Read more about the article Astrology and Sacred Sites: The Temple of Hathor at Dendera
Zodiaque de Denderah - Période ptolémaïque et romaine - Musée du Louvre

Astrology and Sacred Sites: The Temple of Hathor at Dendera

Astrology and Sacred Sites: The Temple of Hathor at Dendera Hathor Temple at Dendera is located between Capricorn and Aquarius and in Virgo              …

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Icelandic native religion headquarters in the constellation of Capricorn with Scorpio

Icelandic native religion headquarters in the constellation of Capricorn with Scorpio Astrology and Places: The Mountain Sanctuary of Göbekli Tepe,   Hallgrímskirkja, Reykyavik located in Aquarius with Aries,  The Oldest Extant Parliament…

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Read more about the article The combination of Virgo with Leo in chapels
Thanksgiving Chapel - Dallas located in Sagittarius with Leo photo: RadicalBender, ccbysa3.0

The combination of Virgo with Leo in chapels

The combination of Virgo with Leo in chapels. Astrology, architecture and design: the astrogeographical position of Thanksgiving Chapel in Dallas. Related articles: Box-like forms in Virgo, Virgo and Gemini – The…

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Read more about the article Sun Temples in Astrology
Sun Temple of Niuserre at Abu Ghurob located in the constellation of the warrior caste Aries with Capricorn

Sun Temples in Astrology

Sun Temples in Astrology. Astrology, Astrogeography and Sacred Sites: a comparative study of the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Sun temples. Important Sun Temples in astrogeography: Sagittarius with Leo for the site…

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Astrology and Astrogeography for Holidays, Travelling, Booking a Hotel

Astrology and Astrogeography for Holidays, Travelling, Booking a Hotel - Find auspiscious regions, cities, holiday resorts with the astrological worldmap online service ASTROGEOTRAVEL - Astrogeographical Travel ServiceCheck out our new app!!!  Use our new online service  and app for my Astrological…

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Read more about the article Temples of the Sun and the Planets in India
This is a wheel engraved in the 13th century built Konark Sun Temple in Orissa, India. The temple is designed as a chariot consisting of 24 such wheels. Each wheel has a diameter of 9 feet 9 inches with 8 spokes. Each wheel acts as a sun dial and the various engravings shows the daily activity of people at different hours of the day

Temples of the Sun and the Planets in India

Temples of the Sun and the Planets in India. Astrology and Sacred Sites: temples related to astrology and the planets in astrogeography. Related articles: The Navagraha Temples for the planets in Hindu…

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The Navagraha Temples for the Planets in Hindu Astrology

Astrology and Sacred Sites: The Navagraha Temples for the planets in Hindu Astrology and other places related to Nadi Astrology Navagraha temples are temples devoted to Navagraha - the nine…

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Read more about the article The Sacred Mountains of China in Astrology
Sunrise at Emei Shan. photo: Staceynyx, ccbysa3.0

The Sacred Mountains of China in Astrology

The Sacred Mountains of China in Astrology. Astrology and Sacred Sites: the astrogeographical positions and energetical topics of the Sacred Mountains of China Related articles: Astrogeographical position of Beijing, The Forbidden…

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Read more about the article The Legendary Shaolin Monastery
Chinese Martial Arts at Shaolin Monastery photo: Shawn Xiangyang Liu, GNU/FDL

The Legendary Shaolin Monastery

The Legendary Shaolin Monastery. Astrology and magical places: the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the famous Shaolin monastery Related articles: Astrogeographic position of Beijing, Sagittarius and Capricorn – The Forbidden City in…

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Read more about the article The Longmen Grottoes at Luoyang
Buddha statues at the Luoyang Grottoes ph: Anagoria, GFDL

The Longmen Grottoes at Luoyang

The Longmen Grottoes at Luoyang. Astrology and sacred sites of Buddhism: some of the finest examples of ancient chinese art: the Longmen Grottoes. Video: China World Heritage List – Longmen…

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Read more about the article White Horse Temple – The first Buddhist Temple in China
White Horse statue at the entrance of the White Horse Temple in Luoyang inPhoto: Joshua W ccbysa2.0

White Horse Temple – The first Buddhist Temple in China

The White Horse Temple - The first Buddhist Temple in China. Astrology, mysticism & temples: on the astrogeography of the White Horse Temple and Longmen grottoes at Luyang. Related articles:…

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Astrogeographical positions of the largest cities in 1500

Astrogeographical positions of the largest cities in 1500. The astrology of urban centers, culture and architecture. The biggest cities worldwide in astrology Related: Astrogeographic positions of the largest cities worldwide,…

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Astrological-Geomantical study of the new government quarter in Berlin

Astrological-Geomantical study of the new government quarter in Berlin. Astrology, Astrogeography  and Astrological Geomancy: "Astrological-geomantical study of the new construction of the government quarter in Berlin" Excerpt from the book: …

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Read more about the article Astrogeography of largest cities worldwide
Largest Cities worldwide in 2014 and their Astrogeographic positions for field level 1

Astrogeography of largest cities worldwide

Astrogeography of largest cities worldwide. On the astrology and astrogeographical positions of large urban centers, mega-cities and metropolitan regions. Compare this article to: Astrogeographical positions of the largest cities in…

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