The Equinoctial Solar Eclipse by a Supermoon on March 20

Astrology and Places: The Equinoctial Solar Eclipse by a Supermoon on March 20 Astrogeography and predicition in mundane astrology: astrogeographical prognosis,  predictions and short analyses for political astrology and prediction…

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Read more about the article The Birthplace of Zeus in Sagittarius
Psychro Cave Birth Place of Zeus located in Sagittarius photo: Torben Schramme ccbysa3.0  photo: Jerzy Strzelecki, ccbysa3.0

The Birthplace of Zeus in Sagittarius

The Birthplace of Zeus in Sagittarius.  Astrology and Magical Places:  on the astrogeographical position of the birth place of Zeus at Psychro Cave on the island of Crete Compare: The Birth…

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Read more about the article The Tower of the Winds in Athens
Tower of the Winds 50 BC clocktower in Athens Photo: Joanbanjo License: ccbysa3.0

The Tower of the Winds in Athens

Astrology and Places: The Tower of the Winds in Athens Tower of the Winds 50 BC clocktower in Athens in Sagittarius with Leo Photo: Joanbanjo, ccbysa3.0 The Tower of the Winds…

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Read more about the article An astrological typology of Dolmen and Portal Tombs
Trethevy Quoit Tripod Dolmen in Bodmin Moor, Cornwall in Gemini with Leo Ph: Olaf Tausch, ccbysa3.0

An astrological typology of Dolmen and Portal Tombs

An astrological typology of Dolmen and Portal Tombs. Astrology, Megalithic Sites, History and the astrogeographical typology of ther 12 zodiac signs: a short overview on my results from astrogeographical field…

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The astrogeographic constellations for the Champions League Final 2014

Astrology and Places: the astrogeographic constellations for the Champions League Final 2014 Why Madrid? Jupiter over Madrid and the Moon conjunct Uranus in exact trine with the city..... On the…

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Crazy Horse Memorial in Scorpio the Sign of Sculpting

Astrology and Places: Crazy Horse Memorial in Scorpio the sign of sculpting Compare:  Scorpio as the Sign of Sculpting, Leo and Scorpio – The Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore memorial, Bighorn Medicine Wheel…

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Read more about the article New York Stock Exchange in Astrogeography
The New York stock exchange building is located between Libra and Scorpio and in Pisces ph: Arnoldius , ccbysa3.0

New York Stock Exchange in Astrogeography

New York Stock Exchange in Astrogeography. Astrology, Politcs and Places:  on the astrogeographical position of New York Stock Exchange Related articles: The astrogeographical position of Washington New York Stock Exchange…

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Murugan – A god of War in Aries the sign of Warfare

Murugan - A god of War in Aries the sign of Warfare Astrology and Places: Murugan - A god of War in Aries the sign of Warfare The 42 m…

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Hvitserkur the Dragon Drinking from the Ocean

Hvitserkur the Dragon Drinking from the Ocean. Astrology, Nature, Sculpting and Places: on the astrogeographical position of the Hvitserkur rock formation on the Vatnsnes peninsula in Iceland Related articles: Devil´s Garden as…

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The Blue Mustang at Denver Airport in Sagittarius

The Blue Mustang at Denver Airport in Sagittarius. Astrology, Sculptures and Places: the astrogeographisc position of the Blue Mustang that greets all visitors arriving at Denver airport on their way to…

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Capricorn plus Scorpio: Oymyakon is the coldest place on Earth

Capricorn plus Scorpio: Oymyakon is the coldest place on Earth. Astrology, Nature, Meteorology & Places: on the astrogeographical position of Oymyakon in Yakutia the coldest place on eerth and what we…

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Read more about the article The Shell Museum of Dalian in Cancer the sign of shells
Beim Standort des Muschel-Museums in Dalian, Xinghai, China erstrecken sich beide Koordinaten von Wasserzeichen krebs in das Feuerzeichen Löwe. pH:

The Shell Museum of Dalian in Cancer the sign of shells

The Shell Museum of Dalian in Cancer the sign of shells. Astrology, architecture & design: the symptomatic elements of the Cancer archetype.  Compare: Cancer in astrogeography - compilation of the…

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Relámpago del Catatumbo – the Eternal Lightning

Relámpago del Catatumbo - the Eternal Lightning. Astrology, Nature, Weather Phenomena & Places: on the astrogeographical position of the region of the Catatumbo lightning phenomenon in the combination of fire…

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Read more about the article Astrology and Architecture: characteristic features of Aries
ntwerp Port House designed by Zaha Hadid is located in Aries with Aquarius photo: Bobo Boom, ccbysa2.0

Astrology and Architecture: characteristic features of Aries

Astrology and architecture: characteristic features of Aries. Some thoughts on an astrogeographical typology of design elements in Aries. Related articles:  Aries as the Sign of Unicellular Structures: Astrodome & Co,  Hallgríms…

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Drowned in the sea or captured by a UFO: Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370

Drowned in the sea or captured by a UFO: Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370. Astrology, History, Terrorist Attacks, Accidents & Places:  the disapperance of an airplane that was never seen again…

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Read more about the article Earthquake in the Black Sea – HAARP or who else caused it?
HAARP Testing Facility photo: US government

Earthquake in the Black Sea – HAARP or who else caused it?

Astrology and Places:Earthquake in the Black Sea - HAARP or who else caused it? Its an answer to the Russian invasion? - HAARP or who else caused it? Related articles: San…

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How auspiscious is the Whats App deal for Facebook?

How auspiscious is the Whats App deal for Facebook? Astrology, Business and Places: some thoughts about how auspiscious the  the Ahat´s App headquarters appear in relation  to the astrological and astrogeographical…

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