The church of Saint Faith in Conques, France. Astrology and magical places: on the astrogeographical resonance degrees of the Abbey Church of Saint Foy: the combination of Libra with Aquarius an important constellation for victims, martyrs, spiritual idealism and the naivety of faith.
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The church of Saint Faith or Abbey Church of Saint Foy (Saint Faith, Santa Fe, Santa Fides) in Conques, France, was an important stop for medieval pilgrims along the Camino de Santiago or Way of St. James to Santiago de Compostela. The church is famous for the remains of St. Foy, a young woman martyred on October, 6 303 in the City of Agen. The relics of St. Foy arrived in Conques through theft on January, 14 866. Today`s church building was begun in 1041 and finished in the 12th century.

Astrogeographical resonance degrees of the site of the Church of Saint Faith for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) which describes the energetical topics of the larger area around of the abbey, church and town center of Conques: one coordinate is located in service orientated, aristocratic air sign Libra sign of harmony, balance, beauty, justice, peace, love, relationship, openness, angels, naive painting and the ideal of a higher culture. The 2nd coordinate is in creative, innovative air sign Aquarius the sign of the sky, heaven, abstraction, self-finding, self-liberation, outcasts, minorities, radical change, rebellion, revolution and the reconnection with ones fuller potentials.
The combination of Libra with Aquarius has a strong resonance with victims, martyrs and outcasts. The kind of faith this combination resonates with combines the naivety of angelic wishful thinking (Libra) with the urge for self-liberation and purification through radical change, emancipation and the fascination of reconnecting with ones fuller potentials (Aquarius).

The astrological chart for the Martyrdom of St. Faith

The astrological chart for the day of the martyrdom of St. Faith shows the Sun and Saturn in Libra and the Moon in Aquarius occupying the astrogeographical resonating signs of the Abbey Church at Conques. The position of Jupiter the ruler of fire sign Sagittarius and in fire sign Aries on the IC and with Mars on the descendant delivers a shockingly intense image of the torture of the 12 year old girl through roasting on iron (Aries) bars.