Greek Gods in astrogeographical field study. On the astrogeographical positions of places related to greek gods and conclusions on the archetypes in mythology.
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Greek Gods in astrogeographical field study
It is commonly assumed that the modern, systemical 12 sign zodiac and its astrological interpretation were developed in Greek language and culture between 500 and 100 B.C..
The mythological inheritance of ancient Greek culture is the background on which modern astrology was developed. There are a number of aspects to it that allowed the emancipation of the human self image and consciousness that gave birth to the foundation of Greek science. This is the background on which I consider the astrological exploration of Greek mythology as an attempt of a re-ligion in the sense of re-tracing the mythological and psychological archetypes at the basis of the name-giving of astronomical and astrological planets and signs.
As there are no birth dates for the Greek gods it makes sense to try investigating into the astrological qualities of important places related to them in order to see which insights can be gained. I recommend my series of articles on the mythological birth places of
The astrogeographical qualities of important places related to gods can be interpreted as hints at the archetypes represented by them or else of their function in culture and society.

The Hathor Temple at Dendera hosts the oldest known representation of the 12-fold modern Greek zodiac. The astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the temple are located between earth sign Capricorn and air sign Aquarius and the 2nd coordinate in Virgo. The position between Capricorn (mountains, state cult)) and Aquarius (sky, heaven,stars) resonates with the central issue of astrology as to stabilize (Capricorn) the relationship between human karma and destiny (Capricorn) and the gods and stars in the sky.
Dionysos the god of wine and intoxication
Compare: The Eleusinian Mysteries in Pisces with Capricorn
Dionysos is the god of the grape-harvest, wine-making and wine drinking, of fertility, orchards and fruit, vegetation, insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, festivity and theater. Dionysos has an exoteric aspect as a god of wine and celebrations and an esoteric dimension as the god of spiritual ecstasy.
The Dionysos Temple at Pergamon

Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the temple itself: one coordinate is located in highly dynamic fire sign Sagittarius the sign of style, design, fashion, shamanism, priests, thinking, understanding, initiation, expansion, luck and happiness. The 2nd coordinate is in mystic, spiritual water sign Pisces the sign of imagination, dreaming, mystification, music, entertainment, movies, reconnecting with spirituality, temples, intoxication and parties.
The Dionysos Temple of Yria

One of the most important sanctuaries of ancient Naxos is the sanctuary of Dionysus at Yria located in the middle of the fertile valley of Livadi. The temple was probably developed out of the sanctuary of a female deity of nature opearted since the 14th century BC (Mycenean era).
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the temple itself: is in mystic, spiritual water sign Pisces the sign of imagination, dreaming, mystification, music, entertainment, movies, reconnecting with spirituality, temples, intoxication and parties.
The legendary Theater of Dionysos at Athens

The legendary Theater of Dionysos was constructed on the sitefrom around the mid- to late-sixth century BC, where it hosted the City Dionysia which marked a. The theatre reached its fullest extent in the fourth century BC under the epistates of Lycurgus when it would have had a capacity of up to 17,000, and was in continuous use down to the Roman period.

Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the temple itself: The legendary Theater of Dionysos has one coordinate in highly dynamic fire sign Sagittarius the sign of style, design, fashion, composition, caricature, thinking, observing, philosophy, hell and the cleansing fires and solid, exclusive earth sign Capricorn the sign of factual, effective reality, fate, karma, public space, authority, responsibility and competence. The 2nd coordinate too is in Capricorn.
Chronos the god of Time

Chronos (Saturn) was the personification of time in pre-Socratic Greek philosophy. He is either confused with, or perhaps consciously identified with, the Titan Cronus. In Greco-Roman mosaics Chronos was depicted as a man turning the Zodiac Wheel. Chronos might also be contrasted with the deity Aion as cyclical Time. Chronus played an important role in the mutiliation of Uranus.

The ancient Greek city of Tlos was one of the largest and most important Lycian settlements in the 1st millenium B.C. with an important sanctuary of Chronos the god of time.

ph: Dosseman, ccbysa4.0
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the temple itself: the site has one resonance coordinate in air sign Gemini sign of signposts, intelligence, learning, communication, road crossings, interfaces and symbols. Gemini relates to the function of Chronos as a practical coordinator of the interplay of the four seasons though not as their ruler. The 2nd coordinate is in highly alert, defensive water sign Scorpio sign of trauma, pain, role conduct, revenge, sculpting, imaging, visualization and the strife for dominance.
The same constellation as the site of the castration of Uranus through Chronos at Petra To Romiou on Cyprus. The astrogeographical parallel between these two places suggests that the constellation is archetypal for particular aspects of Chronos.
Astrogeographical position of the city of Tlos for morphogenetic field level 2 which describes the energetical topics of the whole town: both astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Tlos are located on the first degrees of solid, conservative earth sign Capricorn the sign of administration, governments, control, rules and regulations. Both resonance coordinates are thus located near the degree of the winter solstice or birthday of the sun in the northern hemisphere directly resonating the site to the central momentum of time-measurement and also to Saturn`s role as the ruler of time.
Eileithyia – Goddess of Birth
Compare: Lying or Flying – The Controversy between Taurus and Aquarius in Pisa
The Cave of Eileithyia – goddess of birth near Amnissos on the island of Crete is considered to represent the birth place of the goddess of birth. The cave is not located in Cancer the female sign of motherhood an pregnancy nor in Leo the sign that usually relates to the birth from the womb. There for the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of its position cannot be taken as a direct resonance with the archetype of a goddess of birth. The signs here are the two centrifugal and anti-centripetal signs Aquarius and Scorpio pointing at the topic of birth as a moment of separation and escape from the center of pre-natal life: the mother. It makes sense to me that these two signs rather relate Eileithyia the goddess of birth to the archetype of a midwife: Aquarius as a stimulator of letting go of fears, pains and tendencies of holding on to the past and Scorpio as a woman which is nor focused on her own motherhood and children but on the personification of fearlessness in traumatic situations – which I assume to be one of the most important abilities of a midwife.

Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the cave itself: the site has one coordinate in creative, innovative air sign Aquarius the sign of the sky, heaven, paradise, strong winds, orgasms, birth canals, flying, escaping, outcasts, inspiration and an indicator for flying semen, sperm and the deliverance of babies from heavenly realms. Aquarius relates to large birds esp. storks. The myth that babies are delivered by storks relates to the transport of the spiritual being into the material world. The second resonance coordinate is located in highly alert, solid, fixed water sign Scorpio the sign of the underworld, caves, the defense system, outlaws, trauma, pain and an indicator for a hormonal situation dedicated at preventing conception.
Hera between the Earth Mother and Housewife archetypes
The two most famous temples of Hera were the Heraion of Argos and the Heraion of Samos.
The Heraion of Samos as a school
The position of the Temple of Hera on the island of Samos indicates the function of a school and symbolical building dedicated at representing an outpost of Greek state cult.

Astrogeographical position of the Heraion of Samos for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the temple itself: the site of the main temple has one coordinate in solid, fixed water sign Scorpio the sign of fortresses, sculpting, imaging, visualization, hierarchy, patterns of gender related role conduct, trauma, pain, foreign territory and other people`s posessions and of nomad cultures. The 2nd coordinate is in practical air sign Gemini the sign of signposts, intelligence, information, learning, road crossings, connecting people and of technology. The combination does not relate to a temple site dedicated to spirituality, mythology, dreaming or meditation.
The fact that the Temple of the goddess Hera is located in the same sign combination as the site of the castration of Uranus at Petra to Romiou on Cyprus appears to be a resonance of the Hera archetype that relates to the earth mother goddess Gaia that ordered the castration of the god of the sky. A sanctuary located in the combination of Gemini (treachery, atheism) with Scorpio (traumatic defense) relates the mythological image of Hera celebrated here to one that might appear to be limited to the cheated housewife image of a woman busy punishing her husbands lovers.
The Heraion of Argos as a Temple dedicated to the Earth Mother
According to the explanation given in the wikipedia article “The memory was preserved at Argos of an archaic, aniconic pillar representation of the Great Goddess. The site, which might mark the introduction of the cult of Hera in mainland Greece, lies northeast of Argos between the archaeological sites of Mycenae and Midea.”
The astrogeographical topics of the Heraion of Argos fall in the combination of the two female signs Taurus and Cancer. It combines the sign of the earth with the sign of the uterus making the site an important example of a temple dedicated to an Earth Mother and/or Great Goddess archetype. An important astrogeographical parallel is the Hagia Sofia temple located in the same sign combination.

Astrogeographical position of the Heraion of Argos for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the whole of the larger sanctuary: one coordinate is in solid fixes earth sign Taurus sign of the earth, grounding, growing roots, possession of territory, food, agriculture and market places. The 2nd coordinate is in emotional water sign Cancer the sign of the moon, motherhood, fertility, pregnancy, conception and the uterus.
Poseidon the God of the Sea
Compare my article: The birth place of Poseidon.

The sanctuary of Poseidon at Onchestos
Onchestos at archeology wiki ———- Onchestos excavation project

The city of Onchestos in ancient Boeotia northwest of Thebes was founded by Onchestos a son of Poseidon. Onchestos built the famous sanctuary of Poseidon here that was mentioned in the Homeric Hymns. The sanctuary in Onchestos is one of the most ancient in Greece.
The excavation area here is located in the combination of dynamic male fire sign Aries the sign of action, speed, erection, mobilization, sports, physical strength and training, soldiers and warfare with fire sign Sagittarius sign of priests, philosophy, initiation, mental religion, preaching, shamanism, fire rituals, cleansing fires and the shamanic, ritualistic knowledge of the healing faculties.
The presence of a temple of Poseidon at a place located in Sagittarius the sign of rulership of Zeus may be found to support the theory that the two deities were developed out of one and the same original figure.
The Poseidon Sanctuary at Isthmia
The important Temple of Poseidon of Isthmia was located on the south side of the narrow land bridge which connects the Peloponnese peninsula with the rest of the mainland of Greece near the City of Corinth. It so guarded and protected the entrance to the Peloponnese. This important strategical location relates the temple to the role of Poseidon as the god of the sea and of sea travel and of naval warfare.

Astrogeographical position of the sanctuary of Poseidon at Isthmia for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the whole of the larger sanctuary: the temple of Poseidon at Isthmia is located right on the first degrees of highly alert fire sign Aries, the sign of action, speed, warfare, mobilization, military training, soldiers and sports. The location on the first degrees of Aries falls next to water sign Pisces the sign of astrological rulership of Poseidon/Neptune marking a temple of vigilance and protection against naval warfare. The 2nd coordinate is in highly magnetic, centralist, royal fire sign Leo sign of the sun, light, heart, kingdom and of power stations.

Nemesis also called Rhamnousia is the goddess who enacts retribution against those who succumb to hubris (arrogance before the gods). She is the executor of punishment for evil deeds and the taker of undeserved good fortune. The name Nemesis is related to the Greek word νέμειν némein, meaning “to give what is due”.

At the archaic sanctuary at Rhamnous in northeastern Attica Nemesis was worshiped as a daughter of Oceanus, the primeval river-ocean that encircles the world. Her iconic statue at Rhamnous included a crown of stags and little Nikes. It was made by Pheidias after the Battle of Marathon (490 BC), crafted from a block of Parianmarble brought by the overconfident Persians. Her cult may have originated at Smyrna.
The temple site is located around 10 km north-east of the supposed site of the Battle of Marathon on 12 September 490 B.C..

Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the temple itself: The sanctuary of Nemesis has one coordinate in holistic, mystic, spiritual water sign Pisces the sign of the ocean, mythology, mystification, dreaming, spirituality, self-healing and the final resolving and clearing of karmic issues through fate. Pisces also resonates with the depiction of Nemesis here as the daughter of Oceanus.
The 2nd resonance coordinate of the construction site stretches between emotional water sign Cancer the sign of the moon, motherhood, fertility, conception and the uterus and highly magnetic, emotional fire sign Leo sign of the sun, light, heart, power stations, self-expression, sexuality and birth.
A daughter of Zeus and Leto and twin sister of Apollon Artemis is the Greek goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, wild animals, the moon and chastity. She was the patron and protector of young girls, and was believed to bring disease upon women and relieve them of it. Artemis was worshipped as one of the primary goddesses of childbirth and midwifery along with Eileithyia.
The birth place on Delos
Artemis and Apollon were born on Kynthos (Artemis Cynthia) mountain on the sacred island of Delos. Artemis was born first and so was able to assist her mother Leto in the birth of her twin brother Apollon.

Kynthos mountain is supposed to have been the birth place of Artemis and Apollon. The whole of the mountain is located in the combination of female water sign Cancer the sign of motherhood, the moon, fertility, pregnancy, conception and the uterus with dynamic male fire sign Aries sign of action, speed, cult related to warfare, soldiers, erection, mobilization, physical strength and training for morphogenetic field level 3.
Cancer and Aries represent square elements and their competition may be examined as a possible constellation to reflect the competition between female and male twins and In regard to the astrological aspects of the Artemis and the Apollon archetypes Aries stands for Apollon as a warrior and a personification of male virtues while the Cancer quality of the Artemis archetype could be seen in aspects of emotional individuality and self-reliance.
The Artemis Temple of Ephesos

The Artemis Temple at Ephesus was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Artemis symbols were a bow and arrow, a quiver and hunting knives. The deer and the cypress were sacred to her. All these symbols point at the relationship of the Artemis archetype with fire sign Sagittarius the sign of hunting, arrow and bow and of cypresses. For the Sagittarius resonance with cypresses compare my article: The Zoroastrian Sarve or Cypress of Abarkhu.
The first shrine at Ephesos was attributed to the amazon queen Otrera. In the 7th century BC, it was destroyed by a flood. Its reconstruction from around 550 BC, under In the 7th century BC, it was destroyed by a flood. Its reconstruction, in more grandiose form, began around 550 BC, under the Cretan architect Chersiphron and his son Metagenes. The project was funded by Croesus of Lydia, and took 10 years to complete. This version of the temple was destroyed in 356 BC by Herostratus in an act of arson. Construction of the final version of the temple known as one of the 7 world wonders was begun in 323 B.C. In 268 AD, the temple was destroyed or damaged in a raid by the Goths.

ph: Zee Prime, GFDL
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 3 rounding area) which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the larger area around the temple: one coordinate of the site is located in highly magnetic, royal fire sign Leo sign of the sun, light, heart, power stations, magnificence, kingdom and luxury with fire sign Sagittarius the sign of hunting, shamanism, arrow and bow, style, design, fashion, success, expansion, growth, priests and of initiation. The combination of royal sign Leo with the highly expansive impact of Sagittarius explains the expansion of the strife for magnificence at the site.
The combination of Sagittarius with Leo describes the main abstract qualities of the archetypal twins Artemis (goddess of hunting) and Apollon (god of light).