Lion statues in astrogeographical field study
Lion statues in astrogeographical field study. Astrology, Art and sculpting: on the typology of lion statues and what their position reveals about their functions. Related articles: Scorpio as the sign…
Lion statues in astrogeographical field study. Astrology, Art and sculpting: on the typology of lion statues and what their position reveals about their functions. Related articles: Scorpio as the sign…
Astrology and Places: the astrogeographic constellations for the Champions League Final 2014 Why Madrid? Jupiter over Madrid and the Moon conjunct Uranus in exact trine with the city..... On the…
The Swan Bell Tower in Perth located in Sagittarius & Virgo Astrology, Places, Art and Architecture: The Swan Bell Tower in Sagittarius & Virgo - Video Related articles: Fondation Louis…
The Shell Museum of Dalian in Cancer the sign of shells. Astrology, architecture & design: the symptomatic elements of the Cancer archetype. Compare: Cancer in astrogeography - compilation of the…
The Cathedral of Brasilia in Leo with Pisces. Astrology, architecture & design: the astrogeographical position of the Cathedral of Brasilia Related articles: The Temple Mount at Jerusalem, The Birth Place of Jesus…
An Astrological Typology of City Squares: Astrology & Places: comparing the astrogeographical positions of large and important city squares. Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington is located in Libra with…
An Aquarius Tower for the Olympic Flame Astrology & architecture: Aquarius and a tower holding the flame of olympic culture Rekated articles: Lying or Flying – The Controversy between Taurus and…
Heaven`s Gate on the point of the winter solstice on Tianmen Shan. Astrology & Sacred Sites: Heaven`s Gate on top of the Sacred Tianmen Shan Mountain of China Related articles: Astrogeographic…