Santuario de Chimayo in Astrology

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Santuario de Chimayo located in Aries with Leo photo: Andrea Stawitcke, ccbysa2,5

Santuario de Chimayo in Astrology

Santuario de Chimayo in Astrology. A temple of light and ignition in a field of angels: the American Lourdes at a small church in New Mexico

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A temple of light and ignition in a field of angels

Santuario de Chimayo
Santuario de Chimayo located in Aries with Leo photo: Andrea Stawitcke, ccbysa2,5

The Santuario de Chimayó is one of the most important Roman Catholic pilgrimage site in the whole of the USA. The first chapel here built around 1810 by Don Bernardo Abeyta was dedicated to the Christ of Esquipulas a pilgrimage site in Guatemala where the earth is ascribed healing power and a large number of miracle healings reported. Bernardo Abeyta was one of the first members of Los Hermanos de la Fraternidad Piadosa de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno (the Penitentes) in the area of New Mexico. The first cures at the Chimayó site were reported already in 1810. By 1816 the first chapel was replaced by the present church.

Santuario de Chimayo Interior
Interior of the Santuario de Chimayo

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes how the area around the small church in the south of the town of Chimayo is embedded in the land: both coordinates are located in service orientated air sign Libra sign of opening up, angels, harmony, balance, beauty, symmetry, love and relationship. The larger area in which the sacred power place  at the Church  lies appears to have a relatively peaceful snd opneing energetical ompact on living beings.

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the energetical situation, atmosphere and function of the Santuario de Chimayo:  the latitude coordinate lies in dynamic, male fire signs Aries the sign of action, sports, ignition, new starts, leaving the past behind. The longitude coordinate lies in highly energetic, magnetic royal fire sign Leo the sign of the sun, light, power plants. the heart, sexuality and emotional self-expression. In regard to the healing effects of the place the combination of Leo with Aries suggests that it is due an intensely down to earth energetical stimulation of the heart and will power chakras. Although the Santuario de Chimayo was at least at the time of its foundation a branch of the older pilgrimage place of the Cristo Negro of Esquipulas the constellation in these two fire signs does not suggest a direct spiritual relationship between the 2 places itself. Particularly the position in self-centered Leo which is valid at both place rather indicates that both places have their separate source of energetical stimulus..

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 2 which describes the supraregional quality and meaning of the pilgrimage church: one coordinate is located right centre (at 15°) of solid fixed water sign Scorpio sign of perception, alchemy, imaging and sculpting. The 2nd coordinate falls on 15° of air sign Gemini sign of signposts, information, road crossings and  technology.

The Cristo Negro of Esquipulas

Cristo negro de Esquipulas
Cristo negro de Esquipulas – black Christ of Esquipulas in its glass case is located in Leo with Virgo ph Roberto Urrea, ccbysa2.5

The Cristo Negro of Esquipulas at the Cathedral Basilica of Esquipulas is the earliest and most famous image of its kind and with 4,5 million visitors per year the most venerated image in Central America. The wooden Jesus sculpture was commissioned in 1595 by spanish conquistadors.Its famous color comes from the fact that the wood darkened over time. By 1737, various miracles had been ascribed to it and the Basilica was built, where it remains today.

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the energetical situation, atmosphere and function of the Basilica: the longitude c oordinate lies right in between highly energetic, magnetic royal fire sign Leo sign of the sun, light, power stations, the heart, sexuality and emotional self-expression and self-protective earth sign Virgo sign of reason, health, healing, self-cleaning herbal medecine, monk & yoga culture. The latitude coordinate too is located in Virgo.

In regard to the healing powers of this highly energetical spring the position in Virgo is a hint at the effects of the help from spiritual plane from spirits related to the earthly plane and esüecially from the realms related to plants.

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 2 which describes the supraregional meaning of the pilgrimage church: one coordinate is located in emotional water sign Cancer sign of the moon, pregnancy, fertility, motherhood, emotional individuality and authenticity. 2nd coordinate in highly energetic, magnetic royal fire sign Leo the sign of the sun, light, power stations, the heart, sexuality and emotional self-expression.


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