The Symmetry of Main Buildings of Colleges and Universities. Astrology and Architecture: a comparative study of the variations of the symmetrical design of air sign Libra and their astrological interpretation.
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More articles on astrology & architecture: Libra as the sign of symmetry, Lying or Flying – The Controversy between Taurus and Aquarius in Pisa Shaft, bow and balls in Sagittarius, Box-like forms in Virgo, Zaha Hadid, The Egg on top of Dali´s House in Cancer – Cancer as the sign of eggs and the uterus, Cancer as the Sign of Seashells in architecture, The polarity of Aquarius with Scorpio, Characteristic features of Aries, Aries as the Sign of Unicellular Structures: Astrodome & Co, An astrogeographical history of skyscrapers.
The Symmetry of Main Buildings of Colleges and Universities
Just like in palace, court and town hall architecture the representative main buildings of universities deliver the full orgy in symmetrical design. Lets take a look at how many of these buildings were actually placed in Libra – and how the Libra elements of form that reflect the ideals of equal balance of two equal halves (even if opposites), harmony, decorative beautification, stage presentation and striving for ideals of “high culture” and “aristocracy” are reflected at places in the other 11 zodiac signs.
Why Libra for the main representative welcome building of universities? Astrologically Libra indicates and promotes: openness, empathy, justice, peace, politeness, courts, balance, beauty, aristocratic culture, ideals of high culture, good-will, naive painting, goodness, angelic attitudes of caring and helping.
The known history of universities begins with the Chinese Imperial Universities called the Taixue (since 3 CE) named Guozijian since the Sui dynasty (apr. 600 CE).
Lists: List of the oldest existing universities in continuous operation, The 50 Most Beautiful Colleges in America,
Palace architecture in Libra
The University of Havana, Cuba in Libra with Aquarius

The representative main building of the University of Havana founded in 1728 is located in Libra with Aquarius (FL3). The classical European design is a symptomatic element of representative buildings related to European culture. politics and science. The symmetry of the two wings that represent the scales of the Libra symbol and the moderate elevation of the center that serves to weigh and hold them together is a formal element that points at the aim of classical European high culture by referring to the Greek and Roman traditions.
The seat of the University of Münster in Libra with Capricorn
In the case of the seat of the Westphalian Wilhelms University (founded April 16, 1780) a former palace building was dedicated to serve as the schools central seat and landmark in 1954. The baroque style palace had been built between 1767 and 1787 for the Prince-Bishop Maximilian Friedrich of Königsegg-Rothenfels. The building is located in the combination of Libra with Capricorn.

Schloss Münster is a major example for the affinity of symmetrical palace architecture with places of Libra resonance. For hermeneutic studies of the landscape field resonance with the positions of the 12-fold structural zodiac signs calculated in my astrological world map this proportions of this building deliver an archetypal example for the idealization of symmetry at buildings located in Libra:
- the symmetry of the building is complete
- the proportions between height and width allow the wings to unfold their role and function
- two 25 m long arms at the end of the two wings put further emphasis on the wings
- there is a moderate emphasis on the central building through a slightly higher roof crowned by a lantern with a statue of the roman goddess of victory (Victoria) presented with angelic wings and laurel wreath.
- the typical triangle pediment decoration directed towards the roof of the central building and the sky above promotes the idealization of the strife for decoration and beautification like as an acceleration of high culture.
- the placement of statues depicting angelic beings (putto statues) along the roof allows and invites the spiritual entities from the realms of serving and helping beings and angels to stabilize their presence at the site. It combines Libra`s strife for beautification and decoration with its central purpose of existence and strategy for survival through service orientation.
The 2nd coordinate of the building is in solid, conservative, traditionalist earth sign Capricorn the sign of governments, administration, rules and regulations and strictness and exclusiveness of form. The position in Capricorn is rare for palaces, probably because the sign does not support enjoying luxury and decoration.
Important examples of the combination of Libra with Capricorn are the US Central Court Building in Washington and the Parliament of Japan in Tokyo.
On the Divide of the autumn equinox between Virgo and Libra
Humboldt University in Berlin between Virgo and Libra

The palace that serves as the main building of Humboldt University was erected between 1748 and 1753 for Prince Henry of Prussia, the brother of Frederick the Great, The building was transferred into the university building through the foundation of Humboldt University here on 15 October 1810 with the Sun, Mercury and North Node in Libra and Mars in Virgo occupying the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the building. The alumni of Humboldt University include 57 Nobel Prize laureates
The center of the main building of Humboldt University in Berlin is located on the cardinal divide of the autumn equinox between Virgo (left – protected by a tree) and Libra (right). The autumn equinox divides summer from autumn, self-protection from openness, and the first half of the zodiac as the interior human world from the 2nd half as the exterior.
The 2nd coordinate of the main building except its two arms is located on the last degrees of creative, innovative air sign Aquarius the sign of innovation, abstraction, inspiration, revolution, self-finding and of emancipation of individuality.
All Saints Chapel of the University of the South at Sewanee, Tennessee

The emblematic medieval castle deco facade of the main (western) entrance into All Saints Chapel at the University of the South at Sewanee, Tennessee is emblematic of Libra in the sense that the small towers and toy castle deliver an obviously decorative element. The appeal to symmetry too is fulfilled.
The position of the main entrance of “All Saints Chapel” between Virgo and Libra is located right on the cardinal divide of the autumn equinox between earth sign Virgo and air sign Libra which divides summer from autumn, self-protection from openness, and the first half of the zodiac as the interior human world from the 2nd half as the exterior.
Features of the 2nd coordinate`s resonance sign in Aries are to be found in the choice of an allusion to a stronghold and its military aims: vigilance, alertness, mobilization and the readiness to fight. More aspects or reflexes of design elements that relate to the Aries resonance of the construction site are the sharp, pointed, aggressive rocket elements of form that stick out from the building and from the church tower too. The large number of towers are traits of the phallic (1st male) aspect of the sign of Aries too.
Heidelberg Old University Building between Virgo and Libra

The desiugn of the early 18th century so-called “Old University” building at Heidelberg has no affinity to the neo-classicist design of the 19th and 20th century fashion of palace architecture. Heidelberg`s “Ruprecht-Karl University” was founded during a conjunction of the Sun, Uranus and Mercury in Libra on 1 Oktober 1386 as the first university in Germany.
The plain and relatively functional exterior of the facade design does not reflect the appeal for beauty and elegance of later university buildings Libra. As the only Traits of the aristocratic financier ornamental golden stucco elements installed in the corners of the entrance doors and on the upper left and right sides of the facade.
Nevertheless the building stretches into the first degrees of air sign Libra with its western end in Virgo. In this case it is not the center of the building where the cardinal divide between Virgo and Libra that relates to the autumn equinox is located. It is also interesting that the facade itself does not show a mark of its center – which in Libra marks the measuring point for the two scales. The 2nd coordinate is in Capricorn the sign of public space, government institution and the representative, administrative function.
Robinson Hall between Virgo and Libra plus in Taurus

Yes – symmetrical arrangement – but not a first candidate for a position in Libra is Robinson Hall at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.
Why? The emphasis on the center of the building overs-shadows the balance between its two halves. The two slightly pagoda-like octagonal caps mounted on top of each other on top of the compact building center even drive the depicted centralism onto new heights. So to say. The building does not seek to balance, harmonize or unite two halves, wings or elements like the symmetry of polarity intended in air sign Libra.
Yes symmetry is quoted and its aims occupied by its mentioning. But the dynamical mounting up of the center in several steps above the wings just like in the Hagia Sophia archetype (Taurus-Cancer – the “earth mother”) does not seek the preference of beauty nor of harmony in the first place. That aspect of the building appears to circle around other preferences. And the narrow openings of the windows do not promote the openness of Libra. They rather but suggest an ideal related to aims of closing up, of self-protection and of exclusiveness.
Nevertheless the center of the building has one resonance coordinate right on the zodiac degree of 0°Libra aka the cardinal divide of the autumn equinox between Virgo and Libra.
The 2nd coordinate is in earth sign Taurus – together with Leo one of the first signs of centralism and of centralization of contents, aims, authority, money, of market places and of selling scientific education.
Design elements of Libra used in Scorpio
“Parrish Hall” at Swarthmore College

The formally symmetrical arrangement of the the “Parish Hall” of Swarthmore (Quaker) College in Swarthmore, PA could make it look like an example from my long lists of symmetrical baroque palace buildings planted at places of Libra resonance. But the building is straight a copy of north European baroque architecture – and it is located in Scorpio the sign of copy-machines.
As the allusion included in the “title” of the building as a “parrish hall” says it: this building is far from having been created as an aristocratic pleasure house. Meaning that the choice of a palace style architecture was decided for as an appeal not to beauty (Libra) but as an appeal to tradition, magnificence, strength and superiority of a Quaker parish.
Considering that the whole of the 110 m width of this colossal “parish palace” is located in Scorpio its original function as a stronghold, fortress and bunker have to be investigated. And why not for good?!!! The example of the Washington capitol in Scorpio as a demonstration of magnificence, bunker and stronghold for a parliament may serve as a parallel.
The medieval-style tower
The octagonal medieval fortress tower planted at the very center may be examined as a corresponding element of the sting that stands out high above a scorpion`s physical body in order to threaten and control opponents. In Scorpio the sign of the battle for power over the ruling cult, ideology, opinion and/or dogma this military watchtower is emblematic of the readiness to be alert and vigilant. The 2nd coordinate at the center of the building – actually where the fortress tower is, stretches on the first degrees of water sign Pisces the sign of entertainment, Hollywood industries and of illusionism providing the path for its interpretation as a a fake installation dedicated at providing the appeal to romanticism, mystification of European rooted traditions and of adventure game-play.
Tom Tower at the University of Oxford

A particularly unique feature of the decorational park architecture at the University of Oxford is the emphasis on the formal strictness of its arrangements. An appoach to its interpretation may attempt to consider whether or not and in how far the placements of its architectural bodies and elements of form were made to document the supremacy of the corresponding rules of formal strictness and precision over scientific studies, its outward social representation and possibly even over scientific research.
The octagonal gothic Tom Bell Tower was built in 1681/82 by architect Christopher Wren (born 30 October 1632 with Sun in Scorpio). It is crowned by a small octogonal dome.
The combination of highly defensive water sign Scorpio the sign of sculpting, imaging, visualization, printing, imprints, photography and the battle for power and dominance with magnetic fire sign leo the sign of the sun, light, power stations, royalty, centralism and the absolute rule of single persons over groups (kingdom) is known for its appeal to apparent outward supremacy and absolutism and the preference of apparent dominance and magnificence over essence and effective reality. The position of the US Capitol, seat of the two parliamentary institutions of the USA in exactly the same position provides a fascinating architectural, cultural and political parallel to the overall figure presented by the Tom Tower.
There is a longer list of university buildings worldwide that quote or alluded to the design of Tom Tower.
University of Salamanca

The design of the “plateresque“ facade above the main gate of the old building of Salamanca University has elements of a shield for the building and the institution that presents programmatic aspects of the university. Founded in 1218 as the first university in Spain Salamanca is one of the oldest universities in Europe. For comparison: the Buddhist university of Nalanda was founded in the 5th century CE.
The wikipedia article gives a good explanation of the term “Plateresque“(plata = silver) stating that it refers to a Spanish design style first developed in the late 15th century to combine late Gothic and early Renaissance elements. “It is a modification of Gothic spatial concepts and an eclectic blend of Mudéjar, Flamboyant Gothic and Lombard decorative components with Renaissance elements of Tuscan origin”.
The position in water sign Scorpio the sign of sculpting, welding, steel, melting of metals (silver too), images, photography, photocopy, alchemy and chemistry can be studied here in regard to the amalgamation (fusion, syncretism) of different styles into a single shield, logo and “business card” of symbolic information.
The combination of Scorpio with air sign Gemini the sign of signposts, symbols, script, information and of bringing single and particularly controversial elements and polarities together delivers fascinating insights into the conditions of cooperations between these two signs.
The central facade piece serves to present a fulfilled symmetry and elaborate ornamentation to qualify the building for its purposes of representing the ideals of high culture and higher education. The fact that the rest of the facade goes without the effort of presenting a formally complete symmetry is symptomatic of the lack of a Libra resonance coordinate of the site.
On the Cardinal Divide of the Winter Solstice between Sagittarius and Capricorn
The Great Gate of Trinity College at Cambridge University

The Great Gate of Trinity College at the University of Cambridge has one coordinate on the cardinal divide of the winter solstice between fire sign Sagittarius the sign of thinking, conclusions, interpretation, theory and of preaching and earth sign Capricorn the sign of critical verification regarding the factual reality of theories. This zodiac degree corresponds with a check-post and controlling function between two worlds and of the control over the entrance here too. The fortress design dedicated at emphasizing the control over the entrance and the exclusiveness of entry is a clear correspondence with the Capricorn resonance of the site.
The 2nd coordinate is in earth sign Virgo the sign of virginity and of protected places.
What about the role of the application of symmetry here? The symmetry of the design is reduced to the gate building itself here which is not placed in the center of the south wing of the Trinity College Court.
Dunster Residential House at Harvard University in Taurus and between Sagittarius and Capricorn

Dunster House at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts is located in Taurus and with its 2nd coordinate right on the cardinal divide of the winter solstice between fire sign Sagittarius and earth sign Capricorn. Allusions to the ideals of high culture and aristocracy as represented by air sign Libra are to be found in the triangular fresco ornament, the symmetry though of minor importance and elegance and also the allusion to the English cultural traditions through quoting the octagonal Gothic tower at the entrance to Christ Church College at Oxford.
The relatively plumb proportions between the height an width of the building may be examined as an expression of the resonance position in fixed earth sign Taurus the sign of larger bodies, agriculture, markets, money and income.
The placement of the central clock tower right near the cardinal degree of 0°Capricorn the degree of mid-heaven and of the prominence of the position of governments over society stands for the elevation of the tower over its surroundings. The position in between Sagittarius the sign of observation of cycles, time measurement, philosophy and thinking and Capricorn the sign of critical verification of relevance and exactitude of observations and conclusions therefrom can be evaluated as a particular emphasis on the meaning of time schedules, precision and of critical verification of the effective reality (Capricorn) of contents studied.
On the Cardinal Divide of the spring equinox between Pisces and Aries
Heidelberg University Library

The current structure of Heidelberg University Library was built as one in an endless row of architectural expression of the neo-classicist Prussian reign over the young German national state in 1905. It is located near but not in Libra. Elements of symmetry that were needed to legitimate “cultural climax institutions” were applied to the facade. But the tower on the right is much taller and bigger than the one on the left – delivering asymmetrical proportions here. But that does not even mean Libra is not near: the building`s east-end is located on the last degrees of Virgo and right next to the cardinal divide of the autumn solstice at 0°Libra.
Astrological observations on the divide of the autumn equinox can so observe the difference of the luxury of aristocratic architecture as represented by the Libra perspective where one can use the perspective of the open horizon and the “slavery” of the Virgo perspective where adaptation to the conditioning by the surroundings appears inevitable.
The 2nd coordinate of the facade is right on the cardinal divide of the spring equinox between Pisces (illusion, mystification) and Aries (aggressive mobilization). The red color of the brick facade along with the sharp, pointed towers and the military and stronghold association are elements of fire sign Aries. The combination of Pisces (Italian culture) with Aries (German culture) is of a special importance in Germany for its resonance with the Holy Roman Empire that embodies 1000 years of history of the territories now claimed by Germany. The choice of elements of architecture from a national icon like the famous, emblematic 15th century Holsten-Gate the combination of Pisces with Aries may therefore be investigated as a direct reflection of a national and state cult. The questions in how far elements of military and fortress architecture reflect, support, overwrite or put in question important topics of a library and of library culture have to be asked too.
In the alchemy of the confrontation of the signs Pisces and Aries it can be concluded that Pisces works to deliver imaginary landscapes and fairy tale associations an helps to allow the “romanticisation” of the Aries elements of fortress architecture.
The combination of a Libra coordinate with one in Virgo
Sakamaki Hall at the University of Hawaii at Manoa

Not the main building of the University of Hawaii at Manoa but an example that presents a fascinating combination of the reflexes and symptomatic features of the signs Libra and Virgo:
Sakamaki Hall is located in air sign Libra represented here by the symmetryof the arrangement and also by the openness of the structure so the air can pass through. The 2nd coordinate is in earth sign Virgo the sign of practical, rational and advantegous preferences, functionality of needs and heading for clarity by sorting box-like elements. The creation of sun-protected cooling court is an element relating to Virgo.
The ornamental swing of the roof`s rim that serves to counter-indicate the emphasis on mere functionality may be observed as a conversation between Libra and Virgo. The grid pattern of my calculation here is for morphogenetic field level 4 – defining the exact position and energetical quality of the building itself.
The combination of Libra with Capricorn
The Guozijan of Beijing in Libra with Capricorn

The Imperial Lecture Hall of the Guozijian (National Academy) of Beijing located in Libra with Capricorn. I have explained the important function of formal symmetry in Chinese architecture and culture, the Yin-Yang system of polarity, the I Ging, Chinese medicine and the state cult of aristocratic high culture in my article “Libra as the sign of symmetry”. I therefore suggest to consider Libra as a major resonance sign of Chinese culture as such together with Leo as the resonator of the hyper-centralism and absolutism of hierarchy and of the degradation of individuals to working bees.

In this case the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the site in Libra and Capricorn are for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) bot 4 (exact position of the building). This is because the area in which the building was located is symmetrically arranged by a central axis wich is oriented exactly in a North-South direction. In this case the strict formalism of symmetry is part of a larger concept of landscape architecture.
The combination of Libra solid, conservative, exclusive earth sign with Capricorn the sign of strictness reflects the realization of the exclusive concept of formalism of symmetry.
Design elements of Libra in Pisces
The “Neue Aula” building at the University of Tübingen in Pisces with Aquarius

The front building of the “Neue Aula” at the University of Tübingen (founded in 1477) is located in the combination of spiritual signs Aquarius the sign of innovation, abstraction, illumination, self-liberation, independence, individuality and Pisces the sign of imagination, dreaming, illusion, spirituality, the invisible, unknown and unconscious.
It was constructed between 1841 and 1846 as a representative building for the new assembly hall (Aula) of the university in a classicist (appr. 1760-1840) style.