Boscawen-Un Stone Circle in astrogeography

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Boscawen-Un Stone Circle is located on 0°Capricorn the cardinal divide of the winter solstice and in Pisces photo: Waterborough, ccbysa3.0

Boscawen-Un Stone Circle in astrogeography

Boscawen-Un Stone Circle in astrogeography. Astrology and Sacred Sites: Boscawen-Un Stone Circle

Compare: An astrological typology of Dolmen and Portal Tombs, Stonehenge,  Saint Michael Leyline in AstrogeographySaint Michael`s Mount and Mont Saint Michel in SagittariusAvebury Stone CircleThe Hill of TaraQueen Elizabeth II`s and her predecessor`s constellations at Buckingham Palace,  Dolmen and Portal Tombs in astrogeographyDas 7000 Jahre alte Sonnenobservatorium von Goseck aus astrogeographischer Sicht., Museum of Witchcraft & Magic in Boscastle

Boscawen-Un Stone Circle is located on 0°Capricorn the cardinal divide of the winter solstice and in Pisces photo: Waterborough, ccbysa3.0

The Magical Stone Circle of Boscawen Un near St. Buryan in Cornwal was first built between 3000 and 4000 B.C.. It consists of 19 ring stones – 18 made from granite and one from white quartz plus a central menhir. Altogether the circle resembles a sun dial or sun observatory.

The leaning central pillar in the Boscawen-un stone circle, Cornwall  
photo: Jim Champion, GNU/FDL

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the supra-regional function of the Boscawen-Un stone circle gathering dite for the south-west of England: the site is located right on the cardinal divide of the winter solstice at 0°Capricorn an important position for the gathering of the tribal elders, chieftains, fertility rites and government. This position is a clear hint at a gathering site for important initiations, councils and shamanistic rituals of supra-regional importance. Compare also the position of the Bighorn Medecine Wheel on the cardinal position at Capricorn.

The 2nd coordinate lies on  of mystic spiritual water sign Pisces the sign of the spiritual plane, temples, legends, mystification. imagination, music and the dream world.

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere, function and energetical situation of the stone circle itself: the stone circle is located in highly energetic, magnetic, centralist emotional royal fire sign Leo sign of the sun, light, kingdom, power stations and indicator for a highly stimulative and energetical place. The position in Leo points at the function as a sun dial and sun temple. The 2nd coordinate lies in highly alert, defensive water sign Scorpio sign of fortresses, sculpting, stone masonry, hierarchy. and an indicator for the function.