America in my astrology and astrogeography Blog. This category contains articles on important and fascinating topics of culture, history, architecture, politics, religion and more regarding the  North and South of the Americas.

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Among them are those that introduce the foundation charts of the USA, Brazil, Mexico,  Peru, Canada and Cuba  along with the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of their capitals.

Examples: The astrogeographical position of Ottawa, Havana and Cuba in astrology,   

North American Capitals in astrology
The astrogeographical positions of capitals of the former Spanish colonies reveal an intense resonance with the astrogeograühical resonance coordinates of the Spanish capital Madrid: North American and Caribbean Capitals in astrology
Read more about the article The USA and Washington in Astrology & Astrogeography
Astrogeographical Transit History for Washington and the USA 1985 - 2032

The USA and Washington in Astrology & Astrogeography

The USA and Washington in Astrology & Astrogeography. Planetary transits in relation to the capital, government and center of the national morphic field of the USA. Cornerstone articles: Pluto Transits…

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Read more about the article Madrid and Spain in Political Astrology
Urban panorama of Azca, Madrid ph: FDV, ccbysa3.0

Madrid and Spain in Political Astrology

Madrid and Spain in Political Astrology & Astrogeography. Planet Transits for Madrid in important national charts and events in the history of Spain. Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A -…

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Read more about the article Checkerboard Mesa and the combination of Scorpio with Gemini
Checkerboard Mesa in astrology: Checkerboard Mesa is a great example for the fortresslike shape of a rock in Scorpio photo: Daniel Mayer, ccbysa3.0

Checkerboard Mesa and the combination of Scorpio with Gemini

Checkerboard Mesa and the combination of Scorpio with Gemini. The astrogeographical position of magical and sacred places. Related articles: Scorpio in astrogeography, The Cliffs of Moher in astrogeography, Acoma Pueblo, Crazy Horse…

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Read more about the article Astrology & Sacred Sites: Templo Mayor in Mexico City
Mexico City - Palacio Nacional. Mural by Diego Rivera showing the life in Aztec times image: COM:FOP#Mexico, GNU/FDL

Astrology & Sacred Sites: Templo Mayor in Mexico City

Astrology & Sacred Sites: Templo Mayor in Mexico City and the Astrogeographic Position of Tenochtitlan Reconstruction of the Templo Mayor of Tenochtitlan located in the first degrees of Gemini and the…

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Relámpago del Catatumbo – the Eternal Lightning

Relámpago del Catatumbo - the Eternal Lightning. Astrology, Nature, Weather Phenomena & Places: on the astrogeographical position of the region of the Catatumbo lightning phenomenon in the combination of fire…

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Read more about the article The Cathedral of Brasilia in Leo with Pisces
Blue waves on the ceiling of the Cathedral of Brasilia photo: Leandro Neumann Ciuffo, ccbysa2.0

The Cathedral of Brasilia in Leo with Pisces

The Cathedral of Brasilia in Leo with Pisces. Astrology, architecture & design: the astrogeographical position of the Cathedral of Brasilia  Related articles: The Temple Mount at Jerusalem, The Birth Place of Jesus…

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Read more about the article Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone at the “Basic Instinct House”
Director, producer and stars Sharon Stone, Jeanne Tripplehorn and Michael Douglas at the 1992 Cannes Film Festival. photo: Georges Biard license: ccbysa3.0

Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone at the “Basic Instinct House”

Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone at the “Basic Instinct House”

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Read more about the article The White House Building in Astrology
White House north facade located in Libra with Gemini photo: Cezary p, ccbasy4.0

The White House Building in Astrology

Libra and Gemini - The Constellation of the White House

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Read more about the article The Pyramid of Kukulcán in Chichén Itzá
Kukulkan at its finest during the March Equinox. Chichen Itza Equinox March 2009. The famous descent of the snake at the temple. source,

The Pyramid of Kukulcán in Chichén Itzá

Virgo and Aquarius - Pyramid of Kukulcán in Chichén Itzá

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Read more about the article Mount Rushmore National Memorial in Astrology
Mount Rushmore Memorial in Astrology: the site is located in the combination of Leo with Capricorn

Mount Rushmore National Memorial in Astrology

Mount Rushmore National Memorial in Astrology. Capricorn & Leo: The astrogeographical position of the memorial in South Dakota Related articles: Leo in Astrogeography, Capricorn in Astrogeography, Crazy Horse Memorial in Scorpio the…

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Read more about the article Pueblo Bonito in Astrology and Astrogeography
 Pueblo Bonito has both coordinates in Capricorn photo: Bob Adams, Albuquerque, NM, license: ccsa3.0

Pueblo Bonito in Astrology and Astrogeography

Capricorn and Capricorn - Pueblo Bonito in New Mexico

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