Read more about the article Some thoughts on an astrogeographical typology of monolithic domes
The "Dome of a Home" in Pensacola Beach, Florida located in Taurus with Virgo is a display model for a hurricane safe house.   photo: BrandlandUSA, GFDL

Some thoughts on an astrogeographical typology of monolithic domes

Some thoughts on an astrogeographical typology of monolithic domes. A study on the different aspects of domes and which atmosphere and function of such buildings is supported by the position…

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Read more about the article Leo with Pisces: the magic of Angel Oak
Angel oak is located in Leo with Pisces photo: DannyBoy7783, GNU/FDL

Leo with Pisces: the magic of Angel Oak

Leo with Pisces: the magic of Angel Oak. On the astrogeographical position of the tree in Leo the sign of the Sun and therefore the physically strongest planetary factor in…

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Read more about the article Cochise Stronghold and the combination of Virgo with Aries
Dragoon Mountains, Arizona, from the south

Cochise Stronghold and the combination of Virgo with Aries

Cochise Stronghold and the combination of Virgo with Aries. Related articles: Checkerboard Mesa and the combination of Scorpio with Gemini, Crazy Horse Memorial in Scorpio the Sign of Sculpting,  Bighorn Medicine Wheel…

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Oprah Winfreys locational astrology chart at the White House

Oprah Winfreys locational astrology chart at the White House Calculate your free locational astrology chart here Related articles: Oprah Winfreys astrogeographical constellation at Harpo Studios in Chicago,  Astrogeographical constellations of US Presidents…

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Skylodge Adventure Suites – luxury 1300 feet above the ground

Skylodge Adventure Suites - luxury 1300 feet above the ground.  Located near Ollantaytambo in the Sacred Valley, Peru.    Book it via airbnb it for 375 € a night. Related articles:Astrology and Astrogeography for Holidays,…

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Read more about the article Spirals in Aquarius Architecture
The spiral tower at Oscar Niemeyer International Center located in Aquarius photo: FDV ccbysa3.0

Spirals in Aquarius Architecture

Spirals in Aquarius Architecture. Astrology, architecture and astrogeography: a 2 spirals wedding chapel and other spirals built in Aquarius. A wedding chapel where 2 spiral pathways wind up around each…

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The catastrophic chart for the Brexit date

The catastrophic chart for the Brexit date - astrology, politics, history and astrogeography Related articles: The astrogeographic position of London,  Astrogeographical position of the EU Parliament in Brussels,  Astrogeographic position…

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Read more about the article Pluto opposite London: The Battle of Cable Street
The Cable Street Mural commemorating the Battle of Cable Street, photo: jo-marshall, ccbysa2.0

Pluto opposite London: The Battle of Cable Street

Pluto opposite London - The Battle of Cable Street. On the astrological analysis of an important event in the history of the fight against globalized fascism Compare: London and Great Britain…

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Popocatepetl in astrological vulcanology

Popocatepetl in astrological vulcanology Related articles: Volcanoes in astrogeography, Earthquakes in astrogeography. The Great Pyramid of Cholula in astrogeography,  Astrology & Sacred Sites: Templo Mayor in Mexico City Popocatépetl  is a 5,426 m active volcano located…

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Read more about the article The 2017 Kermanshah earthquake
Map of the Arabian Plate image: Sting and Woudloper, GNU/FDL

The 2017 Kermanshah earthquake

The 2017 Kermanshah earthquake. Astrology, astrogeography and earthquakes: Related articles:  Krakatoa and the extreme weather events of 536 AD, The Nepal Earthquake on 25 April 2015, The San Francisco Earthquakes, Haiti earthquake, Fukushima. Kaohsiung Earthquake…

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Read more about the article Astrology & Architecture – Hoover Dam in astrogeography
Hoover Dam has both coordinates near the cardinal divide between Gemini and Cancer photo: Pamela McCreight, ccbysa2.0

Astrology & Architecture – Hoover Dam in astrogeography

Astrology & Architecture - Hoover Dam in astrogeography Related articles: Cancer as the sign of seashells in architecture. A WW2  “flak” tower in the sign of the crab, Oroville Dam astrogeographic position: highest…

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Gemini plus Leo – the Black Ant restaurant in astrology

Gemini plus Leo - the Black Ant restaurant in astrology Astrology & Restaurants: Gemini plus Leo as the resonating astrological constellation of ants. Ants for dinner at Black Ant restaurant…

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The Independence Referendum in Catalonia

The Independence Referendum in Catalonia, Astrology & Politics: the Independence Referendum in Catalonia. astrogeographical analysis of the situation during the planned referendum. Compare:  Barcelona Terrorist Attack on 17 August 2017, Astrogeographic…

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Astrology & Hurricanes: Hurricane Maria in astrogeography

Astrology & Hurricanes: Hurricane Maria in astrogeography - astrogeographcial data for the third consecutive strong Hurricane of the 2017 season Compare: Hurricane Harvey in astrogeography, Hurricane Irma in astrogeography, Hurricane Katrina in…

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Astrology & Volcanoes: Paektusan volcano in astrogeography

Astrology & Volcanoes: Paektusan volcano in astrogeography. Astrogeographical data about one of the world`s most dangerous volcanoes. Compare: Volcanic eruptions in astrogeography,  The Astrogeographical Positions of Pyongyang and Seoul and future…

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Read more about the article Nabta Playa sun and star observatory
Nabta Playa Calendar Circle, reconstructed at Aswan Nubia museum photo: Raymbetz, ccbysa3.0

Nabta Playa sun and star observatory

Nabta Playa sun and star observatory in astrogeography. Astrology & Magical Places: on the astrogeographical positions of the sun and star observatory at Nabta Playa west of Abu Simbel, Egypt…

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Read more about the article Hurricane Harvey in astrogeography
Hurricane Harvey near the coast of Texas at peak intensity late on August 25, 2017

Hurricane Harvey in astrogeography

Hurricane Harvey in astrogeography. Astrology, Events & Places: Hurricane Harvey from an astrogeographical point of view - a short analysis of astrogeographical data and planetary transits Related articles: Hurricane Irma…

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The site of the Chernobyl Reactor in astrogeography

The site of the Chernobyl Reactor in astrogeography Astrology, History & Politics: the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 in astrogeography Compare:  The Fukushima disaster in astrogeography, Uranus on Midheaven and in Opposition to…

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