
Cities in  astrology and astrogeography.  This category gives you access to  a collection of over 200 articles on the interpretation of astrogeographical positions of places and what they explain about the location, atmosphere, energetical qualities and characteristics of metropolitan regions,  urban centers,  towns,  parts of towns, villages and other forms of settlements.

Every town on our planet  has a particular unique quality which can be investigated by the way its location is embedded in the overall landscape.  My astrological world map calculation system calculates the astrological position allowing to compare the difference between  town and what it means for our personal relationship  to that place.

Astrogeography can help us understand which fields of life are supported by a place.  meaning that we differentiate between  a town that stimulates income, one that stimulates family life and  another that supports opening up for relationship and meet new partners.

This category contains articles  on:

Example 1:   Political capitals in Mundane and Political Astrology

An important field is the use of this type of astrology in the interpretation of planet transit in relation to capitals, governments and the foundation charts of nations, companies, organisations, political parties and others. 

Example 2:  Astrogeographical positions of the largest cities in 100 CE

Largest Cities worldwide in 100 AD
List of astrogeographical positions of the Largest agglomerations worldwide in the year 100 AD calculated  for morphogenetic field level 1 (region, global resonance)

Example 3:  Astrogeographical positions of the largest cities worldwide

Largest Cities worldwide in 2014
Astrogeographic positions of the largest agglomerations worldwide in 2014 calculated  for morphogenetic field level 1 (region, global resonance)
Read more about the article Meenakshi Aman Temple in astrology
Meenakshi Temple in Madurai is located in the combination of Pisces with Capricorn photo: எஸ்ஸார், ccbysa3.0

Meenakshi Aman Temple in astrology

Meenakshi Aman Temple in astrology. Astrology & Sacred Sites: Meenakshi Aman the temple of temples. A short interpretation of the astrogeographical position of the famous temple in Tamil Nadu, South…

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Read more about the article The Warsaw Ghetto in astrogeography
Warsaw Ghetto: Zelaznej Bramy (Iron Gate) Square, ghetto wall and Lubomirski palace ph: german archives, Knobloch, Ludwig, ccbysa3.0 

The Warsaw Ghetto in astrogeography

The Warsaw Ghetto in astrogeography. Political astrology, history & astrogeography: The astrogeographical resonance degrees of the Warsaw Ghetto Related articles: Astrogeographical positions of Warsaw, Berlin, Moscow, Stalingrad The Warsaw Ghetto Warsaw…

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Read more about the article The astrogeographical position of Stalingrad
Stalingrad - Russian soldier waving the red flag at Stalingrad on the day of the victory against Nazi-Germany Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-W0506-316 Georgii Zelma, ccbysa 3.0

The astrogeographical position of Stalingrad

The astrogeographical position of Stalingrad. Astrology, History and places: the astrogeogrphical resonance degrees of one of the decisive battle fields in World War 2. Compare: The Astrogeographical position of Berlin, Moscow,…

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Read more about the article Astrology & Sacred Sites: Templo Mayor in Mexico City
Mexico City - Palacio Nacional. Mural by Diego Rivera showing the life in Aztec times image: COM:FOP#Mexico, GNU/FDL

Astrology & Sacred Sites: Templo Mayor in Mexico City

Astrology & Sacred Sites: Templo Mayor in Mexico City and the Astrogeographic Position of Tenochtitlan Reconstruction of the Templo Mayor of Tenochtitlan located in the first degrees of Gemini and the…

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The Mystical Buddhist University of Nalanda in Astrogeography

The mystical buddhist university of Nalanda in astrogeography. astrology, astrogeography, history and magical places. Nalanda University located in Sagittarius with Taurus photo: Prince Roy, ccbysa2.0 Nalanda was a large buddhist…

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Astrology and Architecture: a Skyscraper designed as a Dragon

Astrology and Architecture: a Skyscraper designed as a Dragon - Scorpio as the sign of dragons, sculpting, imaging, visualization and iconical use of symbols Related articles: Scorpio as the Sign of…

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Astrogeographical positions of the largest cities in 1500

Astrogeographical positions of the largest cities in 1500. The astrology of urban centers, culture and architecture. The biggest cities worldwide in astrology Related: Astrogeographic positions of the largest cities worldwide,…

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Astrological-Geomantical study of the new government quarter in Berlin

Astrological-Geomantical study of the new government quarter in Berlin. Astrology, Astrogeography  and Astrological Geomancy: "Astrological-geomantical study of the new construction of the government quarter in Berlin" Excerpt from the book: …

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Read more about the article Astrogeography of largest cities worldwide
Largest Cities worldwide in 2014 and their Astrogeographic positions for field level 1

Astrogeography of largest cities worldwide

Astrogeography of largest cities worldwide. On the astrology and astrogeographical positions of large urban centers, mega-cities and metropolitan regions. Compare this article to: Astrogeographical positions of the largest cities in…

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Read more about the article Astrogeographical positions of the largest cities in 100 CE
List of astrogeographical positions of the Largest Cities worldwide in the year 100 AD

Astrogeographical positions of the largest cities in 100 CE

Astrogeographical positions of the largest cities in 100 CE. The astrology of urban culture and development of urban centers Related articles: Astrogeographic positions of the largest cities in 1500, Astrogeographical…

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Read more about the article The Merlion in Singapore as a guardian of good feng shui
The Merlion located in position of a guardian in the first degrees of Capricorn and in Aries photo: fad3away, ccbysa2.0

The Merlion in Singapore as a guardian of good feng shui

The Merlion in Singapore as a guardian of good feng shui. Astrology, sculptures & feng shui: The Merlion in Singapore as a guardian of the city and the relationship between…

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Read more about the article Lion statues in astrogeographical field study
Lion sculpture at the Citadelle of Belfort locaed in the first degrees of Virgo and on the first degree of Cancer phor: Thomas Bresson license: ccbysa2.0

Lion statues in astrogeographical field study

Lion statues in astrogeographical field study. Astrology, Art and sculpting: on the typology of lion statues and what their position reveals about their functions. Related articles: Scorpio as the sign…

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Read more about the article The San Francisco Earthquakes in astrogeography
San Francisco Mission District burning in the aftermath of the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906

The San Francisco Earthquakes in astrogeography

The San Francisco earthquakes in astrogeography. Astrology and earthquakes: the position of Uranus near the MC-IC axis during the San Francisco earthquakes of 1906 and 1989. Related articles: San Francisco…

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