The European Union in Political Astrology
The Astrological Chart for the EU and its Parliament
The Astrological Chart for the EU and its Parliament
The 2nd Tallest Building in the World: Tokyo Sky Tree Tower
Catherine the Great at the Winterpalace in Saint Petersburg
Louis XIV`s constellation at Versailles Palace
Venus rising in Aquarius: The Cheljabinsk Meteorite in Astrology
The Eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991
Astrology, Art and the Morphogenetic Field: Dublin Spire
Waterloo and Austerlitz - Napoleon`s Astrogeographical Constellations
Libra and Scorpio - The Buddhas of Bamyan
Cancer and Sagitarius - the magic Spring of Lourdes
Libra and Gemini - The Constellation of the White House
Pisces and Pisces – The Mahabodhi Tree in Bodh Gaya
Aquarius and Leo – The Capital of the Sun God Aton
Libra and Pisces - The Bin Laden Hideout
Origin of the Inca Gold - Pyramid City of Túcume
Libra and Libra - The Region of Fukushima
Aries and Taurus - CERN and the Large Hadron Collider
The place above which the Hiroshima bomb exploded
The Haiti Earthquake on 12 January 2010
Aquarius and Taurus - The Deep Water Horizon Incident Astrology, Events & Places: The Deep Water Horizon Incident in astrogeography The explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilling plattform took place on…