The Great London Smog of 1952 in Astrology. The Saturn-Neptune conjunction over London and the Great London Smog of 1952 in astrogeography
Compare: Saturn – Neptune Conjunctions in astrology,: London and Great Britain in Political Astrology, The Great Fire of London 350 years ago, The Grenfell Tower fire in astrogeography, British EU Referendum on 23 June 2016, The 3 June 2017 Terrorist Attack in London, The 2017 UK general election in astrogeography, 22 March 2017 Westminster terrorist attack in astrogeography.
The Great London Smog of 1952 in Astrology

The Great London Smog of 1952 was an extreme case of air-pollution in London on December 1952. A period of cold weather, combined with an anticyclone and windless conditions, collected airborne pollutants – mostly arising from the use of coal – to form a thick layer of smog over the city. It lasted from Friday, 5 December to Tuesday, 9 December 1952 and then dispersed quickly when the weather changed. An estimated number of 4,000 people died as a direct result of air pollution during the 4 – days smog phase and about 100.00 fell ill. The overall death toll from the disaster was about 12.000.
Astrogeographic position of London for morphogenetic field level 1 which marks the exact position of the region of London on a supraregional level : The British capital and historical center of the Commonwealth London is located at 24° of aristocratic, courtly air sign Libra and 27° of conservative, hierarchical earth sign Capricorn.

The astrogeographic latitude coordinate of London at 24° Libra was occupied by a conjunction of Neptune the indicator for the formless, all-pervading with Saturn as indicator of hard material and effective reality in what is to be considered the archetypal astrological conjunction of poisoning and pollution.
What happens during Saturn – Neptune aspects is that Neptune the ruler of the suppressed, hidden, neglected, invisible, unconscious and unsolved issues when conjuncting Saturn tends to flood unhindered into perceivable reality, making the dust, poison and garbage more visible and “harder” to ignore. The factual pollution had to be confronted
The fact that two slow moving planets were involved explains the long-time effect of the smog incident as the result and symptom of a long term process of air pollution
1939 St. Louis Smog
The 1939 St. Louis smog known as the “day the sun didn`t shine ocurred on Tuesday 28 November 1939. Air pollution through smoke from burning of coal had been a severe problem in St. Louis like in many other cities all over the world since due to the burning of bituminous coal to provide heat and electricity for their growing populations. A meteorological temperature inversion of warm air close to the the ground and cold above prevented emissions from being blown away by winds. Streetlights in St. Louis had to remain lit throughout the day .
Astrogeographic position of the City of St. Louis for morphogenetic field level 1 which marks the exact position of the region on a supraregional level: the astrogeographical longitude coordinate of the central town area of St. Louis lies at 27° Capricorn and the coordinate for the latitude at 3° Virgo.

On the day of the St. Louis Smog retrograde Saturn at 25°Aries conjunct the South Node (Ketu) at 29°Aries was moving in a square position to St. Louis astrogeographic position. The midpoint of Saturn`s conjunction with the South Node at 27° Aries fell in exact square to the 27° Capricorn coordinate of the town center area. As the indicator for impediments Saturn`s position is to be examined for an astrological understanding of the factors that caused the closing up of the atmospheric layers.
The two heating factors Mars at 5° Pisces in opposition and the Sun at 5° Sagittarius in a square were in aspects of extreme tension to the astrogeographical latitude of 5° Virgo a few kilometers to the south of the St. Louis town center at 3° Virgo.
The 1948 Donora smog
The 1948 Donora smog was an extreme case of air pollution in Donora, Pennsylvania between 27 and 31 October 1948. The smog built up due to a weather inversion that trapped highly poisonous Hydrogen fluoride and sulfur dioxide emissions from U.S. Steel‘s Donora Zinc Works and its American Steel & Wire plant. at least 20 residents died of respiratory causes within the 5 days of the catastrophe and another 50 within a month after.
Astrogeographic position of the Donora for morphogenetic field level 1 which marks the exact position of the region on a supraregional level: 2° in air sign Gemini and 25° in water sign Cancer. 2° Gemini is known for its qualities of death, dismissal, neutralization of individual emotionality and negligence of emotional identity, pain and spirituality.

The Moon – Saturn conjunction of the day at 4° Virgo fell in tight tension through a square to the astrogeoghraphical position of the town pf Donora at 2° Gemini. As in the 2 cases described above it was again Saturn`s intense transit in relation to the astrogeographic position of the area that appeared as the factor that triggered the weather inversion.