Christo Redentor and other statues of Jesus in astrology. Astrology, art and temples: the astrology and astrogeography of the Christo Redentor statue in Rio.
Related articles: An astrogeographical Typology of the cult of St. Mary. Gemini and Scorpio – Jesus in Transsylvania, Scorpio as the sign of sculpting, Leo and Scorpio – The Statue of Liberty, The Christ of the Abyss statue in Scorpio the sign of the underworld, The Birth Place of Jesus in Pisces and Sagittarius, The Cathedral of Brasilia in Leo with Pisces. Oscar Niemeyer architecture in astrology.
Christo Redentor and other statues of Jesus in astrology

ph: Gustavo Facci, ccbysa2.0
The statue of Christ the Redeemer (Christo Redentor) statue was constructed on a mountain named Corvocado that overviews the city of Rio de Janeiro. The 30 m tall sculpture built of reinforced concrete rests on an 8 meter pedestal witch gives room to a chapel for 150 people. Its head and hands were designed and made by the French sculptor Paul Landowski in his studio near Paris. Jesus is holding his arms and hands standing straight to the left and right as if representing a cross.
Astrogeographic position of the Christ the Redeemer statue for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the way the sculpture is embedded in the landscape: the construction site has one coordinate in highly energetical. magnetic, self-centered, royal fire sign Leo the sign of the sun, light, heart, power stations, self-esteem and most important astrological resonator of french culture. The 2nd coordinate lies in highly alert, defensive water sign Scorpio the sign of sculpting, imaging, visualization, steel, metalworking, welding, the underworld, giants and indicator for the large colossal shape of the statue.
The fact that the Christo Redentor statue is located in the same sign combination in which the Statue of Liberty in New York was constructed delivers the equation for an interpretation that explains the contrast between North and Sout American cultural roots through the difference between a symbol of emancipation (Statue of Liberty) in the North American culture as a parallel to the South American state cult created through the christianization (Christo Redentor) of the South American continent.
In astrological typology Leo as well as Scorpio are defined as “fixed” signs, which means that they share their common resonance with relative durability and physical largeness. As in the case of Mount Rushmore Memorial the subjectivist, self-centered fire sign Leo may be an explanation for the motivation for such an ambitious and grand scale type object of art. The presence of the sign of Leo may even be seen as a condition for the sculptured image to gain a certain liveliness, and be – at least to some extent – convincing to an observer.
The statue of Christo Redentor is one of a large number of examples for astrogeographical positions of sculptures where Scorpio appears as the sign of the stone-masonry and blacksmith trades together with large or colossus-like sculptures.
The Inauguration Chart of Christo Redentor of Rio de Janeiro

- The Christo Redentor statue was unveiled on October 12, 1931 when the astrogeographical positions of the construction site were occupied by the Moon and Mars in Scorpio and Jupiter in Leo.
- the square position between Saturn in solid, conservative, traditionalist, strict earth sign Capricorn the sign of government institutions and Uranus the planet of holistic emancipation, self-finding and revolution in Aries the sign of action, speed, warfare explains the erection of the statue under the conflict between official state cult and the potential for independent development and self-liberation of the Brazilian nation.
- The Saturn – Uranus square is symptomatic of the situation of the South American Catholic Church between a religion of political self-liberation that seeks to connect with the aspect of revolution of the original Jesus Christ and the use of Christianism for the purposes of the European State cult.
- Whereas all other planets and the aspects they stand for appear as more or less connected with each other – mainly through the extreme tension of the Grand Cross between Saturn-Uranus-Pluto and the Sun and Mercury positions and aggressive Mars – Jupiter square Neptune the actual planet of spirituality stands alone and unaspected and somewhat untouched.
A lightning stroke the famous Christo Redentor Statue in Rio de Janeiro damaging its right thumb on January, 16, 2014.

- The statue is located at about 3° of the water sign Scorpio and 2 ° of the fire sign Leo.
- The resonance coordinates of the site therefore fall in exact square with each other, indicating a place of controversial energies in the flow of energies inside the morphic surface field. This may be investigated as a reason why the the place offers such an elevated and strategically important site in the landscape.
- The North Node as indicator of aims and outcomes was in exact transit of Christo Redentor`s position at 3° Scorpio and in square to the position at 2° Leo. This position may be examined as an explanation why and how the time quality of the day and moment delivered the lightning right onto the construction site of the Christo Redentor statue.
- Mars the astrological indicator for thumbs was challenged by an intense square with Venus the planet of physical and sexual attraction. This suggests that the incident is to be seen as a manifestation of last week`s intense tension between the male and female elements.
- The square position between Uranus (holistic human potentials) and Pluto (patterns of role conduct and hierarchy between men and women) the definite aspect of castration suggests that the discharge of stored energies and information enacted by the lightning related to unsolved conflicts and blocks of cultural, political and social development between women and men.
- The meaning of the transit of the Moon`s North Node over Christo Redentor`s position indicates that the tension between the male and female aspects was to be released through the expressing or at least taking into consideration of personal, subjective, individualistic, authentic emotions.
Statues of Jesus in the 12 signs
Jesus in Leo and Libra
Christ the King statue at Świebodzin
Te 3 m tall crown of the Christ the King statue in Świebodzin, Poland stands 52 m high above the ground of the surrounding area, 33 m of which taken by the sculpture and 29 m by the mound it is placed on. The statue alone is therefore 3 m taller than the Christo Redentor of Rio de Janeiro. The construction was completed on 6 November 2010.
Jesus is holding is harms and turned upwards in a posture of raising the awareness of watchers up to sth. higher. His hands are above his shoulders in a position that may seem somewhat straining to a human body not made from concrete.

ph: MOs810, ccbysa4.0
Astrogeographic position of the Christ the King statue for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position) which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the sculpture itself: one coordinate is located on the first degree of highly magnetic, royal fire sign Leo the sign of the sun, light, heart, power plants, glorification, self-centeredness, royalty, luxury, magnificence, sexuality emotional self-expression. As the sign of kingdom it reflects the glorification of Christ as a worldly king with a golden crown. As the sign of light Leo resonates with the aspect of Jesus as a personification, incarnation, representative and bringer of light. The 2nd coordinate is located in service orientated, aristocratic air sign Libra the sign of harmony, balance, beauty, symmetry, decoration, naive painting, stage presentation, openness, love relationship, marriage, angels and of empathy.
Astrogeographic position of the Christ the King statue for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the way the sculpture is embedded in the landscape of the City of Świebodzin: the construction site and surrounding area have one coordinate in solid, fixed water sign Scorpio the sign of sculpting, imaging, iconography, dogma, monumentalism, steel, metal working, photography and the technical aspects of art production, The 2nd coordinate of the area around the construction site is located in air sign Libra pointing at the function of the statue as a stage presentation aimed at providing a descoration and visual axis above the horizon of the landscape.
Christ the King Statue at Dili, East-Timor
Cristo Rei of Dili is a 27 metre tall statue of Jesus on a globe in Dili, East Timor that was inaugurated on 15 October 1996.
Jesus is depicted in the gesture of openness and reception.

Astrogeographical position of the Christ Rei of Dili statue for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position) which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the sculpture itself: the construction site has one coordinate in service orientated, aristocratic air sign Libra the sign of harmony, balance, beauty, symmetry, decoration, naive painting, stage presentation, openness, love relationship, empathy, marriage and of angels. Libra stands for the expression of readiness to receive and be open to helping others.
The 2nd coordinate is on the last degree of dynamic, male fire sign Aries the sign of action, speed. mobilization, warfare, sports, erection and new starts indicating the focus on doing, undertakings and the readiness to stand firm and upright. The position right on the cusp between Aries and earth sign Taurus the sign of possession of territories resonates with the issue of defending the rights of the Christian population of East Timor for the right for their own religion.
Jesus in Capricorn
The Christ of Havanna Statue in Cuba
The Christ of Havana, Cuba is a 20 m tall white Carrara Marble sculpture on a hilltop overlooking the bay in Havana, Cuba. It was created by Cuban sculptor Jilma Madera born 18 September 1915 with Sun in Virgo. The statue was built from 67 blocks of marble personally blessed by Pope Pius XII. The Christ of Havana is standing in the “Canal de Entrada” into the harbor of Havanna facing the city and not the sea with his hands in the gesture of preaching. The Christ of Havanna so stands in a guardian position but not of the incoming spirits from the sea but rather in the direction of the people in Havanna. His face may be found to show a serious and somewhat empty expression.

Astrogeographical position of the Christ of Havanna statue for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position) which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the sculpture itself: the sculpture has one coordinate in highly imaginativ, mystic, spiritual water sign Pisces the sign of spirituality, temples, mystification, dreaming, unconscious, unknown, subtle, invisible and of the ocean. Pisces reflects the atmosphere of a temple as a place of re-connection with spirituality and god.
The 2nd coordinate is in solid, traditionalist earth sign Capricorn the sign of rock, walls, impediments, white color, bones, skeletons, calcium, impersonal perspectives, rules and regulations, stability, government institutions and state cult. In regard to the position at the entrance to the harbor the resonance coordinate in Capricorn reflects the function of the sculpture as a guardian. as in the case of the Little Mermaid sculpture in Copenhagen which too is located at the entrance to the harbor and in Capricorn.
The combination of Capricorn with Pisces explains the sculpture as a monument to spirituality and the sublime but also one for the purposes of official religious state cult. The combination of Capricorn as resonator of solid ground with Pisces as resonator of the ocean and open sea stands for the function of the statue to stabilize the relationship of the people on the shore with the waters, elements, living beings and spirits of the ocean. The important pioneer of astrological homeopathy Wolfgang Doebereiner has ranked dilutions of White Marble as ideal for treatments of Saturn – Neptune (combination of Capricorn with Pisces) related issues esp. osteoporosis.
Gemini with Scorpio
Jesus in Transsylvania
The sculpture “Jézus-szíve kilátó” (Heart of Jesus Lookout Tower) also called “Jesus of Hargita” was erected on a hilltop in near the town of Lupeni (hungarian: Farkaslaka) in Transsylvania in the year 2011. It is 22 m high, made of stainless steel and was designed by the sculptor Walter Zawaczky. The inauguration was celebrated on 17 August 2013.

ph: Istvan Kadar, ccbysa3.0
Astrogeographical position of the Heart of Jesus statue in Lupeni for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the sculpture itself here:The construction site is situated in the sign combination constellation of water sign Scorpio with air sign Gemini. Scorpio stands for the concept of colossal sculptures and for sculpture work in general. The air sign Gemini stands for the air inside the sculpture`s body and for the way its constructional details are displayed here. Among the 12 apostles of Jesus Thomas the so called “Unbeliever” is related to the aspect of Gemini. This does not mean that Thomas had no faith, but rather that he was trying to understand spiritual matters instead of mystifying them in the first place. Gemini does not stand for religious places because of its reflex to question beliefs and hierarchies in general. This does not necessarily mean that it has to exclude spirituality or that it is of no value for for a spiritual quest.
The traditionally accepted design of depicting religious or spiritual aspects of Jesus are not presented as the first and main elements of the sculpture, at least not in a traditional way. The concept of displaying how Jesus can be constructed of steel elements can bee seen as a criticism and provocation implying that the traditional image of Jesus is a construction and a hypothesis.
Gemini stands for ways, roads and tracks. Therefore the staircase inside the sculpture can be interpreted as an aspect of Gemini. In the same way the fact that the statue is not only there for looking at it, but for trying it out by moving inside and by taking a look at the world right through the eyes of Jesus, is an element of the sign of Gemini.
Jesus in Virgo and Gemini
Statue of Christ in the “Cerro del Cubilete”

ph: Zeratai, ccbysa4.0
Cerro del Cubilete is one of the most historically important religious shrines in Mexico and marks the country’s geographical center. The current round structure and base for the 23 metres tall statue was created by artist Nicholas Mariscal in 1944 to honour the struggle of the “Cristeros” in the so called period of anti-clericalism in Mexico during the first half of the twentieth century.
Jesus is holding his hands in a comparatively relaxed preaching posture with his hands towards the ground before him – as if concentrating on an earthly issue. It is remarkable that his 2 hands are designed differently.
Astrogeographical position of the Christ of Cerro de Cubilete statue for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position) which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the sculpture itself: the statue has one coordinate in air sign Gemini the sign of personal freedom, signposts, symbols, learning, antagonisms and of passing information. The position in Gemini is reflected by the playful twins at the feet of Jesus one holding the thorn crown the other showing the crown of earthly kingdom so picking up on the antagonism between the 2 poles of duality. Gemini stands for the signpost or advertizing function of sculptures as symbolical presentations of technically, politically, culturally and socially relevant information and of learning as such.
The 2nd coordinate is located in earth sign Virgo the sign of protected (behind the veil or hymen) places, celibacy, monks, reason, self-healing, self-cleaning, yoga culture, psychology, gardening and protection of nature. Virgo stands for the function of the statue of Jesus here as a protector of life and of healing psychological issues.
Cristo Redentor de los Andes
The Christ the Redeemer of the Andes (Cristo Redentor de los Andes) is a 7 m tall bronze-statue that was unveiled on 13 March 1904 at 3,832 metres altitude on a border pass named “La Cumbre” between Argentina and Chile as a symbol of the peaceful resolution of the border conflict between the two nations.
Jesus is depicted on a globe symbolizing the togetherness of all nations on the same planet and the brotherhood of humans and living beings. Jesus looks down onto the ground and “away” from the imaginary or ideal heavens.

Astrogeographical position of the Christ the Redeemer of the Andes statue for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position) which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the sculpture itself: the statue has one coordinate in air sign Gemini the sign of pathways, roads, road crossings, interfaces, media, signposts, symbols, learning, bridges between antagonisms and of passing information. The position in Gemini is stands for the site of the pass as a place of resonance of the connection between two antagonistic spheres of interest. Gemini stands for the signpost or advertising function of sculptures as symbolical presentations of technically, politically, culturally and socially relevant information and of learning. In this case for the communication, interface, connection and bridge between the two nations and territories.
The 2nd coordinate is located in earth sign Virgo the sign of protected (behind the veil or hymen) places, celibacy, monks, reason, self-healing, self-cleaning, yoga culture, psychology, gardening and protection of nature. Virgo stands for the function of the statue of Jesus here as a protector of life, reason, survival and of healing psychological issues.
Virgo with Aries
The Rising of the Christ of Tlalnepantla on the first degrees of Aries
The “Risen Christ of Tlalnepantla” to the North of the greater Mexico City Metropolitan region is a 33 m tall statue built on an artificial circular mound of 290 m diameter. It was created by Mexican sculptor David Gutiérrez Becerril with the palms of his hands held up to the sky in an attitude of receptivity, devotion or even surrender that may be found to depict the weighing of the weight of the world in his hands. The inauguration was held in 1981 the year of the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Libra that started the “Age of Globalization of the Digital Revolution” (1981-2159).
The statue and mound are part of a large cemetery area called “Jardines de Recuerdo” (Gardens of remembrance).

ph: Marco in flickr, ccbysa2.0
Astrogeographical position of the Risen Christ of Tlalnepantla statue for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position) which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the sculpture itself: the site has one coordinate in earth sign Virgo the sign of protected (behind the veil or hymen) places, celibacy, monks, reason, self-healing, self-cleaning, yoga culture, psychology, gardening and protection of nature. Virgo stands for the function of the statue of Jesus here as a protector of life, reason, survival and of healing psychological issues. Another fascination core issue may be examined here is the affinity of Virgo with storing and protecting objects, graveyards, conservation and mummification as in the Pyramids of Giza and the Valley of the Kings.
The 2nd resonance coordinate of the position of the statue itself is right next to the beginning of the zodiac on the first degrees of fire sign Aries the sign of new projects, beginnings, mobilization, erection, sports, action, speed, warfare and motivation for new projects. This position therefore resonates with the momentum of starting a new life or period, resurrection and getting up that the motif of the “Risen Christ” suggests.
Aries with Aquarius
Christ-Roi statue near Chamonix
The 25 m tall Christ the King (Christ-Roi) statue at Les Houches in the French Alpes was erected in 1933 looking south across the Chamonix valley facing the Mont Blanc Massif, Like nearly all super large sculptures it was built from steel enforced concrete.

Astrogeographical position of the Risen Christ of Tlalnepantla statue for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position) which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the sculpture itself: one resonance coordinate of the position of the statue itself is right next to the beginning of the zodiac on the first degrees of fire sign Aries the sign of beginnings, mobilization, erection, sports, action, speed, warfare and motivation for new projects.
The 2nd coordinate is located ride on the divide between solid, conservative earth sign Capricorn the sign of mountains, hardest rock, control, stability, government institutions and state cult and air sign Aquarius the sign the open sky, heaven, paradise, flying, self-liberation, revolution, rebellion and of leaving impediments behind. The divide between last last degree Capricorn the place of the highest mountain tops and the first degree of Aquarius the sign of the open sky relates to the place of elevation to heaven and of grounding the heavens.
Capricorn with Gemini
The Christ of the King statue of Almada

The Sanctuary of Christ the King statue dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ overlooks the city of Lisbon, from Almada (southern) side of the Tagus River inlet into the harbor of Lisbon, Portugal. The statue stands as a guardian right at the south end of 25 de Abril Bridge that connects the City of Lisbon with Almada.
Its construction was Inspired by the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro and it was erected to express gratitude because Portugal was spared the effects of World War II. Its inauguration was celebrated on 17 May 1959. The monument consists of a trapezoidal pedestal or throne of 82 metres height, formed by four arches and a flat platform, supporting the 28 metres tall, relatively miniature image of Christ. This aspect may be interpreted as a substantial effort to depict maximal honor,
The element of form of the throne of four arches on which the statue is placed should be examined as an element that resonates with Sagittarius role as the natural sign of arches and bows also with Gemini and even the astrological symbol for Gemini as the sign of duplication of single elements. Compare the example of the Gate of the Orient building in Souzhou, China located on the cardinal divide (30°Gemini) between Gemini and Cancer.

Astrogeographical position of the Christ the King statue at Almada for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position) which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the sculpture itself: the construction site of the tower has one resonance coordinate on the last degree of fire sign Sagittarius and next to the cardinal divide of the winter solstice at 0°Capricorn. This position directly relates to the issue of a guardian at the divide between two worlds. This resonance coordinate is similar to the astrogeographical position of the south end of Golden Gate Bridge that connects San Francisco with Sausolito. Compare my article: San Francisco and the divide between morphogenetic fields.
The 2nd coordinate is located on the last degrees of air sign Gemini the sign of roads, pathways, road crossings, bridges, connections, interfaces and of signposts, symbols, display of information and of advertisement. Gemini is symptomatic of the construction site directly at the side of a road and bridge.
Jesus in Scorpio and Sagittarius
Cristo de la Concordia
Cristo de la Concordia (Christ of Concord or Peace) atop San Pedro Hill 265 m above the City of Cochabamba, Bolivia is a 34.20 metres tall statue on a pedestal of 6.24 metres. The steel-enforced concrete statue surpluses the Christo Redentor of Rio de Janeiro by one meter. Construction was begun on 12 July 1987, and was completed 20 November 1994. It was modeled after the statue Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro by César and Wálter Terrazas Pardo.
The design appears as focused on the perfection of the form of the presented image itself rather than the characteristics, human expression or emotion of Jesus of Nazareth or the spiritual issues dealt with and represented by the Christ spirit. It so points at an abstraction or uniformity of a depicted ideal. It is the presentation of the appeal for majesty, dominance and control that makes out the perspective on Jesus Christ that is depicted here. The word and ideal of “concord” so appears to point at the status of perfect authority and control of the leader rather than for the concord between two antagonisms or partners.

Astrogeographical position of the Cristo de la Concordia statue for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position) which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the sculpture itself: the construction site has one coordinate in solid, fixed water sign Scorpio the sign of sculpting, imaging, iconography, dogma, monumentality, steel, welding, metal working, steel enforced concrete, robots, photography and technical aspects of art production.
The 2nd coordinate is in fire sign Sagittarius the sign of style, design, fashion, perspectives, composition, ornamentalism, caricature, observing, thinking, philosophy and of lookout towers.
The combination in two signs that relate to the mental body and to dealing with perception can be found here to draw away the attention from the human Jesus or Christ or the spiritual qualities that Jesus stood for. The focus here I think is on the importance of the authority of the name of the depicted principle or else of the image itself. This “functional subjectivism” may be examined as symptomatic for the signs of the mental sphere and may be found to not allow or even prohibit the allowance of depiction of human personality and individuality here.
“Salvador del Mundo” at the capital of El Salvador
The 18 m tall “Salvador del Mundo” statue at San Salvador the capital of El Salvador is a monument to the Divine Savior of the World. It was inaugurated on November 26, 1942 during a Sun-Venus-Mercury conjunction occupying the Sagittarius resonance coordinate and with Mars in the Scorpio coordinate of the site.

Astrogeographical position of the Cristo de la Concordia statue for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position) which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the sculpture itself: the construction site has one coordinate in solid, fixed water sign Scorpio the sign of sculpting, imaging, iconography, dogma, monumentality, steel, welding, metal working, steel enforced concrete, robots, photography and technical aspects of art production.
The 2nd coordinate is in fire sign Sagittarius the sign of style, design, fashion, perspectives, composition, ornamentalism, caricature, observing, thinking, philosophy and of lookout towers. As an indicator for round forms and balls Sagittarius stands for the globe on which Jesus is placed. The pointing gesture of the Index/Jupiter finger in palm reading relates to the aspects of Sagittarius as the ruling sign of Sagittarius and its affinity with preaching and explaining and with aiming and pointing at things.