrogeography of Oscar Niemeyer International Cultural Centre in Aviles, Spain. Related articles: Die Brasilianische Kultarchitektur im Stile Oscar…

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Read more about the article Astrology, Art and Sacred Sites: Chennakesava Temple
Ornate doorjamb, lintel and guardians (Jaya and Vijaya) of the shrine of the Hindu god Vishnu in Chennakeshava temple at Belur Chennakesava Temple located right in between Libra & Scorpio with the 2nd coordinate in Scorpio too photo: Charles Haynes,ccbysa2.0

Astrology, Art and Sacred Sites: Chennakesava Temple

Astrology, Art and Sacred Sites: Chennakesava Temple. An astrogeographical analysis of the position in Scorpio the sign of sculpting and courtly sign Libra Compare: Scorpio as the sign of sculpting, Libra…

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The Terrorist Attack in Istanbul on 19 March 2016

The Terrorist Attack in Istanbul on 19 March 2016  Astrology, Terrorism and  & Places: ta short analysis of the astrological and astrogeographical data and circumstances of the suicide bombing attack…

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Astrology & Sacred Sites: The Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu

Astrology & Sacred Sites: The Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu.  On the astrogeographical position of the famous Shiva temple in the capital city of Nepal. Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu, Nepal is…

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Read more about the article A rupture of the major faultlines on the US West Coast
The key principle of plate tectonics is that the lithosphere exists as separate and distinct tectonic plates, which float on the fluid-like (visco-elastic solid) asthenosphere. The relative fluidity of the asthenosphere allows the tectonic plates to undergo motion in different directions. (source wikimedia)

A rupture of the major faultlines on the US West Coast

A rupture of the major faultlines on the US West Coast. Astrology, Events & Places: A rupture of the major faultlines on the US West Coast occurred on February 25…

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The British EU Referendum on 23 June 2016 in astrogeography

The British EU Referendum on 23 June 2016 in astrogeography  Astrology, Politics & History: The British EU Referendum on 23 June 2016 and an evaluation of future transits of the outer…

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