Libra as the sign of symmetry. Astrology, architecture, art, cultural history and astrological psychology: the reflexes and topics of Libra concluded from the style, design and aesthetic concept of buildings in the experience of astrological field studies.
This article invites you to the magical world of advanced astrogeographical field study. It presents to you a collection of examples of buildings with one or more astrogeographical resonance coordinates in Libra. that show the symptomatic tendency of of Libra to strife for harmony and symmetry. The resonance coordinates for these buildings are calculated with my own astrological world map system. Please drop by every now and then to take a look and see how many more examples I have found.
More articles on astrology & architecture: Das Tierkreiszeichen Waage in der Astrogeographie, Lying or Flying – The Controversy between Taurus and Aquarius in Pisa Shaft, bow and balls in Sagittarius, Box-like forms in Virgo, Zaha Hadid, The Egg on top of Dali´s House in Cancer – and other examples for Cancer as the sign of eggs and the uterus, Cancer as the Sign of Seashells in architecture, The polarity of Aquarius with Scorpio, Characteristic features of Aries, Aries as the Sign of Unicellular Structures: Astrodome & Co, An astrogeographical history of skyscrapers.
The Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut – a masterpiece of flat, rectangular Libra architecture
The Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, also known as the Djeser-Djeseru (“Holy of Holies” and built for the Eighteenth Dynasty (1549 BC–1292 BC) pharaoh Hatshepsut is located near the Valley of Kings and the Karnak Temple of Luxor. The princess/queen Pharao Hatshepsut (meaning “Foremost of Noble Ladies”) lived between 1507–1458 BC. It is one of the oldest extant masterpieces of presentation of the architectural focus on horizontal symmetry and an archetypal example for the design that was developed in resonance with the ideals of air sign Libra over the last 4000 years.

Astrogeographical position of the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) which describes the energetical topics of the whole of the entirely symmetrical sanctuary: the sanctuary has one coordinate in aristocratic (noble), service orientated, female air sign Libra the sign of stage presentation, the horizon, the horizontal perspective as such, harmony, balance, justice, formal peace, symmetry, rectangular and square design, polarity, beauty, decoration, naive painting, relationship, love, marriage, princesses, dancing, prostitution. The 2nd coordinate is on creative innovative, spiritual air sign Aquarius sign of the sky, heaven, paradise, self-finding, fly, reconnection with the fuller potentials of human beings, creation and society and also with the spiritual plane. Aquarius is archetypal the topic of connecting earth and sky and the plane of the material world with the celestial abode of the gods. In contrast to Scorpio the sign of death, graveyards, the underworld and entrance into hell (Sagittarius) the position of the mortuary temples in the Valley of Kings Aquarius points at the reconnecting with the plane of immortality, the divine, higher self, spirit, metempsychosis and the cycle of reincarnation. The appeal to absolute symmetry of the architecture here relates to the position in Libra – whereas its contrast with the impressive, steep mountains behind the building should be seen as an aspect that resonates with Aquarius. For this feature compare also the position of St. Catherine Monastery at the Mount of Moses.

The royal palace at the Munich City Residenz of the House of Wittelsbach built between 1826 bis 1835 shows the typical shape and proportions of the of astrological symbol for Libra.

The exaltation of the center (Capricorn) over the wings (Libra) along with the focus on an emblematically ruling figurine in the very center are reflexes ro be related to the position in Capricorn while the muse/godess` female character along with the enhancement of status through the use of decorative display are to be examined as Libra related elements here.
Aspects of culture that relate to Libra
Whereas Leo represents the sign of royalty and of kings Libra is the first astrological resonator of aristocracy and of courts as places of jurisdiction (justice) as well as of the ideal of higher and of courtly culture as well as of harem culture. In the polarity between kings and queens Libra is the natural resonator of the female counterpart to the king`s strife to take the role and place of the highest-ranking personality by prominence, magnificence and presenting itself in the center of light. Libra follows a different strategy in seeking to be superior by serving, pleasing and fulfilling aesthetic ideals. That way it is not the personality of an individual that occupies the center of attention but its worthiness. For that strategy Libra tends to serve as the sign and aim of relationship, marriage, love, beauty, prostitution, service orientation, helping, caring, loving and being harmless, kind, just and helping the needy, suffering and poor. Helping and giving away to others can so become emblematic of Libra´s aristocracy and its higher, courtly and diplomatic ideal of culture. Watching and considering things done in a mirror is habitual and natural in Libra´s reflexes. Stage presentation in Libra means comparing perceived moments to the ideal of highest beauty and/or culture as habitual to the eyes of the beholder. Libra stands for the role of the women houses, harems and royal whorehouses as important parts of royal courts and aristocratic centers and places of the arts of presenting music, dance and plays. In many cases it is the comparison to the ideals of justice, harmony, beauty, kindness, fairness, openness, symmetry and balance that qualify for good in the eyes of Libra.
In architecture and buildings Libra`s association with royal courts also resonates with the appeal of such places to presenting the highest aspects of the ideal of higher culture (and of justice). Places in Libra seem to support or stimulate the attempt of a representative architecture that goes with a well balanced taste in order to suit the largest common factor as the midpoint of society.
Places in Libra and the Architecture of symmetry
Libra´s strife to mirror what it perceives appears to be directly related to weighing perceived objects. In fact Libra itself is the realm of the sense organs that perceive. Therefore while mirroring the image or impression almost naturally weighs and examines the perceived qualities in order to be able to react. Libra and the seventh house need to do that because survival, interaction and dealing with perceived objects or subjects demand appropriateness of reaction. In astrogeographical field study I found that when applying methods of mirroring Libra uses rectangular or square forms and also placing mirror objects on a stage in order to measure, weigh, examine and evaluate its shape. A typical and natural reflex seems to be imagining a horizon as the stage (horizontal dimension) on which a “performance of mirroring” is implanted. The 2nd step in the weighing process is through the use of a vertical line for measuring the balance between an object and its mirrored image. In architecture Libra therefore seems to apply a perspective or say even an attitude that places a building on a horizontal background to find out its formal imbalances, impurities, incorrectness and/or untruthfulness a.s.o..
Chinese culture as an example for the use of symmetry as the formal method of Libra in cultural history

photo: DrM4ng0, ccbysa4.0
A strong historical example of a culture that has reached a highest level of cultural achievements through the focus on these methods of Libra is I think Chinese culture which has unfolded a long tradition of cultural achievements that place the methods of the Libra element into the core of cultural inheritance. Chinese courtly culture seems to have focused on the Libra reflexes for such a long time or with so much effort that it developed a dogmatism and formalism of balance and harmony which may not have been reached in any other culture.
In the history of European architecture the strife for symmetry has seen a revival through the palace architecture of the 17th, 18th and also the 19th centuries. In this article I`m attempting to introduce to you a whole picture-book of examples of how these mechanisms of Libra resonate with a the astrogeographical positions of buildings from the calculation in my astrological world map.

The Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum,is a Mahāyāna Buddhist cultural, religious and educational museum located in Dashu District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The strictly symmetrical arrangement of building structures in Libra explains the aim of considering a perceived object through the perspective of harmony
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 3 which explains how the buildings are embedded in the landscape: one coordinate is located in aristocratic air sign Libra sign of harmony, balance, beauty, symmetry, decoration, rectangular forms, stage-presentation, naive painting and indicator for attempts to observe, balance, arrange and weigh objects through the polarity of the two scale-pans. The central axis in between the rows of pairs of towers appears as emphasized and presented as a depiction of an assumed path of formal perfection and of formalism as such.The 2nd coordinate is in solid, fixed earth sign Taurus sign of market places, wealth, income, roots and indicator for the motif of allowing and planting objects and issues right in the center of society.
A real scale in Libra

“De Waag” (The Balance) in Amsterdam , Netherlands today hosts a Cafe. During the 17th century the former city gate served as weigh house, a public building where various goods were weighed. The building is located in service orientated air sign Libra sign of weighing, justice, balance, harmony, symmetry in particular along with practical air sign Gemini sign of communication, Field level 3.
Buildings that resemble the astrological symbol for Libra
The Gloriette building in Vienna is a straight attempt to design a building in the shape of the astrological symbol for Libra.

The Gloriette building is designed as the astrological symbol for air sign Libra. it can be assumed that the choice of design reflected the association of Austrian culture with air sign Libra a traditional opinion to be found with Austrian astrologers until today. This astrological geomantical example is from my Astrological Town Plan of Vienna.
The Gloriette building in the park of Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna, Austria was built in 1775 in the shape of the astrological symbol for Libra as a pavillion for dinners and concerts. Libra was considered by Austrian astrologers the ideal of important aspects of Austrian courtly and aristocratic culture at the time of construction of the Gloriette building and still until today. Libra stood for the ideal of higher culture and art, the strife for harmony and what is represented in the Habsburgian credo: “Tu Felix Austria” saying sth. like “oh you lucky Austria – as you are able to conquer Europe without wars simply by selling your daughters in marriage across the continent” explaining Libras role as the sign of marriage, princesses, prostitution and of basic elements of aristocratic culture. The site is located in the intensely romantic combination of Libra with Pisces for 360 m square zones.

ph: Diego Delso, ccbysa
The design of the Parliament Building of Georgia built 1933-38 in the capital Tbilisi is very close to the astrological symbol for of Libra. The open porch and and passage into the building can be interpreted as related to the ideals of openness and transparency in Libra.
Astrogeographical position of the Old Parliament Building of Georgia for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position) which describes the energetical topics of the building itself: the building is located in air sign Libra the sign of openness, harmony, balance, justice, symmetry, beauty, decoration and of the ideal of a higher courtly culture. The astrogeographical longitude coordinate coordinate is in highly energetic, magnetic fire sign Leo the sign of the sun, light, heart, power stations, self-esteem, royalty and magnificence except the front porch wich lies in the first degrees of self-protective earth sign Virgo the sign of precaution, reason and shelter from the rain.

The representative main building of the University of Havana founded in 1728 is located in Libra with Aquarius (FL3). The classical European design is a symptomatic element of representative buildings related to European culture. politics and science. The symmetry of the two wings that represent the scales of the Libra symbol and the moderate elevation of the center that serves to weigh and hold them together is a formal element that points at the aim of classical European high culture by referring to the Greek and Roman traditions.
Like many other public and representative buildings worldwide the White House in Washington makes use of this design too.

The Tomb or Mausoleum of Humayun in Delhi, India was built between 1562 and 1570 for the second Mughal Emperor Humayun born on 6 March 1508 in Kabul, Afghanistan. The dome is definitely no direct indicator for the position in Libra. But on the other hand – through the presence of the dome the shape of the whole building gets really close to the astrological symbol of Libra .
Astrogeographic position of the Mausoleum of Humayun for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the whole area of buildings and gardens: the coordinate for the astrogeographical latitude is located in air sign Libra the sign of harmony, balance, symmetry, beauty, decoration and the ideal of a higher courtly culture. The coordinate for the astrogeographical longitude lies in solid, strict, exclusive, conservative earth sign Capricorn the sign of control, government institutions, laws, rules & regulations and an indication for the function of the palace tomb to demonstrate the appeal to power of the ruling dynasty.
Vienna as a capital of the Libra element in Europe
In the history of central Europe it is austrian culture that has a long tradition of defining its role among european nations in explicitly representing certain aspects that relate to Libra. The example of the Gloriette building shown above is a fascinating reflection of the Libra archetype.
The Hofburg area in the Austrian capital Vienna main seat of the House of Habsburg is another strong example for the resonance of the Austrian royal culture with Libra. The Hofburg was the seat of the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire between 1438 and 1806.

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes how the whole of the Hofburg Castle Area is embedded in the morphogenetic field of the City of Vienna: The two identical buildings of Natural History Museum and Art History Museum facing each other in perfect symmetry, the famous Austrian National Library along with the whole of the Hofburg Castle Area in Vienna the very heart and breeding center of European aristocracy are located in Libra with Gemini.

The Austrian National Library building is located right next to Hofburg Castle the central seat of the House of Habsburg. It is the very center of the traditions of Austria aristocratic culture. and holds the Imperial Regalia (crown, sword, holy lance a.s.o.) of the Holy Roman Empire.

Vienna City Hall is located in air sign Libra the sign of balance and symmetry and the main indicating sign for Austrian Culture. The 2nd coordinate lies in air sign Gemini. Valid for morphogenetic field level 3. The decorational architecture od Vienna City Hall located across the road from the Hofburg Castle area is a climax of the strife for symmetry in the courtly architecture in Vienna.

Karlskirche in Vienna built by Emperor Charles VI. (born 1 October 1685 with Sun in Libra) is a roman-catholic church dedicated to an italian Saint named Chales Borromeo (born 2 October 1538 with Sun in Libra) in his role as a protector against the pest (and ulcers in general). Charles VI had vowed to built the church during the pest epidemic of 1712.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere, energetical situation and topics of the church itself: the longitude coordinate lies in air sign Libra sign of the sun position of Charles VI and Charles Borromeo, of angels, balance, harmony, beauty, symmetry, decoration and service. The latitude coordinate lies in fire sign Aries sign of action, warfare, speed, ignition, new starts.

Belvedere Palace in Vienna, the whole of its symmetrically designed park and both buildings upper and lower Belvedere which face each other like mirrors are located in the combination of aristocratic air sign Libra with royal fire sign Leo. Construction of the Lower and upper Belvedere was begun by 1713 and 1717 respectively by the Austrian Nation hero Prince Eugen born 18 October 1663.

The “Achilleon” is a small palace built by the Austrian Empress Elisabeth between 1890-92 on a small hill overlooking a beach on the east coast of the Greek island of Corfu.
The building is located in the combination of highly magnetic, royal fire sign Leo the sign of the sun, light, heart, self-expression, magnificence and of royalty with air sign Libra sign of harmony, balance, beauty, symmetry, love, relationship. openness, angels and of the ideal of a courtly high-culture.
Warsaw – the capital of Poland has both coordinates in Libra
Warsaw the capital of Poland has both astrogeographical resonance coordinates in Libra the sign of aristocracy and the ideal for a higher culture making it an archetypal example for the topics of Libra culture and architecture. The large number of Warsaw`s palaces is typical for the strong Libra correspondence.

The rectangular tower in the center, its open roof veranda on top, the rich decoration and absolute symmetry make Wilanów Palace completed in 1696 a wonderful example and masterpiece of Libra architecture.
Libra as the archetypal resonator of the Imperial palaces of Russia

Built at a construction site wiith both coordinates in Libra the famous Winter Palace in St. Petersburg is one of the strongest and most important examples for the congruence of the Libra style of architecture with the astrogeographical position in Libra. The Winter Palace was the official residence of the Russian monarchs from 1732 to 1917.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes how the palace is embedded in the morphogenetic field of the City of St, Petersburg: both coordinates are located in courtly aristocratic air sign Libra sign of the ideals of higher culture, harmony, balance, beauty, decoration, arts, morality, peace, angels, love, relationship and openness.

The whole of the Moscow Kremlin fortress built between 1482–1495 is located in the combination of Libra with solid, conservative, hierarchical, exclusive earth sign Capricorn the sign of control, governments, laws, separation and indicator for the enwalled fortress character and also for the function as the seat of the politcal government.

Construction of Peterhof Royal Palace the “Russian Versailles” in St. Petersburg, Russia was begun in 1714.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the palace and garden: the palace is located in the two Venus signs Taurus andLibra. Aristocratic air sign Libra the sign of beauty, symmetry, harmony, balance. decoration, courtly culture, love, relationship, processes, dancing, harems and courtly culture. The 2nd coordinate lies in highly profitable earth sign Taurus the sign of the earth, grounding, growing roots, reconnection with mother earth, possession of territory and local energetical centres. Taurus the sign of the rural population, agriculture & market places isn´t a frequent sign for palaces but could help ground the building, atmosphere and also the king himself and be a factor that supports long-term stability of his reign.
City Gates in Libra

Ishtar Gate was located at the end of the great procession street in the ancient City of Babylon. It is another perfect example of the concept of symmetrical alignment of buildings in Libra.

The emblematic Brandenburg Gate in Berlin located in Libra with Taurus is a national symbol for Germany. Similar to Ishtar gate it is located at the end of a long procession street marking a central midpoint of presentation of harmony in architetcure.

Dragon`s Gate is the south gate of Chinatown at the corner of Bush Str. and Grant Str., San Francisco, California,
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the function, atmosphere and design of the gate itself: located in air sign Libra sign of gates, openings, symmetry, balance, decoration and the most important astrological indicator for classical chinese culture. Libra is typical for the symmetry of the gate. Compare my article: Libra as the sign of symmetry.
The 2nd coordinate lies in careful, self-protective earth sign Virgo sign or reason, adaptation, the slave castes, health, washing, laundries, dependence.The position of the gate in Virgo stands for its function as to protect the area behind. Although the gate cannot be closed in Virgo it serves as a kind of magical punctuation that helps people to define and understand the separation line between the chinese and other quarters..
English palaces and land houses in Libra

Banqueting House in the combination of Libra with Leo is the only remaining building of the former seat of english royals at the Palace of Whitehall in London. Whitehall was the only one of Londons 3 major palaces that was located in courtly air sign Libra the sign of the ideal of higher culture, stage performances and archetypal sign of royal receptions.
The hall within the house was, in fact, used not only for banqueting, but also royal receptions, ceremonies, and the performance of masques.

Hardwick Hall and Country Park, Derbyshire, England.
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area): in the combination of the aristocratic air sign Libra the sign of harmony, balance, peace, symmetry, beauty, decoration, love relationships together with fire sign Sagittarius the most important astrological indicator for design, style, fashion, ornamentation, playground, luxury, hunting and harems. There are two imprtant astrogeographical factors for leger parks and garden realms: Virgo is the most frequent indicator for the aspect of gardening, dealing with plants and seeking the healing effects of being in contact with the spirits and energetical effects of plants in parks. Sagittarius rather stands for such sites as ornamental playgrounds as places that stimulate thinking, watching, travelling andto exploring options for style, design. fashion and the overview over different perspectives.

Seaton Delaval Hall is an early 18th century palace near Newcastle-upon Tyne, Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact adress) which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the house itself: in aristocraticm courtly air sign Libra indicator for symmetry, balance, beauty and decoration here and in between the conservative, traditionalistic, exclusive earth sign Capricorn and creative, innovative air sign Aquarius the sign of escapes.
Government seats in Libra

In Soviet times the Senate Palace in the Moscow Kremlin was the seat of the Council of Ministers and thus the seat of government of the USSR. Until today the building is the official residence of the Russian President.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes how the site is embedded in the City of Moscow: the Kremlin is situated in the combination of service-orientated, aristocratic air sign Libra sign of harmony, balance, justice, peace, angels, beauty, decoration, relationship and courtly culture. Libra appears as a highly important aspect for the places of rulership in Russia – possibly as a complementary aspect to its otherwise strongly rural structures. Libra as the sign of the Angels at least to some extent indicates an overall peaceful nature, although in the Kremlin just like in the White House more than enough warmongers have resided too. As the sign of stage performance Libra supports the role of the president as a presenter.
The second coordinate of the Kremlin lies in highly defensive, strict, exclusive earth sign Capricorn the sign of governments, administration, rules and regulations, walls and impediments which emphasizes the character of the Kremlin of a stronghold. In regard to the topographical situation it stands for the slightly elevated position of the Kremlin which is located on a 25 m high hill. Capricorn supports the authority and efficiency of the government, but restricts the openness and the courtly luxury often intended by Libra.

The North facade of the White House in Washington seat of US Presidents is another clearest example for the symmetry of aristocratic architecture in Libra and to some extent also for the how closely the 18th century ideal of the american presidency is related to the traditionalism of the European monarchies in regard to representative buildings.

Palacio de la Moneda (north facade) of today`s Presidential Palace at Santiago de Chile. Built at the end of 18th century the Moneda (money) building once served as the government mint of Chile.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4: the north facade is located in aristocratic air sign Libra sign of symmetry, harmony, balance, beauty while 2/3 of the latitude coordinate lies in highly alert, defensive, water sign Scorpio sign of strongholds, hierarchy, bunkers, sculpting, imaging, alchemy, metal-working and especially in combination with Leo the sign of gols an ideal position for a mint . The longitude coordinate lies in highly magnetic, self-centered, royal fire sign Leo sign of kingdom, the sun, light, gold, luxury and emotional self-expression.

Zhongnanhai Zhōngnánhǎi; literally: “Middle and Southern Seas”) is a former imperial garden in the Imperial City, Beijing, China adjacent to the Forbidden City; it serves as the central headquarters for the Communist Party of China and the State Council (Central government) of China. Zhongnanhai houses the office of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, who simultaneously also serves as Chairman of the Central Military Commission and President of China.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the area of the seat of the Chinese President and government: one coordinate lies in courtly air sign Libra sign of harmony, balance, symmetry, justice and the second coordinate is in self-protective cautious earth sign Virgo sign or reason, health, strategical planning.

Since 1735 sporadically and ever since 1902 permanently, the house with the famous address 10 Downing Street in London has been the official office and the residence of the British Prime Ministers. The site is located near Horse Guards and the former site of Whitechapel Palace.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the house and larger area: the place is situated in the combination of dynamic fire sign Leo, the sign of the sun, light, royalty with service orientated, aristocratic air sign Libra the sign of relationship. harmony, balance and openness that stands for the ideals of nobility and aristocracy, harmony and justice.
For the reading of the signs, it may be noted that this constellation of aristocracy virtually assigns a certain status of nobility to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom although the house itself does not have the quality of a palace at all and explicitly is a middle class people`s dwelling.
Libra being an air sign, and the opposite of Aries the sign of warfare, indicates here that the home of the head of government does not have the character of a stronghold or bunker in the first place. Libra literally stands for an intention of opening doors and even the reflex to leave the doors open. This would describe places in Libra as meeting places, places of representation and of cultural eloquence and even as an interface for the coming together of opposing interest groups.

Today`s Federal Chancellery building has been the seat of the Austrian Chancellors sind 1719.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the area of the seat of the Austrian Chancellery and Hofburg Palace: the building is located in the combination of service orientated, aristocratic air sign Libra the sign of harmony, balance, relationship, justice with practical air sign Gemini the sign of intelligence, information, learning,
Symmetry of Palaces

The 300 m long Orangery Palace is another classical example of the strife for symmetry along with spireless towers and a design that alludes to the astrological symbol for Libra.
Orangery Palace in Sanssouci Park in Potsdam, Germany is located in the combination Libra with Aquarius. The building was built in the Spanish land-house style by Friedrich Wilhelm IV. King of Prussia born 1. October 1795 with the Sun in Libra and designed by F. A. Stüler born on 28 January 1800 wíth the Sun in Aquarius.

The small quiet little marvel designed by Schinkel lies hidden at the very end of Sanssouci Park in Potsdam in the combination of Libra with Aries . Built 1826-29.

The royal Château de Chambord at Chambord, Loir-et-Cher, France may be one of the most recognizable châteaux in the world because of its very distinct French Renaissance architecture. Located in the aristocratic air sign Libra indicator of the strife for beauty, harmony and balance together with earth sign Virgo, sign of park, gardening and the protection of nature.

Drottningholm Palace the “Swedish Versailles” is located in the highly idealistic combination of the two air signs Libra and Aquarius Built 1681, Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the palace and gardens: located in service – orientated air sign Libra the sign of beauty, decoration and aristocracy together with the highly creative, innovative air sign Aquarius the sign of the sky, heaven, paradise.

Moritzburg Castle near Dresden, Germany located in the combination of highly relaxing, mystic, spiritual water sign Pisces sign of imagination, illusion, dreaming, letting go with aristocratic air sign Libra which stands for the urge for symmetry and decoration. This constellation is valid here for radius/field level 4 which describes the atmosphere, design, function and energetical situation of the building itself.

Herrenhausen Palace in Hannover, Germany viewed from the famous Formal Baroque garden. Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere of the building itself: located in air sign Libra sign of symmetry and water sign Scorpio sign of sculpting. Not only the palace is located in a Libra subdivision but also 70% of the famous baroque gardens:

Herrenhausen Baroque Gardens, Hannover, Germany Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes how the gardens are embedded in the landscape: located in aristocratic, courtly air sign Libra sign of harmony, balance, symmetry, decoration, formal beauty. 2nd coordinate in dynamic, male fire sign Aries sign of action, fighting, warfare.

Woerlitz Castle at the famous Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Realm, Germany. Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4: the small palace is located on the cardinal divide between earth sign Virgo sign of gardening, plants, parks, protection of nature and indicator for the position in the famous park with aristocratic, courtly air sign Libra sign of beauty, harmony, balance, symmetry, decoration, love relationship. The 2nd coordinate is located in self-centered royal fire sign Leo sign of the sun, light, kingdom, emotional self-expression and the right for luxury..

Castillo Manzanares El Real is located around 30 km north of Madrid, Spain. Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the fortress itself: one coordinate of the site is located in aristocratic air sign Libra sign of symmetry, harmony, balance, beauty, rectangular forms and courtly culture. The 2nd coordinate lies in practical air sign Gemini sign of signposts, road crossings, pathways, intelligence, communication and indicator for the strategic position of the castle for controling the roads to the north of Madrid.

Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen, Denmark is located in aristocratic air sign Libra sign of symmetry with highly energetic, magnetic, royal fire sign Leo for field level 3 (whole of the palace area and gardens).

The Palazzo Reale (Royal Palace) of the House of Savoy in the city of Turin was built in the 16th century. The construction site is located in the combination of courtly, aristocratic air sign Libra the sign of balance, beauty, symmetry, decoration with dynamic fire sign Sagittarius the sign of style, design, fashion, ornaments, harem culture for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact address) which describes the energetical qualities of the palace building itself.

ph: Alex ‘Florstein’ Fedorov, ccbysa4.0
The Stroganov Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia was built 1753-1754 is located in aristocratic, courtly air sign Libra with solid. fixed water sign Scorpio the sign of sculpting, imaging, visualizetion.

The Palazzina di caccia of Stupinigi (“The hunting residence of Stupinigi“) is an early 18th century residence and World Heritage Site of the Royal House of Savoy near Turin, northern Italy.

ph: Paris Orlando, ccbysa4.0
The palace is located in the combination of aristocratic, courtly air sign Libra with dynamic, male fire sign Aries the sign of action, speed, sports, warfare for both morphogenetic field levels: 4 (exact position) and also 3 (surrounding area)

Fredensborg Palace was built between 1720-53 as the spring and autumn residence for the Danish royal family. The construction site has both coordinates in Libra.

ph: ezioman , ccbysa2.0
The Villa Reale di Monza (Italy) built by Empress Maria-Theresia of Austria between 1777-1780 is located in aristocratic air sign Libra with self-protective water sign Cancer.

Faiz Mahal in Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan was built by Mir Sohrab Khan in 1798 serving as the sovereign’s court for the royal palace complex of Talpur monarchs of the Khairpur dynasty. The palace is a an example for classical symmetrical decoration in Libra.

Aries vs. Libra – Towers in symmetry: Mahabat Maqbara Palace is a 19th century mausoleum in Junagadh, Gujarat, India. Astrogeo pos.: highly dynamical male fire sign Aries sign of action, speed, warfare, ignition, erection, motors and indicator for graves of warriors. 2nd coord. in air sign Libra sign of harmony, balance, beauty, symmetry, decoration, stage presentation. (FL4 – exact position)

ph: A.Savin, ccbysa3.0
Mikhailovsky Palace in St. Petersburg housing the Russian Museum is an early 19th century structure located in Libra with air sign Aquarius.

Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur, India built 1928-43 to break the curse of a saint who predicted drought and famine. Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the energetical topics of the construction site: aristocratic air sign Libra sign of harmony, balance, symmetry, justice, beauty, courtly culture, princesses, relationship. love.. 2nd coordinate between highly megantic, royal dire sign Leo sign of light, luxury, magnificence (North) & self-protective earth sign Virgo sign of retreats, reason, health (south).
Churches and Temples in Libra

The mystical Arunachaleshwar Temple in Tiruvanamalai, South India is dedicated to the deity of the nearby Arunachela Hill which is worshipped as a form of Shiva. Construction of the current structure was begun in the 9th century. The completeness of the symmetry along with its position with both resonance coordinates in Libra makes it a fascinating example of Libra architecture and atmosphere.
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) which explains the energetical topics of the whole of the temple area: the site has both resonance coordinates in service orientated air sign Libra sign of harmony, balance, peace, symmetry, justice, relationship, beauty, marriage, openness, consultations, empathy and of angels.

The Temple of Horus at Edfu was built during the era of the Ptolemaic Kingdom between August 23, 237 BCE and 57 BC. It is therefore one of the best preserved shrines in Egypt. The temple complex is 140 m long (N-S) and 40 m (E-W) wide and adjusted towards the four points of the compass.
Astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the Temple of Horus at Edfufor morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position) which describe the atmosphere and energetical topics of the building itself: the longitude coordinate o Horus Temple of Edfu is located in the middle of air sign Libra the sign of symmetry.. The astrogeographical latitude coordinate has the court in the north of the sanctuary in Virgo, its largest part with the central shrine of Horus in Libra and the colossal tower walls at the south gate in Scorpio the sign of strongholds, defense and towers.

The Cathedral Church of Saint Andrew in Wells, Somerset was built between 1176 and 1490. The west facade is a perfect example for the strife for symmetry supported by its position in Libra. The 2nd coordinate is located in solid, conservative earth sign Capricorn.
Wells Cathedral is a classical example of formal symmetry in Libra in combination with Capricorn. One aspect of the Libra effect is the preference of the rectangular tops of the towers instead of spires. That effect may be due to Libra`s opposition with Aries – which seems to “long” for spires. That also shows the male-female polarity between these two signs – which may sometimes not be realized in formalist pseudoclassical astrology.

What could be more symptomatic of Libra than the west facade of Milan cathedral? Astrogeographic position: in air sign Libra for field levels 3 & 4. Libra appears as the sign of symmetry, balance, decoration, beauty, harmony, doves and angels. For morphogenetic field level 4 the 2nd coordinate of the west facade falls in the last degrees of highly energetic magnetic royal fire sign Leo the sign of the sun and light with the rest of the cathedral lying in earth sign Virgo.

The largest temple building worldwide is the temple of Angkor Wat. Its position on a large rectangular, artificial island amidst a highly complex irrigation system can be seen as an element that resonates with the position in Gemini in its role as the sign of technology. The wealth of the Angkor kingdom derived from its high standards of irrigation. This makes the famous main Temple of Angkor Wat a temple to the technology of the Angkor empire.

Santuário de Nossa Senhora dos Remédios, Lamego, Portugal. The “Sanctuary of Our Lady of Remedies” is a catholic pilgrimage site famous for the healing miracles. . Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3: the whole of the sanctuary lies in self protective earth sign Virgo sign of health protection, remedies, healing, medical treatment, herbs, virginity, parks and gardens. The 2nd coordinate lies in service orientated female air sign Libra sign of angels, openness, balance, harmony, beauty, symmetry and decoration.

Bahai World Center, Haifa, Israel the center of the Bahai religion is located in the constellation of air sign Libra sign of openness, hartmony, balance, peace, angels, beauty, symmetry with earth sign Taurus sign of roots, grounding, local energetical centers. .

Nasir-al-Molk Mosque, Shiraz, Iran. Located in aristocratic, courtly air sign Libra the sign of balance, harmony, symmetry, beauty, decoration, angels, love, relationship and naive painting . 2nd coordinate is in earth sign Taurus sign of the earth, grounding and possession of land for radius field/level 3. The fascinating magical designs on the ceilings and the coloured glass ornaments make this temple an ultimate example for decoration in Libra:

The Mahabodhi (literally: Temple of Awakening) Temple in Bodh Gaya was first constructed in the 3rd century BC. The current structure is as old as the 5th century AD.
The exact astrogeographic position (field level 4) of the temple lies in the subdivisions of Aries with Libra of a larger surrounding area (field level 3) which has both coordinates in highly relaxed, mystic, spiritual water sign Pisces the sign of the spiritual plane. The temple consists of a central tower with an ornamentation that resembles a typical Hindu temple tower, but with a conical, sharp, stupa-like tip.
The tower is placed on a square platform with 4 equally tall small towers at the corners. The central position of the tower is a clearest element of design often found in Aries. The attempt to ground the tower by creating a balance between the central main tower and the surroundings area by the 4 corners towers and the symmetrical design and decoration is symptomatic of the presence of Libra. The difference to Halgrimskirkja (Aries with Aquarius) lies in the decoration and the “relativization” of the main tower by the corner towers. These elements take away some of the acuteness and single-dimensionality of the image created by the design of Halgrimskirkja.

Lad Khan Temple, 5th century AD originally a Vishnu temple now dedicated to Shiva is the 2nd most important temple in Durga Gudi Complex in Aihole, Karnataka.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere of the temple itself: located in air sign Libra sign of harmony, balance, symmetry, decoration. The 2nd coordinate lies in solid, conservative, traditionalistic earth sign Capricorn sign of rocks and together with Libra the typical indicator for the emphasis on rectangular design.

The symmetry of the west facade of Cologne Cathedral with its rich decoration is a another fine example for the climax of the strife for harmony, beauty and a higher ideal of culture through symmetry with a building located in Libra. The constellation is valid here for field level 4 exact position) and for the west facade with the two towers. The inside of the church falls in Scorpio.

The Sakya Monastery in Sakya, Tibet is the origin and central seat of the seat of the Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism founded in 1073 . The monastery is located in the combination of air sign Libra the sign of peace, harmony and symmetry with Virgo the sign of reason, celibacy, protected places, yoga culture and monasteries.

The Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan in Saint Petersburg, Russia is dedicated to Our Lady of Kazan, one of the most venerated icons in Russia. The church was consecrated in 1811. The astrogeographical resonance coordinates here are located in the combination of Libra with with solid, fixed water sign Scorpio sign of sculpting, imaging, visualization.

Basilica of Our Lady of Peace of Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast is located in service orientated air sign Libra sign of harmony, balance, beauty, symmetry, decoration and the ideal of a higher culture. Libra is also a resonator for churches dedicated to the St. Mary in her role as the female aspect of the supreme. Scorpio relates to the prominence and massiveness of the dome which relates to the helmet topic in Scorpio here – an element of style which partly contradicts the attempts of Libra to arrange for a balanced and light design. The 4 towers are an element from Islamic ornamental architecture, which relates to the strong Scorpio resonance of Arab culture.

ph: Meursault2004 GFDL
The National Museum of Indonesia in Jakarta is located in the combination of Libra with highly magnetic, centralist, royal fire sign Leo the sign of the sun, light, power stations, self-centeredness, glamour, excellence.

The Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., holds one of the world’s largest and most inclusive collections of art, from the colonial period to the present, made in the United States. The museum has more than 7,000 artists represented in the collection. Most exhibitions take place in the museum’s main building, the old Patent Office Building shared with the National Portrait Gallery.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of whole building and larger surrounding area: one coordinate is located in aristocratic air sign Libra sign of harmony, balance, beauty, decoration, stage presentation and 2nd coordinate in emotional water sign Cancer sign of the moon, motherhood, pregnancy, feeling at home and indicator for the topics of emotional individuality and authenticity, melancholy and self-experience. Libra suggests an ideal atmosphere for presenting art on a stage.
Theatre buildings in Libra

Main buildings of institutions
Libra`s association with royal courts also resonates with the appeal of such places to present the highest aspects of the ideal of higher culture. Places in Libra support the attempt of a representative architecture that goes with a well balanced taste in order to suit the largest common factor and midpoint of society. This makes Libra an ideal factor for places of cultural and political institutions.

The Town Hall of the City of Munich is located in the combination of Libra with earth sign Capricorn the sign of government institutions, stability, administration, control, rules and regulations.

Cary Quadrangle the central representative building of Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, USA is located in aristocratic courtly air sign Libra the sign of balance and resonator with the ideal of education as a key to a higher culture. The position in Libra is so typical for the symmetrical architecture and also for the flat-top towers. The second coordinate is in practical air sign Gemini the sign of education, information,. learning, technology and the practical use of science.
Office Buildings in Libra

ph: Chris6d, ccbysa4.0
The Reid, Murdoch & Co. Building in Chicago built in 1914 is located in Libra with Virgo.
Hotels in Libra

Can there be a more symptomatic architecture for Libra? Greenbriar Resort 4 star, 5 Diamond Award luxury resort is located in White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier County, West Virginia. It was 1st established 1778. Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3: located in service-orientated, courtly, aristocratic air sign Libra sign of balance, symmetry, harmony, “beauty”, openness, decoration. The 2nd coordinate lieson the cardinal divide between air sign Gemini sign of communication, bridges & homely, emotional water sign Cancer indicating a symbiosis of american (Gemini) and english (Cancer) cultures.

Ananda Palace Hotel and Ayurvedic Spa wasestablished in the year 2000 in the former Narendra Nagar palace of the Rajas of Tehri. The 100-acre Himalayan mountain estate is set amidst sal forests, overlooking the river Ganges and the holy cities of Rishikesh and Haridwar. Arguably the most luxurious, authentic Ayurvedic Hotel in Inida. Ananda focusses on Yoga and Ayurvedic practices.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere, architetcure, ebergetical situation and function of the central palace building only: the astrogeographical longitude is located in service orientated, aristocratic, courtly air sign Libra the sign of harmony, balance, symmetry, decoration, beauty, love, marriage, relationship. The latitude coordinate of the place lies in conservative, hierarchical, strict earth sign Capricorn the sign of control, the upper classes, rules & regulations, fortresses, mountainsand governement institutions. The combination is a perfect description of a type of palace where the etiquette and formal representative functions play the largest role.

Emirates Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi is a pefect example for symmetrical architecture in service orientated, aristocratic, courtly air sign Libra the sign of harmony, balance, symmetry, decoration, beauty, love, marriage, relationship, angels. The astrogeographical longitude coordinate of the midpoint is located exactly on the divide between magnetic, royal, self-centered fire sign Leo (west wing) the sign of the sun, light, luxury, self-expression, having fun and self-protective earth sign Virgo (east wing) the sign of reason, health, seeking tranquility, self-cleaning and mental control over emotions.

Hotel Atlantis occupies the central position on the top of the artificial island Palm Jumeirah in Dubai located in air sign Libra and right on the cardinal divide between fire sign Sagittarius and earth sign Capricorn. read more about Atlantis Hotel`s position on top of the crown chakra of Palm Jumeirah in my blog article: Palm Jumeirah.

Rectangular shape, symmetry and decoration above all – a house resembling a piece of wedding cake? The Wedding Cake House in Kennebunk Maine was built in 1825 by shipbuilder George W. Bourne (1801–1856) who during a visit to Milan was inspired by the west facade of Milan Cathedral. Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes the local area in which the house was built: the building has both coordinates in service orientated air sign Libra the sign of marriage, love, relationship, harmony, balance, decoration.
Monuments and statues in Libra

The Victoria Memorial is a 56 m tall white Makrana marble building in Kolkata, India built between 1906 and 1921. The building has one coordinate located in both for field levels 3 (topics of the surrounding area) and 4 (exact position and atmosphere of the building itself).

Parliament Buildings in Libra

The Kokkai is the National Diet Building of Japan, It is located in the combination of Libra with Capricorn.

Constructed 1928-32 Parliament Buildings in the Stormont Estate area of Belfast, is the seat of the Northern Ireland Assembly. The site is located in the combination of aristocratic air sign Libra the sign of the horizon, stage settings and decoration with solid, fixed earth sign Taurus.
The Japanese House of Parliament building is located in the combination of air sign Libra with earth sign Capricorn.

ph:, ccbysa3.0
The complete symmetry of the the Austrian Parliament building makes it a classical example for the reflexes of architecture in Libra.

The Austrian Parliament Building was built between 1874 and 1883.

The Virginia State Capitol built in 1785-88 houses the oldest elected legislative body in North America, the Virginia General Assembly, first established as the House of Burgesses in 1619. The building seems a perfect example for the appeal for symmetry in Libra. Different from later Capitol buildings in other US state capitals it goes without a central round tower in its center giving an effect which makes it seem less dominant and aggressive – but more classical instead. The astrogeographical resonance coordinates are Libra as indicator for the appeal to a classical aristocratic concept with creative, innovative air sign Aquarius sign of the the sky, heaven, paradise, idealism.

Connecticut State Capitol building completed in 1878 is located in Libra with Capricorn the sign and indicator for government institutions. It houses the Connecticut General Assembly; the upper house, the State Senate, and lower house, the House of Representatives, as well as the office of the Governor of the State of Connecticut.

Colorado State Capitol home of the Colorado General Assembly and the offices of the Governor of Colorado. The construction site is located in aristocratic air sign Libra with highly dynamic fire sign Aries sign of action speed, fighting, ignition, motors for field level 3 (surrounding area).

The South Carolina State House built in 1855 is located in Libra with solid, fixed earth sign Taurus the sign of the earth, grounding, roots, agriculture, food, income, market places for morphogentic field level 4 (exact position of the building itself).

New York State Capitol the seat of the New York State government in Albany is located in aristocratic air sign Libra with relaxed, spiritual water sign Pisces sign of imagination, temples, entertainment for field level 3 (surrounding area). The emphasis on the two towers and wings (representing the two scales) instead of the center of the building is so typical for Libra.

The North Carolina State Capitol in Raleigh built in 1833 has both coordinates for field level 3 in aristocratic air sign Libra. The North Carolina State Capitol is the former seat of the legislature of the U.S. state of North Carolina which housed all of the state’s government until 1888. The General Assembly moved 300 m north into the State Legislative Building in 1963.

The architecture of the North Carolina legislative building still has Libra`s focus on symmetrical arrangement. A new element here is the reduction of the architectural decoration and the preference of a functionalist style – which can be attributed to the location in Virgo the sign of reason and thriftiness.

ph: AlexiusHoratius, ccbysa3.0
The New Hampshire State House in Concord is located in Libra with Virgo.
Libra as the sign of Justice and Courts
Court buildings are frequently built as symmetrical buildings because that type of design resonates with the ideal of balance and justice.

The astrogeographic position of the Gate of Felicity is a perfect astrogeographical example of a site of a royal court in the combination of Leo the sign of royalty with Libra in its role as the sign of balance and justice. The positiveness of the name of Felicity may be understood as a symptomatic trait of Libra`s relationship to naive goodness and painting . Firstly because it relates to the ideal of a higher, heavenly aim of the royal court. Secondly because the use of such a name can be compared to similar namings of buildings in Chinese culture – a culture closely related to Libra. Thirdly in regard to the allowance of naivety of such an aim which resonates with Libra`s role as the sign of angels.
The construction of Topkapi Palace in Istanbul was begun by Mehmed the Conqueror in 1459 six years after the conquest of Constantinople.

The Supreme Court of Justice Building in Washington was constructed between 1932 and 1935. The building was designed as a white temple of justice in perfect symmetry.
Astrogeographic position of the Supreme Court of Justice of the USA for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the building itself: One coordinate lies in service orientated air sign Libra the sign of justice, harmony, balance and symmetry. The 2nd coordinate coordinate is located in highly tarditionalistic, conservative, strict earth sign Capricorn the sign of laws, government institutions, administration, control, critical review and an indicator for the white colour and for the traditionalistic allusions of the neoclassicist architectural design.

The Royal Courts of Justice building in London was constructed in the style of the gothic revival between 1874–1882.

The Supreme Court of Germany (Bundesgerichtshof) in “Palace of the Grand Duke Friedrich II. of Baden” in Karlsruhe is located in the combination of Libra with Capricorn

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3: The 110 m long building of Amtsgericht Wedding a lower regional court together with the symmetrically designed park area in Berlin is located in Libra together with air sign Gemini.

ph: Coolcaesar, GFDL
Libra as the core aspect of Chinese culture – the ideal of harmony in philosophy, medicine, feng – shui, religion and architecture
Libra represents the most plausible and definitely strongest astrological resonator of the central aspects of Chinese culture. The philosophy of the Tao Te Ching, the teachings of Confucianism and the use of the perspective of the harmony of polarity and symmetry in the methods of diagnosis and prediction applied in the I Ching, Feng Shui, the highly symmetrical meridian system of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the name of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Tai Chi. Qi Gong and many other developments are the most perfect examples for a Libra culture one could possibly imagine. And who would be surprised to find that Confucius the philosophic high priest of Chinese society was born with the Sun in Libra? and find his famous birth temple at Qufu which is built as the classical formal archetype of symmetry located in Libra? In fact the symmetrical element seems to have at some point in history formally taken over Chinese culture to an extent where it rather developed into a corset that does not really allow the fuller flow of energies that was once propagated by the ideal of the Yin – Yang polarity. This situation reveals the archetypal backend of the formality aspects of Libra culture. It is not of course only in China that this happened – in fact all aristocratic cultures seem to have gone that way at some stage. Check out this picture that shows servants working on the alignment of tea cups in the Japanese parliament located in Libra with Capricorn to see what I mean.

The system of hexagrams of the I Ching is based on the supreme method of projecting a formal symmetrical system of abstract harmony onto any field of philosophy, science, politics and any other aspect of everyday life.

The Chinese meridian system represents a highly developed systematical approach to diagnosis with the help of the symmetrical model.

The concept of polarity from of the Yin and Yang philosophy reflects the basis of symmetry and harmony of two equally important halves.

The Tao Te Ching supposedly written by the great sage Laozi uses the “polarity and symmetry method” of projecting single terms and the “fields of meaning” onto a flat landscape of thinking and consideration for recapitulation of the position of any single aspect in the overall symmetrical system. This early Chinese method of mind mapping appears as deeply grounded in the confidence in the overall harmony at the bottom of everything. I feel that as directly related to my unconscious vision of the harmony of the morphogenetic surface field layers which I use in astrogeographical measurement and field study.
Temple of Confucius
The Temple of Confucious at Qufu is supposed to have been built on the grounds of Confucius` birth place and family home. Whether the site is his authentic or not my astrogeographical calculation has the temple area located in Libra the most important astrological resonating sign of Chinese Culture.

The plan of the Temple of Confucius at Qufu reveals how the symmetrical perspective determines the role of every single building as part of the whole complex. This frame (corset) of symmetry is so strong that it even allows asymmetrical placement of single buildings. The enwalled rectangular-shaped temple area has its north and south ends almost exactly parallel to the equator. The inner structure is based on an axis of symmetry that resembles the stem of a tree with its top at the north end..
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the temple itself: the coordinate for the astrogeographical longitude is located in service orientated air sign Libra sign of the horizon, harmony, balance, beauty, stage performance and formal symmetry. The position in Libra resonates with`Confucius supposed birth date with the sun in Libra. The coordinate for the astrogeographical latitude lies in emotional water sign Cancer the sign of the moon, motherhood, fertility, pregnancy and the ancestor line relating to temple of the cults of fertility and of the ancestor line.

Confucius is believed to have been born with the Sun in Libra. The birth date shows the sun conjunct a super-strong Mars-Saturn conjunction the constellation of the warrior castes in Libra the sign of harmony and balance. Although the authenticity of the date cannot be verified it is fascinating to find the moon of that date in imperial fire sign Leo the sign of centralism and light and another highly plausible astrological resonator of Chinese culture.
The Hall of Supreme harmony and the Forbidden City
Although it is not located in Libra I`m presenting the example of the Hall of Supreme Harmony in Beijing for consideration of the “supreme” resonance of Chinese culture with Libra. The Hall of Supreme Harmony is built as the very center of the central north-south axis of symmetry that represents the spine in the middle of the Imperial Forbidden City in Beijing.

The position of the central north-south axis of symmetry which represents the spine in the middle of the Imperial Forbidden City is of course no direct but actually an indirect resonance with Libra. This is because its position in Taurus as the sign of the earth, grounding, roots and of the economical and bourgeois center of society resonates with the topics of the culture that is grounded in the Chinese capital and the center of Chinese society.
The role of places in Taurus as resonators of the grounded local culture can be frequently observed in astrogeographical field studies in many different ways. In the case of the supra-regional importance of

Astrogeographic position of the hall of Supreme Harmony for morphogentic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the building itself: The Hall of Supreme Harmony in the center of the Forbidden City in Beijing has the coordinate for the astrogeographical longitude of the central north-south axis of symmetry in the very center of earth sign Taurus the sign of the earth ground, growing roots, possession of territory, economy, accumulation of wealth, agriculture, food. The coordinate for the astrogeographical latitude lies in highly alert, defensive, solid fixed water sign Scorpio the sign of fortresses, sculpting, imaging, visualization, dogma, ideology and closed up containers.