Renaissance Star Forts in Astrogeography

Astrology and Architecture: Renaissance Star Forts in Astrogeography For a detailed list of star forts see the wiki page. Palmanova is an excellent example of a Late Renaissance star fort. It was built by…

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The Crescent Moon Towers in Cancer

The Crescent Moon Towers in Cancer. Astrology and Architecture: on the astrogeographical position of two architectural design projects in Dubai and Baku Compare:  Cancer as the Sign of Seashells in architecture,  The…

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An astrogeographical history of skyscrapers

An astrogeographical history of skyscrapers. Astrology & Architecture: a comparative study of the astrogeography of the tallest buildings worldwide Related articles: Cancer and Taurus – Burj Khalifa in Dubai, Jeddhah Tower –…

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Scorpio as the sign of sculpting

Scorpio as the sign of sculpting . Astrology, Art & Sculpting: an astrogeographical documentation of my experience from astrogeographical field studies and some conclusions for a systemical typology of the…

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Fo Guang Shan Buddha in Libra

Fo Guang Shan Buddha in Libra. The Libra presentation of architecture and art focused on symmetry, harmony and balance. Related articles: Libra as the sign of symmetry, Buddhist Stupas in Astrology,  Shwedagon…

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