Bristlecone Pine Forest: Sagittarius as the Sign of Conifers. The astrogeographical position of the oldest living trees on earth
Compare: The tree of Life, Árbol del Tule with the stoutest trunk of any tree in the world, Bristlecone Pine Forest: Sagittarius as the Sign of Conifers, The largest Cashew tree on the planet, General Sherman Tree, The Tree of Life in astrogeography, Santa Barbara’s Moreton Bay Fig Tree, The Chapel Oak in astrogeography, Zoroastrian Sarve or Cypress of Abarkhu.

The oldest trees on the planet are to be found in “Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest” in the White Mountains near Bishop, California. Located at 3100 m altitude these up to 5100 years old pine trees are the oldest living recorded organisms on Earth.
Astrogeographical position of Bristlecone Pine Forest for morphogenetic field level 2 (city) which describes how the larger area of forest is embedded in the region: the forest is located in dynamic fire sign Sagittarius which as a fire sign delivers no particular indicator for conservation, durability or longevity of plants or organisms as such. Yet at the same time what may be concluded from the position in a fire sign is that the adaptability of the trees lies is their ability to revive the stimulus for growing.
But Sagittarius is to be seen as the archetypal indicator for pine trees and firs as I have observed them in astrogeographical and astrogeomantic field studies for many years. Sagittarius so indicates energetic support for this type of trees here and in harmony with the morphogenetic field.
The 2nd coordinate of the area is in the fertile earth sign Taurus the sign of town centres which describes the area as a kind of capital of the pine trees. Taurus as the sign of roots could also stimulate roots growth, stability, nourishment and fertilizer left here by animals as places in Taurus like those in Cancer and Leo are particularly stimulating for the gathering of animals.
Another example for an important conifer in Sagittarius

Sagittarius as the sign of conifers: the Zoroastrian Sarve or Sarv-e Abar-Kuh in Iran is between 4000 & 4,500 years old and a national monument in Iran. It is 82 feet high and has a girth of 37.8 feet.
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position) which describes the energetical topics of the tree itself: located right on the divide between spiritual air sign Aquarius sign of the sky, reconnection, inspiration & spiritual water sign Pisces sign of the spiritual plane, imagination, temples, mystification and in this case a potential explanation the for the water supply.
The 2nd coordinate is located in dynamic fire sign Sagittarius the sign of pine trees and of conifers in general.