Le Chêne Chapelle – The Chapel Oak in astrogeography. A magical 1000 year old oak tree and the opposition of 2 cardinal divides and the punctuation of the morphogenetic field by a temple to the 4 season
Compare: The tree of Life, Árbol del Tule with the stoutest trunk of any tree in the world, Bristlecone Pine Forest: Sagittarius as the Sign of Conifers, The largest Cashew tree on the planet, General Sherman Tree, The Tree of Life in astrogeography, Santa Barbara’s Moreton Bay Fig Tree, The Chapel Oak in astrogeography, Zoroastrian Sarve or Cypress of Abarkhu.

Le Chêne Chapelle – The Chapel Oak, Allouville-Bellefosse, France is a 1000 year old oak tree with 2 chapels in its hollow trunk: Notre Dame de la Paix (“Our Lady of Peace”) and the Chambre de l’Ermite (“Hermit’s room”). The chapel oak is the site of a pilgrimage on August 15 – for the “Assumption of Mary”. The astrogeographical position of the chapel oak suggests that the tree is as a temple to the four seasons.

Astrogeographic position for field level 4 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the chapel oak: both coordinates of the magical Chapel Oak are located next to cardinal divides. One coordinate lies on the last degree of self-protective earth sign Virgo the sign of gardening and the natural sign and indicator for the protection of nature and plants. Virgo stimulates an energetical situation that helps protect the presence of spiritual entities of plants and nature and also dwarfs, elves, gnomes and trolls. Compare: Virgo as the sign of Hobbits and Dwarfs. The position right between Virgo and Libra resonates with the day of the autumnal equinox and all topics related to it: the harvest season, preparation for winter, the termination of plant growth and also with weather divides.
The second coordinate is located right on the opposite degree of the zodiac of the first coordinate: the last degree of mystic, spiritual water sign Pisces the sign of reconnection with the spiritual plane, temples, mystification, the dream world and also the catholic church. The cardinal divide between Pisces and Aries stands for the spring equinox aka the beginning of spring and the astronomical year and of plant growth.
The position right next to the cardinal divides between Pisces and Aries and Virgo and Libra even though valid here for the smallest morphogenetic fields (microcosm) is a sign for an important site of resonance if topics related to agriculture and the seasonal cycle in the region.