Read more about the article Canada and Ottawa in Political Astrology
Parliament Hill in the center of Ottawa is located in Scorpio with Pisces for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) ph: Taxiarchos228, ccbysa3.0

Canada and Ottawa in Political Astrology

Canada and Ottawa in Political Astrology & Astrogeography. Foundation charts and horsocopes of important events in Canada`s history Articles on political astrogeography & birth charts of nations: A - Z:…

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Read more about the article Canberra & Australia in Political Astrology
Axis from the Australian War Memorial to Parliament House, as seen from Mt Ainslie, Canberra photo: Petaholmes, GNU/FDL

Canberra & Australia in Political Astrology

Canberra & Australia in Political Astrology and Astrogeography. Birth & foundation charts and important transits in Australian history. Compare: Cancer and Leo: the magic of Uluru, Australian Federal Elections on…

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Read more about the article The combination of Pisces with Capricorn at Svetitskoveli Cathedral
Mithsketa Cathedral at Svetitskoveli is located in Pisces the sign of mystification with Capricorn the sign of centers of state religion and government institutions ph: Diego delso, ccbysa4.0

The combination of Pisces with Capricorn at Svetitskoveli Cathedral

The combination of Pisces with Capricorn at Svetitskoveli Cathedral: Astrology, astrogeography, religion, temples: the astrogeographical position of Svetitskhoveli Cathedral Related topics: Svetitskhoveli Cathedral and monastery literally the "Cathedral of the Living…

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Read more about the article The Hoba meteorite – a 51 tons piece of iron found in Aries
The Hoba meteorite is the largest known meteorite found on Earth. The site has both coordinates in Aries. ph: Damien du Toit, ccbysa2.0

The Hoba meteorite – a 51 tons piece of iron found in Aries

The Hoba meteorite - a 51 tons piece of iron found in Aries. Astrology and magical places: on the astrogeographic position of the site of the largest piece of meteorite…

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Read more about the article Neptune conjunct Venice 2019 – 2022
View of the San Marco Basin in 1697 by Gaspar van Wittel

Neptune conjunct Venice 2019 – 2022

Neptune conjunct Venice 2019 - 2022. Astrology & places: a new climax in the slow but steady process of drowning of the laguna city Venice. Compare: When will Venice sink? Related…

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Read more about the article Rome and Italy in Astrology & Astrogeography
Map of the Roman Empire during its largest extension under Emperor Hadrian in 117 CE. map: v, ccbysa3.0

Rome and Italy in Astrology & Astrogeography

Rome and Italy in Astrology & Astrogeography. Birth charts of Italy and important astrological transits in the history of Rome and the Italian Nation. Articles on political astrogeography & birth…

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Read more about the article The 2018 Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami in astrogeography
Sulawesi earthquake map image: Phoenix7777, ccbysa4.0

The 2018 Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami in astrogeography

The 2018 Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami in astrogeography. Astrology, history, earthquakes and tsunamis: astrogeographical data and analyses. Related articles: The San Francisco earthquakes, The Lombok earthquakes of 2018, 2018 earthquake…

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Read more about the article Ali & Nino kinetic sculpture and the topic of love across the borders
The scuplture "Ali & Nino" on the seafront of Batumi, Georgia is located in Sagittarius and between Gemini and Cancer

Ali & Nino kinetic sculpture and the topic of love across the borders

Ali & Nino kinetic sculpture and the topic of love across the borders. Astrology, art and the punctuation of the landscape through sculptures  Related: Astrology and art: Metalmorphosis by David Černý,  Sculptures…

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Read more about the article Gian Lorenzo Bernini and the Rape of Proserpina
The abduction of Proserpina by Pluto ph: Architas, ccbysa4.0

Gian Lorenzo Bernini and the Rape of Proserpina

Gian Lorenzo Bernini and the Rape of Proserpina. Astrology, art and sculpting in astrologcial psychology. Bernini´s birth chart compared to his sculpture Related:  Scorpio as the sign of sculpting, Libra as…

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Read more about the article The 64 Yogini Temples in astrogeography
The Central Sanctorum of the 64 Yogini temple is now dedicated to the worship of Shiva Soumya Mukherji, ccbysa4.0

The 64 Yogini Temples in astrogeography

The 64 Yogini Temples in astrogeography: Chausath Yogini Temples - tantric temples dedicated to the godesses and their spiritual practice. Astrology, temples, architecture, tantric worship and the roots of astrology:…

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Read more about the article The magnificence of Leo at Florence Cathedral
The 160m long Duomo (Cathedral) of Florence as seen from the south. The church is located between Leo and Virgo - and the 2nd coordinate is in Leo too. ph: Leanda Verboom, ccbysa2.0

The magnificence of Leo at Florence Cathedral

The magnificence of Leo at Florence Cathedral. Astrology, architecture, art and temples: the astrogeographical position of the Cathedral of the magical city of Florence. Related topics: Vank Cathedral – an Armenian…

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The resonance of submarines with Cancer at Balaklava Submarine Base

The resonance of submarines with Cancer at Balaklava Submarine Base. Astrology, architecture and the typology of the zodiac signs in astrogeography: a submarine base in Cancer the sign of sea-shells …

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Read more about the article The Richat Structure in Scorpio plus Virgo
Richat or "eye of the sahara" strucuture NASA image

The Richat Structure in Scorpio plus Virgo

The Richat Structure in Scorpio plus Virgo as resonators at the site of a super-large sinkhole. Astrology, nature and magical places. the astrogeographical position of the Guelb or Richat structure Compare:…

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Read more about the article Dragon bridge and Golden bridge at Da Nang
Dragon Bridge at Da Nang, Vietnam facing ph: Bùi Thụy Đào Nguyên, ccbysa3.0

Dragon bridge and Golden bridge at Da Nang

Dragon bridge and Golden bridge at Da Nang. Astrology, architecture and Feng-Shui art: a short analysis of the astrogeographical positions of bridges in Da Nang in relation to the symbolism…

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Read more about the article On the astrology of coffee, cafés, dealers and plantations
Coffee in Astrology: Girls sorting coffee beans, near Hawassa, Ethiopia ph: Niels Van Iperen, ccbysa4.0

On the astrology of coffee, cafés, dealers and plantations

On the astrology of coffee, cafés, dealers and plantations. in search of the corresponding signs. Astrology, Lifestyle, Drugs, Food and Cultural Hstory: tracking the astrogeographical positions of coffee houses and…

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Read more about the article The High Heels wedding church in Aquarius with Scorpio
Glass High Heel Church in Budai Township, Chiayi County. license: Accord14. ccbysa4.0

The High Heels wedding church in Aquarius with Scorpio

The High Heels wedding church in Aquarius with Scorpio. Astrology, architecture, art and sculpting: the "Shoe Church" in Chiayi, Taiwan as an experiment with the confrontation of idealism (Aquarius) with traumatic…

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Read more about the article NHhow Music and Lifestyle Hotel in Berlin in astrology
Hotel nhow in Berlin is located in Aquarius with Capricorn    photo: Jean-Pierre Dalbéra, ccbysa2.0

NHhow Music and Lifestyle Hotel in Berlin in astrology

NHhow Music and Lifestyle Hotel in Berlin in astrology: How to deal with the tension that arises from the combination of Aquarius with Capricorn in astrology, architecture and art. Related…

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Read more about the article The Whimsical Statue at Swansea Marina
Whimsical Statue, Swansea Marina, located in Cancer with Capricorn Colin Smith, ccbysa2.0

The Whimsical Statue at Swansea Marina

The Whimsical Statue at Swansea Marina. Astrology, Sculptures, Art and the reading of the signs with the help of astrogeography: an opposition between Cancer and Capricorn and a leaning statue as…

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Read more about the article Vank Cathedral – an Armenian Church in Iran
Frescoes inside Vank Cathedral, Ph: Diego Delso,, License CC-BY-SA

Vank Cathedral – an Armenian Church in Iran

Vank Cathedral - an Armenian Church in Iran. Astrology, architecture, art and astrogeography: the wonderful frescoes of the Holy Saviour Cathedral in astrogeography. Holy Savior Cathedral located in Leo with…

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Read more about the article The Lombok earthquakes of 2018 and a possible eruption of Mount Rinjani
Segara Anak, the volcanic crater on the summit of Rinjani. photo: Massew64, GFDL

The Lombok earthquakes of 2018 and a possible eruption of Mount Rinjani

The Lombok earthquakes of 2018 and a possible eruption of Mount Rinjani. The Lombok earthquakes of 29 July and 5 August 2018, the last eruption of Mt. Rinjani volcano located…

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