The Swastika Building between Sagittarius and Capricorn

The Swastika Building between Sagittarius and Capricorn. The Swastika Building in San Diego as a swirling cross between Sagittarius sign of circles and Capricorn sign of the cross The multicultural…

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Anchorage and the Alaska earthquake of 1964

Astrology & Events: Anchorage and the Alaska earthquake of 1964 The astrogeographic position of the City of Anchorage the largest agglomeration in Alaska:  Anchorage and the Alaska earthquake of 1964 Astrogeographic…

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Read more about the article UNASUR – Union of South American Nations in astrogeography
Unasur Headquarters buildiing located in Aries with Virgo photo: Montserrat Boix, ccbysa4.0

UNASUR – Union of South American Nations in astrogeography

UNASUR - Union of South American Nations in astrogeography. Political astrology and astrogeography of the south-american self help organisation Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A - Z: Lists of all…

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Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall: confrontation between Libra and Scorpio

Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall: confrontation between Libra and Scorpio. The design and overall proportions of the building deliver an example for the confrontation of different energetical and psychological elements or atmospheres.…

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Ananda Palace Hotel and Ayurvedic Spa

Ananda Palace Hotel and Ayurvedic Spa. Astrology, travelling, wellness, hotels,and yoga: the astrogeographical position of one of India`s finest welllness hotels. Ananda Palace Hotel and Ayurvedic Spa was established in the year…

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Read more about the article Aquarius with Pisces: The Ship on the Hill
Sun Cruise Hotel is located between Pisces and Aries and in Aquarius photo: parhessiastes, ccbysa2.0

Aquarius with Pisces: The Ship on the Hill

Aquarius with Pisces: The Ship on the Hill. Astrology and architecture: the astrogeographical position of a breath taking hotel design. Compare: Astrology and architecture: characteristic features of Aries, Sidney Opera House…

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The Gemini Giant sculpture is located in Gemini

The Gemini Giant sculpture is located in Gemini Astrology, sculptures & places: The Gemini Giant as a guardian sculpture and iconic image of personal liberty and the right for playfulness Compare: The…

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Scorpio as the Resonator of Sharks at the Golden Nugget Las Vegas

Scorpio as the Resonator of Sharks at the Golden Nugget Las Vegas Astrology & Places: Scorpio as the Resonator of Sharks at the Golden Nugget Las Vegas Compare: Poker und…

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The Total Solar Eclipse on 21 August 2017 in astrogeography

The "Great American Solar eclipse" is an eclipse of the US electional system, presidency and constitution: the darkness over Washington is a moment of reconnection - which potentials will it…

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Read more about the article Astrology & Sacred Sites: the Hill of Uisneach
Hill of Uisneach in astrogeography photo: Abi Skipp, ccbysa2.0

Astrology & Sacred Sites: the Hill of Uisneach

Astrology & Sacred Sites: the Hill of Uisneach. The first seat of the High Kngs of Ireland in astrogeography Hill of Uisneach on Sacred Sites Ireland and Compare: The Hill of Tara…

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Read more about the article Astrology, Spirituality & Sacred Sites: Shirdi Sai Baba
Shirdi Sai Baba` Dwarkadeesh: Temple has both coordinates in Aquarius

Astrology, Spirituality & Sacred Sites: Shirdi Sai Baba

Astrology, Spirituality & Sacred Sites: Shirdi Sai Baba. The astrogeographical resonance degrees of the saint`s house and temple site Shirdi Sai Baba was an Indian saint,  spiritual master and an archetypal…

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Read more about the article The Swaminarayana cult: a modern Hindu sect in astrogeography
Shri Swaminarayan Temple, Chino Hills near LA located between Aquarius and Pisces and in Sagittarius Photo: Copyright held by BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha, ccbysa3.0

The Swaminarayana cult: a modern Hindu sect in astrogeography

The Swaminarayana cult: a modern Hindu sect in astrogeography. Astrology, History & Sacred Sites: on the astrogeographical positions of the temples of the Swaminarayana sect and the birth charts of its…

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The 1707 Eruption of Mt Fuji in Astrogeography

The 1707 Eruption of Mt Fuji in Astrogeography Astrological Vulcanology: The 1707 Eruption of Mt Fuji in Astrogeography Compare:  Mount Fuji in Astrogeography The last eruption of Mt Fuji occurred during a…

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Astrology & Magical Places: The Beauty of Mount Taranaki

Astrology & Magical Places: The Beauty of Mount Taranaki - on the astrogeographical position of the New Zealand`s highest stratovolcano. Mt Taranaki ("shining peak") in  New Zealand is a 2518 m high stratovolcano…

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Astrology & Sacred Sites: The sanctuary of Locmariaquer

Astrology & Sacred Sites: The sanctuary of Locmariaquer Compare: On the astrogeography of Carnac,  Introduction to an astrogeographical typology of dolmen and portal tombs, Valley of Saints at Carnoët, Bretagne,  Saint Michaels Mount and…

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Read more about the article Astrology & Architecture: shaft, bow and balls in Sagittarius
Burj al Arab Hotel has both astrogeographical coordinates in Sagittarius photo: Wofratz, ccbysa3.0

Astrology & Architecture: shaft, bow and balls in Sagittarius

Astrology & Architecture: shaft, bow and balls in Sagittarius. An introduction to the role of balls, round forms and semi-circles in Sagittarius Al-Faisaliyah Tower located in Taurus with Sagittarius Al…

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Read more about the article The Great Fire of London 350 years ago
Central London in 1666, with the burnt area shown in pink. photo: Bunchofgrapes, GNU/FDL

The Great Fire of London 350 years ago

The Great Fire of London 350 years ago. Astrology, History & Places: The Great Fire of London 350 years ago Related articles: Saturn-Neptune conjunction over London: the Great London Smog of…

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Read more about the article Capricorn and the White Desert
The White Desert - between Farafra and Bahariya oasis located in Capricorn with Gemini photo: Nomo, ccbysa2.5

Capricorn and the White Desert

Capricorn and the White Desert - the astrogeographical position of the stunning white chalk formations in the Farafra depression in Western Egypt Related articles: Capricorn in Astrogeography, The White Desert in Capricorn…

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