America in my astrology and astrogeography Blog. This category contains articles on important and fascinating topics of culture, history, architecture, politics, religion and more regarding the  North and South of the Americas.

For daily updates regarding astrological interpretations of current events worldwide please follow my English and German language facebook pages on

Among them are those that introduce the foundation charts of the USA, Brazil, Mexico,  Peru, Canada and Cuba  along with the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of their capitals.

Examples: The astrogeographical position of Ottawa, Havana and Cuba in astrology,   

North American Capitals in astrology
The astrogeographical positions of capitals of the former Spanish colonies reveal an intense resonance with the astrogeograühical resonance coordinates of the Spanish capital Madrid: North American and Caribbean Capitals in astrology
Read more about the article Predicition for the outcome of the US Presidential Elections 2024
Kamala Harris (60) and Donald Trump (78) - official images for the electional campaigns. license: pd

Predicition for the outcome of the US Presidential Elections 2024

Predicition for the outcome of the US Presidential Elections 2024 on the basis of Astrology and Astrogeography Related articles: Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump in Political Astrology “Moscow-Russia in search of…

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Read more about the article The CrowdStrike Outage Incident in Astrology
Computer outage at Dallas Airport on 19 Jul 2024 due to the CrowdStrike Incident. ph: reivax, ccbysa2.0

The CrowdStrike Outage Incident in Astrology

The CrowdStrike Outage Incident in Astrology. Astrological and astrogeographical analysis of the incident and its timing. The CrowdStrike Outage Incident in Astrology Computer outage at Dallas Airport on 19 Jul…

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Read more about the article The 1700 Cascadia megathrust earthquake in astrology
A map of the Juan de Fuca Plate with noted seismic incidents, including the 2001 Nisqually earthquake

The 1700 Cascadia megathrust earthquake in astrology

The 1700 Cascadia megathrust earthquake in astrology & astrogeography. Charts, data and analyses of the event along the Cascadia subduction zone  Earthquakes in Astrology: The San Francisco earthquakes in astrogeography, The Fukushima…

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Read more about the article Uranus-Neptune cycles & the history of the USA
Uranus - Neptune Synodic Transit Cycles and the History of the USA since 1478

Uranus-Neptune cycles & the history of the USA

Uranus-Neptune cycles & the history of the USA. Horoscopes and astrological analyses of the history of the USA through the Uranus-Neptune ages NEW ARTICLE - I INTEND TO BE WORKING…

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Read more about the article Uranus-Neptune Conjunctions in Political Astrology
The Capricorn Age 1821 to 2165 and the achievements of science & technology in regard to the exploration of the formerly occultist sphere and its confusion with spirituality.

Uranus-Neptune Conjunctions in Political Astrology

Uranus-Neptune Conjunctions in Political Astrology and in global, cosmic multi-national & cosmopolitan consciousness and peace treaties. Just started this New Article - am expecting to be working on it for…

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Read more about the article Free Mason Temples in astrology
The House of the Temple in Washington is an iconic building in the 1910s in the shape of a memorial to the influence of Free Masonry on the American Revolution and Constitution. The building is located in the sign combination Taurus with Capricorn. ph1: AgnosticPreachersKid, ccbysa3.0

Free Mason Temples in astrology

Free Mason Temples in astrology. Astrology, Architecture, Design and History: astrogeographical investigations into the design of Free Mason Temples New article - to be continued - please drop by after…

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Read more about the article The astrogeographical position of New York City
Lower Manhattan is located between Leo and Virgo ph: Diliff, ccybysa3.0

The astrogeographical position of New York City

The astrogeographical position of New York City, An astrological investigation into important planetary transits in the history of New York. Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A - Z: Lists of…

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Read more about the article Havana and Cuba in astrology
Old Havana by night. ph: Gabriel Rodríguez, ccbysa2.0

Havana and Cuba in astrology

Havana and Cuba in astrology. On the astrogeographical position of the capital of Cuba and the political astrology of the Cuban nation and territories. Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A…

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Read more about the article The first Pluto Return from the foundation of the USA
Transits of Pluto, Neptune and Uranus in relation to Washington in the history of the USA

The first Pluto Return from the foundation of the USA

The first Pluto Return from the foundation of the USA in astrogeography. Political #astrology and #astrogeography of the United States. Related articles: The Astrogeographical Position of Washington, The astrogeography of…

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Read more about the article The 50 US State Capitals in Astrology
US State Capitals in astrogeography

The 50 US State Capitals in Astrology

The 50 US State Capitals in Astrology. Astrogeographical positions for the 50 US State Capitals for in mundane and political astrology. Related articles:  The astrogeographical constellations of the US Presidents at…

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Read more about the article Mexico and its Capital in Political Astrology
The Paseo de la Reforma area is the skyscaper center in Mexico City. The local astrogeographical coordinates (field level 3 - surrounding area) are in Aquarius - the "mothersign" of skyscrapers and around the cardinal divide between Virgo & Libra the sign of the horizon and of stage presentation ph: Alejandro Islas, ccbysa2.0

Mexico and its Capital in Political Astrology

Mexico and its Capital in Political Astrology & Astrogeography. Transits of the outer planets in relation to the government center of Mexico. Compare: Templo Mayor in Mexico City and the…

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Read more about the article Canada and Ottawa in Political Astrology
Parliament Hill in the center of Ottawa is located in Scorpio with Pisces for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) ph: Taxiarchos228, ccbysa3.0

Canada and Ottawa in Political Astrology

Canada and Ottawa in Political Astrology & Astrogeography. Foundation charts and horsocopes of important events in Canada`s history Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A - Z: Lists of all capitals…

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Read more about the article Brazil and its capital Brasilia in Astrology
Palace of the Dawn at night, the official residence of the President of Brazil, in Brasília located in Cancer with Virgo. In the foreground, the sculptural group The Bathers, by Alfredo Ceschiatti ph: Thum_Fel, GFDL

Brazil and its capital Brasilia in Astrology

Brazil and its capital Brasilia in Astrology. Birth & foundation charts in the history of Brazil and the astrogeographical position of Brasilia. Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A - Z:…

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Read more about the article Havasu Creek in astrogeography
Havasu Creek in Astrology photo: RebexArt, ccbysa3.0

Havasu Creek in astrogeography

Stations of Havasu Creek in astrogeography. On the astrology of rivers, magical places and breathtakingly beautiful nature: the astrogeographical position of its source, the Supai settlement, the Navajo, Havasu and…

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Read more about the article Aquarius as the corresponding sign of Maya culture
Magical view on the forrest in the Maya Biosphere Reserve from the pyramid of Nakbé. Nakbé is located halfway between the two major Maya cities of El Mirador and Tikal. What once was a highly developed agricultural and metropolitan region is now covered with deepest jungle. photo: Ronyrocael, GNU/FDL

Aquarius as the corresponding sign of Maya culture

Aquarius as the corresponding sign of Maya culture. 60,000 previously unknown Maya structures found in Guatemala  dating over a period of 1500 years or more discovered in what once was…

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Read more about the article The Powell Chart for the foundation of the USA
USA Birth & Fopundation Charts: Rhythmical activations in the Powell and Sibley Charts compared

The Powell Chart for the foundation of the USA

The Powell Chart for the foundation of the USA. Rhythmical activations in the Powell Chart for the foundation of the USA compared to rythmical activations in the Sibley Chart. Political…

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The Maya Ruins at Palenque in astrogeography

The Maya Ruins at Palenque in astrogeography From the wiki article: "The Temple of the Cross is the largest and most significant pyramid within a complex of temples at the…

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Read more about the article The Sedona Vortex System in astrology
Leo and Sagitarius – Sedona Cathedral Rock photo: Tomas Castelazo license: ccsa3.0

The Sedona Vortex System in astrology

The Sedona Vortex System in astrogeography The nervous system of any landscape has different aspects of energetical layers, grids and energy centers, chakras and or vortexes of subtle energy. My systemical astrological measurement of the morphogenetic surface field grid structures attempts to explore and recapitulate how single places are embedded in the overal field system, how they relate to the larger planetary grid system and which particular archetypal energetical stimulation affects them on a genotypic structural level.

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Read more about the article Santuario de Chimayo in Astrology
Santuario de Chimayo located in Aries with Leo photo: Andrea Stawitcke, ccbysa2,5

Santuario de Chimayo in Astrology

Santuario de Chimayo in Astrology. A temple of light and ignition in a field of angels: the American Lourdes at a small church in New Mexico Related articles: The magical spring…

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Read more about the article Devils Hole in Scorpio the sign of the underworld
Devil`s Hole located in Scorpio with Capricorn photo: Stan Shebs, GNU/FDL

Devils Hole in Scorpio the sign of the underworld

Devils Hole in Scorpio the sign of the underworld. Astrology, caves & places: the astrogeographical position of Devil´s Hole near Las Vegas, Nevada. Compare: Plutos Gate in astrogeography, Thor´s well in…

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