Capitals of World Religions in Astrology and Astrogeography. A comparative study on the astrology of religion, spirituality and cultural history
Related Articles: Temples in Astrogeography, Magical Places in Astrogeography
Capitals of World Religions in Astrology
I assume that there may be various approaches to differentiating between the various aspects and functions of what the term “religion” is used for.
Among all of them it is Astrology that naturally supplies the most advanced and ideal structural model for differentiation in the form of the 12 – fold seasonal zodiac.
The application of the structural definitions provided by the parallels and correspondences between the 12 stages of the natural solar year (zodiac signs) and natural solar day (house system) allows us to differentiate between the 12 potential forms and functions of any human religion.
My approach in this article is to apply my findings regarding the natural correspondences and resonance between the sky equator and the earth equator from 35 years of field study in astrogeographical measurement of morphogenetic fields.
Astrogeographical research on the role of religious capitals and important religious centers

The astrogeographical positions of capitals of religious cults can help to identify how, why and for which purposes the cult was grounded, stationed, centered, organized, instrumentalized, controlled a.s.o. They can even be used as important hints at the definition of the conditions and cultural backgrounds under which a cult was developed and how it is centered.
Such astrological definitions can even be used to explore the the analysis and differentiation of the main functions of religion. A first basic differentiation of functions of religions could be between functions for groups and functions for individuals.
- the cultural, economical, political and/or sociological circumstances and priorities under which the cult was established and/or developed
- Mental and emotional functions of the “religion“, cult and center for social groups.
- functions of religion for creating. stabilizing, legitimizing, influencing and/or controlling social groups, castes, tribes and nations may identify
- different types of religions like: mental religion, mysticism and/or occultism
- purposes that these functions of religion is used for may be: political, economical and territorial purposes, stabilization of social groups, state cult, warfare, government, legislation, rules, laws, administration, “justice” and trial, territorial defense & expansion, dogma, ideology, social role models, business, commerce, lobbyist purposes, colonialism, interacting with other groups, celebration, group interaction with aspects of spirituality
- functions of religion for individuals and in individuation. For example understanding, explaining, legitimizing individual actions, emotions, personality rights, making decisions,
But at the same time it has to be understood that these definitions do not represent the holistic elements of the spirituality of any of these religions !!!!
The following interpretations are therefore not representative of the core issues of the spirituality and spiritual essence of the respective cults, creeds, practices and people but rather of how the issues of true spirituality are dealt with from these centers.

Oldest known Religious Center
Article: The Temples & Gathering Sites of Göbekli Tepe
20 or more appr. 11.000 – 9.000 year old temples & gathering sites at Göbekli Tepe (Turkey)

Göbekli Tepe was a gathering site for groups of hunters some travelling thousands of kilometers to occasionally attend gatherings here. Archaeologists found that the vast grass lands of the region provided an extremely rich supply of antelope meat as well as of cereals that allowed the production of some early form of beer.
17°Taurus — (stabilization of shift from nomadic to agricultural, settled and urban culture, priority of markets, securing food supply, income and territorial control, maximum of income, wealth and territorial possession through markets, business and trade & earthly resources like agriculture, fossiles & territorial control)
7°Libra — (angelic center, relatively open region, cultural ideals of courtly high culture, courtly justice, aristocracy, marriage, women, slave, clothes and exchange market, gathering and festival site, relationship ideals, services market like medical treatment, prostitution)
The combination of Taurus with Libra
- While the coordinate in the very center of Taurus indicated that the rich food resources and some form of market and trade of goods like tools, medicine, cloths, totems or even buying of services like medical treatment played a major role the Libra correspondence of the region indicates an area relatively open to access along with topics of a festival and meeting place, marriage market, a site of exchange and relative peace, formal courtly rituals and relative high culture.
Capitals of Ancient Egyptian Religion
Article: Egypt and its capital Cairo in Astrology
4°Aries — (mobilization, motivation for new beginnings and projects, action, warfare, military training, the role of religion in warfare related oracles, motivation and consecration of weapons, soldiers and armies)
15°Aquarius — (central role of heaven, sky, stars, paradise, abstraction, monotheism, mutation, issues of suffering from slavery, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic situations, globalization, human and social innovation and revolution, self-liberation, political change, escaping, flight, exodus, rebellion, holistic re-connection with the fuller potentials of humans & human society).
The combination of Aquarius with Aries in regard to the role as a center of religion (parallel: Jerusalem: 3°Aries-18°Aquarius, Lhasa: 9°Aries-14°Aquarius)
- the combination of fire sign Aries the sign of warfare and new beginnings and air sign Aquarius the sign of abstraction, mutation, multi-cultural issues, human innovation and revolution, the sky, heaven, stars and mono-theism may be investigated as reflecting issues of human progress and activity rather than issues of mental religion, faith or ideology.
- the revolutionary aspect of Aquarius as well as its central issue of seeking to escape from slavery being joined by highly alert and ready to fight Aries
- the extreme importance of Jerusalem for the Jewish religion in the development of the two mono-theist and most widely spread global religions Christianity (origin in Jerusalem) and Islam (origin named in Jewish religion by Mohammed) has to be considered here as a hint at the outstanding role of the combination of Aries with Aquarius in the political and military triumph of the abstract, monotheist super-religions in the modern era.
- the parallel of the position between Memphis and Jerusalem suggests a continuity of aspects of religion that were transferred from Memphis to Jerusalem after the Exodus of the Israelis from Egypt
Thebes (Luxor)
2°Pisces — (spirituality, floods, dam break, loss of human control, effective reality, long-term consequences of karmic issues, invisible, unknown, unconscious, mythology, legends)
13°Cancer — (river, fertility, pregnancy, sexual organs, parenthood, ancestor lines, emotional individuality)
The combination of Cancer with Pisces in regard to the role as a center of religion.
- the combination of these two fertile water signs and particularly in a relatively dry, desert-like landscape with very little rain emphasizes the quality of this important religious center for the religious rites, worship. sacrifice and prayer related to the yearly Nile floods and water supply for agriculture.
Capitals of Sumerian Religion
Early Sumerian center of the moon god Nanna: Ur (Iraq)
7°Pisces — (spirituality, floods, dam break, loss of human control, effective reality, long-term consequences of karmic issues, invisible, unknown, unconscious, imaginary)
13°Leo — (light of personal self-centering, self-expression, monarchy, cult of the sun and light)
Later Climax of Sumerian Religion: Babylon (Iraq)

23°Cancer — (river, fertility, pregnancy, sexual organs, parenthood, ancestor lines, emotional individuality)
29°Capricorn — (located on the Sabian Symbols degree of the world government like e.g. London, stabilization of state cult, administration, government, class hierarchy, control, laws, rules and tradition, degree of the warrior & military caste)
The combination of Cancer with Capricorn in regard to the role as a center of religion similar to Constantinople/Istanbul at 5°Cancer – 18°Capricorn.
- the opposition between the two coordinates allows to integrate a maximum of conflicting and competing aspects in one capital
Capitals of Hindu Religion
Early Capital of Hinduism: Mohenjo-Daro (Pakistan)
8°Taurus: (maximum of food, wealth and territorial possession through markets, business and trade & earthly resources like agriculture, food production, territorial control)
4°Gemini: (technological, informational and logistic progress, global interface of assimilation of different culture, republic)
The combination of Taurus with Gemini in regard to the role as a center of religion
Central Capital of Hinduism: Varanasi (India):
7°Scorpio — (iconography, alchemy, transfusion, human dying and transformation through death, confrontation of dependence, the underworld, trauma, social hierarchy & role models)
22°Cancer — (river, fertility, pregnancy, sexual organs, parenthood, ancestor lines, emotional individuality)
The combination of Cancer with Scorpio in regard to the role as a center of religion
- this sign combination appears to be central for Hinduism, ritual worship of life, living, fertility at Hindu temples, river gods & goddesses and important places of resonance like the Ganges spring
Capital of Sikhism: Amritsar (India)
29°Cancer — (final stage of cult of fertility, conception and pregnancy, birth moment, emotional self-reflection, cult of ancestor lines and inheritance)
21°Aquarius — (central role of heaven, sky, stars, paradise, abstraction, monotheism, mutation, issues of suffering from slavery, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic situations, globalization, human and social innovation and revolution, self-liberation, political change, escaping, flight, exodus, rebellion, holistic re-connection with the fuller potentials of humans & human society).
The combination of Cancer with Aquarius in regard to the role as a center of religion
Capitals of ancient Greek Religion
“Navel of the World” Pythia Oracle of Delphi (Greece):
0°Scorpio — (first stage of iconography, human dying and transformation through death, confrontation of dependence, the underworld, trauma, social hierarchy & role models)
6°Virgo — (harbors, cult of medicine, healing, curation, adjustment to material conditions, protection of natural resources, science of agriculture, harvest, securing and conserving food)
The combination of Virgo with Scorpio in regard to the role as a center of religion
Mount Olympus – mythological seat of the Gods (Greece)
29°Libra — (angelic center, cultural ideals of courtly high culture, aristocracy, relationship ideals of harem culture)
28°Cancer — (angelic center, cultural ideals of courtly high culture, aristocracy, relationship ideals of harem culture)
Peruvian Religion
Sechin Bajo (Peru). Oldest known center
21°Gemini — (practical functions of religion in society, priority of holistic & permanent technological, informational and logistic progress, global interface of assimilation of cultures, language, schools, republic, democracy, civil rights)
17°Scorpio —
Cusco (Peru), Inca Capital – Last Period
7°Virgo —
25°Aquarius — (central role of heaven, sky, stars, paradise, abstraction, monotheism, mutation, multi-cultural issues, human innovation and revolution, self-liberation, political change, escaping, flight, rebellion, holistic re-connection with the fuller potentials of humans & human society)
Maya Religion
Cahal Pech (Belize). Early Capital and Center
11°Aquarius — (central role of heaven, sky, stars, paradise, abstraction, monotheism, mutation, multi-cultural issues, human innovation and revolution, self-liberation, political change, escaping, flight, rebellion, holistic re-connection with the fuller potentials of humans & human society)
9°Aquarius — (central role of heaven, sky, stars, paradise, abstraction, monotheism, mutation, multi-cultural issues, human innovation and revolution, self-liberation, political change, escaping, flight, rebellion, holistic re-connection with the fuller potentials of humans & human society)
Tikal (Guatemala) Late Center & Capital
6°Aquarius — (central role of heaven, sky, stars, paradise, abstraction, monotheism, mutation, multi-cultural issues, human innovation and revolution, self-liberation, political change, escaping, flight, rebellion, holistic re-connection with the fuller potentials of humans & human society)
5°Aquarius — (central role of heaven, sky, stars, paradise, abstraction, monotheism, mutation, multi-cultural issues, human innovation and revolution, self-liberation, political change, escaping, flight, rebellion, holistic re-connection with the fuller potentials of humans & human society)
Capital of Jewish Religion
Jerusalem (Israel): Capital & Center of the Jewish Religion

3°Aries — (mobilization, motivation for new beginnings and projects, action, religious consecration and mobilization of motivation for warfare, military, soldiers and weapons as well as oracles, rites and sacrifice before warfare)
18°Aquarius — (central role of heaven, sky, stars, paradise, abstraction, monotheism, mutation, issues of suffering from slavery, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic situations, globalization, human and social innovation and revolution, self-liberation, political change, progress, individuation processes, escaping, flight, exodus, rebellion, holistic re-connection with the fuller potentials of humans & human society).

The combination of Aquarius with Aries in regard to the role as a center of religion. Parallels: Memphis at 4°Aries-15°Aquarius, Lhasa 9°Aries-14°Aquarius.
- the position of a religious capital in the combination of fire sign Aries and air sign Aquarius points at the priority of issues of cultural, political, technological and social mutations, revolution and progress
- the position in Aquarius has to be investigated as an indicator for the important role of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt and the conquest of the promised land of Canaan for the nation of Israel and its religious state and national cult.
- the nearly exact conjunction of the astrogeographical coordinates of Jerusalem with those of the early Egyptian capital of Memphis reflects the central importance of the influence of the “Egyptian Experience” or “Egyptian Period” for the Jewish religion in two ways: A and B
- A — the stabilization of a nation of tribes through the common enemy, and the common experience, memory and history of suffering, self-liberation, flight and conquest of the promised land Canaan where the religious center and first temple was founded by Solomon appr. 200 – 300 (Solomon) years after the escape from Egypt.
- B — the inherited knowledge from the experience of the Egyptian role model as a central state, kingdom, cultural achievements, technology, roles and functions of religion in state cult and particularly the advantages of monotheism against polytheism in regard to the stabilization of nation, state, mobilization, warfare, social hierarchy as well as caste and slavery systems.
- the exact conjunction between Memphis and Jerusalem in the signs Aries and Aquarius can also be examined in regard to details of the Biblical accounts of the history: the Jews seeking refuge in Egypt due to a famine, the liberation myth in which the prophet Moses claimed to have been acted under gods command, the technical magic of working the 7 plagues against Egypt and others.
- the extreme importance of Jerusalem for the Jewish religion in the development of the two mono-theist and most widely spread global religions Christianity (origin in Jerusalem) and Islam (origin named in Jewish religion by Mohammed) has to be considered here as a hint at the outstanding role of the combination of Aries with Aquarius in the political and military triumph of the abstract, monotheist super-religions in the modern era.

Late Center of Zoroastrianism
Yazd (Iran):
22°Scorpio: (iconography, human dying and transformation through death, confrontation of dependence, social hierarchy & role models, nomad culture)
15°Aquarius: (central role of heaven, sky, stars, paradise, abstraction, monotheism, mutation, issues of suffering from slavery, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic situations, globalization, human and social innovation and revolution, self-liberation, political change, escaping, flight, exodus, rebellion, holistic re-connection with the fuller potentials of humans & human society).
The combination of Scorpio with Aquarius in regard to the role as a center of religion
Jain Religion
Spiritual Center of Jain Religion: Mt. Parasnath (India)
14°Sagittarius —
25°Leo —
Capitals of Taoism – Confucianism:
Artikel: Zur Astrologie des Confuzius Tempels in Qufu
Qufu (China): Origin of Confucius
24°Sagittarius — (philosophy, understanding, searching fro success, issues of long established priest castes, luxury of harem culture)
16°Scorpio —- (iconography, human dying and transformation through death, confrontation of dependence, social hierarchy & role models)
The combination of Sagittarius with Scorpio in regard to the role as a center of religion
Louguantai (China): Assumed origin of Confucianism
10°Virgo — (cult of medicine, healing, curation, adjustment to material conditions, protection of natural resources, harvest, science of agriculture)
23°Sagittarius — (philosophy, understanding, searching fro success, issues of long established priest castes, luxury of harem culture)
The combination Virgo with Sagittarius in regard to the role as a center of religion
Capitals of Buddhist Religions
Global Capital of Buddhism: Bodh Gaya (India):
29°Scorpio/0°Sagittarius (foundation of a priest caste,of philosophy, mental understanding, preaching, seeking success, healing, expansion)
7°Leo: (light of personal self-centering, self-expression, monarchy, cult of the sun and light)
The combination of Sagittarius with Leo in regard to the role as a center of religion
Capital of Tibetan Buddhism: Lhasa (Tibet)
14°Aquarius — (central role of heaven, sky, stars, paradise, abstraction, monotheism, mutation, issues of suffering from slavery, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic situations, globalization, human and social innovation and revolution, self-liberation, political change, escaping, flight, exodus, rebellion, holistic re-connection with the fuller potentials of humans & human society).
9°Aries — (mobilization, motivation for new beginnings and projects, action warfare)
The combination of Aquarius with Aries in regard to the role as a center of religion
Capital of Zen Buddhism: Kyoto (Japan)
Remarkable: near to exact correspondence with Bodh Gaya !!!!
9°Leo — (light of personal self-centering, self-expression, monarchy, cult of the sun and light)
0°Sagittarius — (foundation of a priest caste of philosophy, mental understanding, preaching, seeking success, healing, expansion)
The combination of Leo with Sagittarius in regard to the role as a center of religion
Origin of Chinese Buddhism: Luoyang (China)
2°Scorpio — (early stage of iconography regarding human dying and transformation through death, confrontation of dependence, social hierarchy & role models
7°Sagittarius — (post foundation phase of a priest caste of philosophy, mental understanding, preaching, seeking success, healing, expansion)
Capitals of Meso-American Religious High Culture
Meso-American Religions: Teotihuacan (Mexico):
14°Libra — (angelic center, re-balancing, central ideals of high culture of aristocracy, central ideals of relationship, marriage market & gathering site)
7°Sagittarius — (post foundation phase of a priest caste of philosophy, mental understanding, seeking success)
Capital of Aztec Religion: Tenochtitlan (Mexico City)
10°Libra — (angelic center, re-balancing, central ideals of high culture of aristocracy, central ideals of relationship)
14°Sagittarius — (center of a priest caste of philosophy, mental understanding, seeking success)
Largest Capital of Maya Religion: Tikal (Guatemala)
5°Aquarius — (central role of heaven, sky, stars, paradise, abstraction, monotheism, mutation, issues of suffering from slavery, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic situations, globalization, human and social innovation and revolution, self-liberation, political change, escaping, flight, exodus, rebellion, holistic re-connection with the fuller potentials of humans & human society).
6°Aquarius — (central role of heaven, sky, stars, paradise, abstraction, monotheism, mutation, issues of suffering from slavery, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic situations, globalization, human and social innovation and revolution, self-liberation, political change, escaping, flight, exodus, rebellion, holistic re-connection with the fuller potentials of humans & human society).
The combination of Aquarius with Aquarius in regard to the role as a center of religion
Capitals of Christian Religions
Capital of Roman Religions: Rome (Italy)
14°Gemini — (practical functions of religion in society, priority of holistic & permanent technological, informational and logistic progress, global interface of assimilation of cultures, language, schools, republic, democracy, civil rights)
29°Gemini — (practical functions of religion in society, priority of holistic & permanent technological, informational and logistic progress, global interface of assimilation of cultures, language, schools, republic, democracy, civil rights)
Origin of Christian religion: Jerusalem (Israel)
3°Aries — (mobilization, motivation for new beginnings and projects, action, religious consecration and mobilization of motivation for warfare, military, soldiers and weapons as well as oracles, rites and sacrifice before warfare)
13°Aquarius — (central role of heaven, sky, stars, paradise, abstraction, monotheism, mutation, issues of suffering from slavery, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic situations, globalization, human and social innovation and revolution, self-liberation, political change, escaping, flight, exodus, rebellion, holistic re-connection with the fuller potentials of humans & human society).
The combination of Aquarius with Aries in regard to the role as a center of religion
- the combination between fire sign Aries the sign of warfare and new beginnings and air sign Aquarius the sign of abstraction, mutation, multi-cultural issues, human innovation and revolution, the sky, heaven, stars and mono-theism may be investigated as reflecting issues of human progress and activity rather than issues of mental religion, faith or ideology.
- the extreme importance of Jerusalem for the Jewish religion in the development of the two mono-theist and most widely spread global religions Christianity (origin in Jerusalem) and Islam (origin named in Jewish religion by Mohammed) has to be considered here as a hint at the outstanding role of the combination of Aries with Aquarius in the political and military triumph of the abstract, monotheist super-religions in the modern era.
Capital of Catholic Religion: Rome (Italy) — Vatican City in astrogeography

14°Gemini — (technological, informational and logistic progress, global interface of assimilation of different culture, republic)
29°Gemini — (holistic technological, informational and logistic progress; global interface of assimilation of different cultures; republic, democracy, civil rights)
The Double Gemini aspect of the Roman-Catholic-Church
- For the Role of the Vatican and the Roman-Catholic church as an internationally and globally acting Institution the resonance coordinates for the City of Rome for morphogenetic field level 1 (region) at 14°Gemini and 29°Gemini have to be considered. They explain the situation of the Catholic Church as an embassy at the center of the infrastructure of the Roman Empire, the heart of its politics, information, technology, assimilation of foreign cultures, ethnics, religions, schooling and learning.
- The early Christian sects developed their religion under the historical circumstances of the Roman Empire. Aspects that may be examined as symptomatic of Gemini can be:
- A –— the fact that the founder of their religion opposed ethnic priorities and ethnic division between people
- B — the Christian religion had no homeland as their founder had been expelled from his homeland and religion through martyrdom.
- C — the double Gemini impact of West Rome and its colony East Rome (Constantinople founded 11 May 330) taught the Christians the school of latin language along with access to multicultural technological, cultural and multi-religious knowledge gathered by Rome from the Greek communities, Egypt, Persia, Babylon, Carthage and Levante.
- Considering how during the first 3 centuries of its existence the development of Christian religion in the Roman Empire occurred in neglected and politically persecuted social groups under the experience of martyrdom the Gemini lessons learned from the Roman culture may be understood as adaptability, flexibility and assimilation of the ruling culture.
- The double Gemini impact of West Rome explains how the Catholic Church inherited the perspectives on geo-strategical knowledge which can therefore be examined as important factors in the schemes of expansion of Catholicism with the help of the Frankish, Holy Roman, French, Habsburg and Spanish Empires and later to the Western European colonies through military, colonial and ideological “Christianization”.
Capital of Christian Orthodox Religion: Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey)
5°Cancer — (re-connection (1st degrees) with emotional identity, individuality, self-reflection, cult of fertility and ancestor lines, )
18°Capricorn — (stabilization of state cult, administration, government, class hierarchy, control, laws, rules and tradition, degree of the warrior & military caste)
The combination of Cancer with Capricorn in regard to the role as a center of religion.
Origin of Lutheran Protestant Religion: Wittenberg, Germany
2°Cancer — (re-connection (1st degrees) with emotional identity, individuality and self-reflection, cult of fertility and ancestor lines)
15°Libra — (angelic center, re-balancing, central ideals of high culture of aristocracy, central ideals of relationship)
The combination of Cancer with Libra in regard to the role as a center of religion.
Capital of Islamic Religion
Central capital & origin of Islam: Mekka (Saudi Arabia)
28°Taurus — (stabilization of shift from nomadic to agricultural, settled and urban culture, priority of markets, securing food supply, income and territorial control, maximum of income, wealth and territorial possession through markets, business and trade & earthly resources like agriculture, fossiles & territorial control)
26°Libra — (angelic center, relatively open region, cultural ideals of courtly high culture, courtly justice, aristocracy, marriage and exchange market, gathering and festival site, relationship ideals of harem culture, Parallel: London)
The combination of Taurus with Libra in regard to the role as a center of religion. Compare: Göbekli Tepe
- While the coordinate on the high profitability degrees of Taurus indicated that the rich food resources and some form of market and trade of goods like food, tools, medicine, cloths and totems the Libra correspondence of the region indicates an area relatively open to access along with topics of a festival and meeting place, marriage market, market for clothes, fashion and luxury goods, market for services like medical treatment, schooling, exchange and relative peace, formal courtly rituals and relative high culture.
Capital of Inca Religion: Cusco (Peru)
7°Virgo –— (cult of medicine, healing, curation, adjustment to material conditions, protection of natural resources, harvest, science of agriculture)
25°Aquarius — (central role of heaven, sky, stars, paradise, abstraction, monotheism, mutation, issues of suffering from slavery, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic situations, globalization, human and social innovation and revolution, self-liberation, political change, escaping, flight, exodus, rebellion, holistic re-connection with the fuller potentials of humans & human society).
Center of Baha`i Religion: Haifa (Israel)
29°Pisces —
23°Capricorn —