Gamla Uppsala the early spiritual center and capital of Sweden. An introduction to the astrogeography of an ancient capital of Scandinavia
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Gamla Uppsala as the residence of Swedish kings
Gamla Uppsala located 60 km north of the modern swedish capital Stockholm was the ancient capital of Sweden.

Gamla Uppsala was an important religious, economic and political centre for Sweden and the whole of Scandinavia from around the 3rd century AD. Early written sources claim that already during pre-history times Gamla Uppsala was well known in Northern Europe as the residence of Swedish kings of the legendary Yngling dynasty. The oldest Scandinavian sources, such as Ynglingatal, the Westrogothic law and the Gutasaga talk of the King of the Swedes (Suiones) as the “King at Uppsala”.
Astrogeographic position of Gamla Upsala for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the supraregional, international topics of the town in its role as a Swedish capital: one coordinate lies at 1° in self-protective earth sign Virgo the sign of reason, health, medicine, strategical planning, self-cleaning, harvests, storing goods, optimal use of resources and indicator for spiritual entities of nature and plants. The 2nd coordinate lies on 1° in dynamic male fire sign Aries sign of warfare, action, speed, fighting and an important indicator for Germanic cultures and mentality.

Astrogeographic position of the area of the three royal mounds of Gamla Uppsala for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the whole sanctuary: one coordinate lies in mystic, spiritual water sign Pisces the sign of the seas, temples, the spiritual plane, dreaming, illusion, legends, fairy tales and the re-connection with the spiritual plane. In regard to the function as a temple site Pisces stands for the aspect of spirituality. In regard to the seat of kings Pisces stands for the religious legitimization and mystification of the kingdom. Compare the combination of the royal palace and national temple of Thailand in Pisces.
The 2nd coordinate of the sanctuary lies in highly alert, defensive water sign Scorpio the sign of fortresses and strongholds, hierarchy, visualization, imaging, sculpting and indicator for the construction work done to built the artificial mounds and fortifications. Scorpio also represents the sign of the underworld pointing at the function as grave mounds and/or a place fot re-connection with the spheres of the underworld as in the case of the site of the Saxonian Irminsul (Yggdrasil) sanctuary at Obermarsberg.
The parallel of the shape of the “3 Royal Mounds of Uppsala” with the of the design of the “National Center for the Performing Arts” at Beijing both located in Pisces with Scorpio may be examined as an archetypal motif of this sign combination. See my article: Shapes of Scorpio – on parallels between helmets, closed up containers, bulbs and bunkers

The Thing at Gamla Uppsala was held together with the great annual market fair called Disting and a religious celebration called Dísablót.

The Dísablót was celebrated in honour of the female spirits and deities called the dísir and the Valkyries. The king proclaimed that the leidang would be summoned for warfare during the summer, and all the crews, rowers, commanders and ships were decided.

Gamla Uppsala as the site of the central Temple of the Norse religion
The Temple of Gamla Uppsala was the Norse cultic center over a long period until the Nordic religion was wiped out by the spreading Christianity after around 1000 AD. In 1164 it was made the seat of Sweden’s archbishopric.
Gamla Uppsala was also the location of the Thing of all Swedes a general assembly that was held from pre-historic times to the Middle Ages. The date of a Thing was set between the end of February or early March or possibly also around the spring equinox.
Adam of Bremen described the worship statues of three specific gods that sat on a triple throne inside the temple: Thor, whom Adam refers to as “the mightiest,” on the central throne, with Wodan (Odin) and Fricco (Freyr) seated on the thrones to the sides of him.

Norns spinning the thread of fate in front of Yggdrasil (the Tree of the Worlds). An Yggdrasil statue may have been present at Gamla Uppsala too.
On the Archetypal correspondence of Thor from an astrogeographical point of view
Thor in astrogeography: The results from astrogeographical field studies may serve as hints at the possible archetypal corresponding signs of the deities related to them. Of course the astrogeographical correspondences should be examined as indications of the atmosphere, energetical topics and function of the statues and worshiped or depicted images in the first places.

Astrogeographic position of Thor`s statue at Odense for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the statue itself : one coordinate lies right on the cardinal divide of the summer solstice between air sign Gemini the sign of intelligence, communication, learning, technology and small winds and emotional water sign Cancer sign of fertility, conception, wells and rivers. For the relationship of Cancer with single, male, almighty, physically strong deities compare the intense archetypal correspondence of hindu god Shiva with Cancer. The position on this particular divide between two signs makes Thor appear as a guardian either of the fertility month (Sun in Cancer) or of the exchange between Gemini (practical technology, cleverness, puberty) and Cancer (emotional empathy, authenticity, independence and/or maturity).
The second coordinate of Thor`s statue lies on the last degree of air sign Aquarius sign of the sky, heaven and paradise and indicator for the origin of Thor in the name of the older deity Týr the god of the sky.

Astrogeographic position of Thor`s statue on Djurgarden Bridge in Stockholm for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the statue itself: the statue is located on the same degree as the Thor statue of Odense right on the divide of the summer solstice between Gemini and Cancer. The second coordinate lies in dynamic, male fire sign Aries sign of warfare, speed, action, fighting, sports, physical strength, erection and the so called “murti” type of depiction of single standing bodies, Aries is also a definite indicator for the character of Thor as a symbol of male physical strength and his role as a warrior.

Astrogeographic position of Thor`s statue on Djurgarden Bridge in Stockholm for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the statue itself: one coordinate of Thor`s statue lies on the last degrees of air sign Aquarius sign of the sky, heaven and paradise and indicator for the origin of Thor in the name of the older deity Týr the god of the sky. This coordinate is located on the same position as the Thor statue of Odense, the parallel between the two seems to be the chariot here.
The second coordinate lies in solid fixed earth sign Taurus sign of the earth, grounding, profitability, agriculture, food, wheats and a major indicator for beer. Taurus my not be a plausible corresponding sign for Thor – but rather for the Carlsberg Brewery and for beer as food