Astrology & Volcanoes: Paektusan volcano in astrogeography

Astrology & Volcanoes: Paektusan volcano in astrogeography. Astrogeographical data about one of the world`s most dangerous volcanoes. Compare: Volcanic eruptions in astrogeography,  The Astrogeographical Positions of Pyongyang and Seoul and future…

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Amsterdam and the Netherlands in Astrology

Amsterdam and the Netherlands in Astrology and Astrogeography. Birth and foundation charts for the Netherlands and astrogeographical transits in Dutch history. Articles on political astrogeography & birth charts of nations:…

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Plutos Gate between heaven an hell

Plutos Gate between heaven an hell. The astrogeographical position of the Pluto Temple at Hierapolis (Pamukkale) in Sagittarius with Capricorn. Related articles: The Forbidden City in Beijing,  St. Peter’s Basilica and Vatican City…

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Ukraine and Kiev in Political Astrology

Ukraine and Kiev in Political Astrology. Birth charts and history of Ukraine. Transits of the outer planets in relation to the capital and government of Ukraine. New Article Capitals &…

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