Aphrodite`s Temples and Birth Place in astrology, The astrology and astrogeography of Aphrodite the Greek goddess of love.
Compare: The Birth Place of Hermes on Mount Kyllini, The birth place of Poseidon, Oracle of Delphi, The magic of prediction in ancient greek culture, The Birth place of Zeus in Jupiter`s sign Sagittarius, Three Steps to Mount Olympus, The Temple of the Eleusinian Mysteries, The Tower of the Winds in Athens, Temple of Neptune in Aquarius with Sagittarius
Aphrodite`s Temples and Birth Place in astrology
The legend of Aphrodite`s birth
The legend of Aphrodite`s birth as delivered by Hesiod (ca. 750 BC) reveals her relation to the astrogeographical constellation of the temple site best: when taking over the rule over the world Cronus a son of Gaia goddess of the earth and Uranus the god of the sky in an act of castration chopped off his father`s genitals and threw them into the sea. Aphrodite (aphros=foam) was born from the foam of the splashing ocean water the moment Uranus` genitals and semen fell into the sea at Petra tou Romiou near Paphos on the island of Cyprus. Homer (ca. 850 BC) records a slightly different but not necessarily older version in which Dione and Zeus are parents to Aphrodite.
from www.theoi.com Hesiod, Theogony 176 ff :
“Her gods and men call Aphrodite . . . and Philommeides (Genital-Loving) because sprang from the members [of Ouranos the Sky]. And with her went Eros (Love), and comely Himeros (Desire) followed her at her birth at the first and as she went into the assembly of the gods. This honor she has from the beginning, and this is the portion allotted to her amongst men and undying gods, – the whisperings of maidens and smiles and deceits with sweet delight and love and graciousness.” If Libra is seen as her own sign Aphrodite represents aspects of love deriving from the male sexual organ (castrated Uranus) and the world of imagination (Pisces). Aphrodite is not in the position of the ruler at the Temple Site but should be evaluated as being at home here.
Birthplace Petra Tou Romiou Rock near Pafos
As Aphrodite is described as a goddess of a potentially worldwide meaning, presence and impact the international global resonators are particularly interesting.
Astrogeographical position of Aphrodite`s birthplace for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the global, worldwide resonance and topic of the site of Aphrodite´s birth and potentially of her global role: one coordinate is located at 1° in mystic, spiritual water sign Pisces sign of the ocean, dreams, fairy-tales, imagination, mythology, the unconscious, entertainment, music and symptomatic resonator of Aphrodites birth from the ocean. The 2nd coordinate is located at 9° in dynamic fire sign Sagittarius sign of thinking, philosophy, shamanism, initiation, priesthood, magma and hell.

The Petra Tou Romiou (roman rock) near Pafos on the southwestern coast of Cyprus is recorded as the birthplace of Aphrodite.
Astrogeographical position of the Petra tou Romiou birth place for astrogeographical radius/field level 3 which describes the energetical topics and atmosphere of the site itself: the place is situated in the constellation of air sign Gemini with water sign Scorpio. This constellation is not a description of the character of Aphrodite in the first place but could to some extent be understood as a description of single traits of the goddess. The resonance with Scorpio the sign of the underworld leads us to Aphrodites living place and her association with Hephaestos. Aphrodite was married to Hephaistos the blacksmith of the gods who lived and worked at the fires of the underworld. Among the twelve Olympian gods Hephaestos is related to Scorpio the sign of the blacksmith trades. If Libra was assumed as Aphrodite`s indicating sign, Scorpio would stand for her second and Gemini for the ninth house from her indicating sign. In this line of conclusions Scorpio as the sign of her second house is an indicator of a household, living and cooking place.
With this method of astrogeographical evaluation the constellations of Petra Tou Romiou can be used to examine and understand: the intention, the process, the cause, the actors and the effect of the attack on Uranus. If Uranus`s indicating sign is Aquarius, Gemini stands for his fifth and Scorpio for his tenth house. The 10th house resonance of the site of the ambush
Gemini the sign of roads and of road crossings could be seen to stand for a cleverly planned trap laid out here. The particularly defensive sign of Scorpio indicates that the attack was carried out from a shelter (fortress) or an armor. And of course Scorpio as the sign of infertility, traumatic blocks, hormonal defense and disabled persons is also so most plausible indicator for any act of castration. Furthermore Scorpio can describe the place as an alchemist melting pot (Scorpio as a chemical laboratory) in which the different elements (blood, semen, water, genitals, wind) were welded together for the alchemical birth of Aphrodite.

And of course Scorpio as the sign of blacksmiths and of the underworld also relates to Aphrodite`s husband Hephaestos the blacksmith of the gods and also the couple´s dwelling place at Hephaestos` forge located near the fires of the underworld.
Another island considered as Aphrodite´s birth place is the Island of Kythira (Cythera). The ruins of the ancient temple on Cythera were dedicated to Aphrodite Ourania – the Uranian Aphrodite. The supra-regional astrogeographical qualities of the supposed site at Avlemonas Bay for the supra-regional morphogenetic field level 1 are 1°Scorpio and 7°Scorpio – pointing at the topic of the castration of Uranus in the first place rather than the Venusian female qualities of Aphrodite. Through the position in Scorpio the sign of the underworld, steel,, forging, blacksmiths and the underworld the position of Island of Kythira resonates with Aphrodites role as the wife of Hephaestos the blacksmith of the gods whose forge is located .

The combination of Scorpio with Gemini as an indication of a made-up story
Apart from indications about the birth of Aphrodite and the castration of Uranus the constellation at the Petra Tou Romiou site could simply indicate that the place serves as a kind of an emblem (Scorpio) for the relation of Aphrodite with the island of Cyprus. Because Gemini is ruled by Mercury related to the Greek god Hermes, the god of thieves, language, information, signposts, intelligence and liars this position represents an indication that the relation of Aphrodite and Uranus with the signed is simply made up. Another association of the influence of Gemini here could be the that Uranus was deceived and led away from the road by a trick or lie.
The Sanctuary of Aphrodite at Palea Paphos on Cyprus
The legendary sanctuary of Aphrodite at Palea Paphos was the most important temple site of goddess Aphrodite on the island of Cyprus located around 12 km east of Petra Tou Roumiou. The site appears to have been a place of worship of female goddesses for thousands of years before the first appearance of Aphrodite. Female figurines of fertility goddesses and charms found in the immediate vicinity date as far back as the early third millennium (3800 BC).
The site of the Sanctuary of Aphrodite at Palea Paphos is located in highly magnetic royal fire sign Leo the sign of the Sun, light, the heart, queens, sexuality, self-centeredness and the sign of emotional self-expression and solid, strict, conservative earth sign Capricorn sign of control, government institutions and an indication of the function of a temple as a site of the state cult dedicated to the stabilization of the state, tribe and ruling dynasty and used as a site for the performance of central fertility rites by a country`s king. Typical examples for this function of temples in Capricorn are: Karnak Temple, Tian Tan Tempel, Pashupatinath Temple, Washington National Cathedral. My conclusion here is that: the astrogeographical position of the site does not relate to the archetypal features of Aphrodite herself but rather to the importance of the temple site`s function for the state religion at the time.
Aphrodite`s main temple in Aquarius with Pisces

The site of the temple of Aphrodite at the ancient Greek city of Aphrodisias in Turkey is situated in the constellation of two signs of the spiritual body: air sign Aquarius the sign of the sky, heaven, paradise, self liberation and reconnection with the spiritual plane and water sign Pisces the sign of the ocean, the unconscious and invisible, the dream world, mythology, temples and the spiritual plane itself. In the most common birth legend of the Aphrodite of Cyprus Uranus the god of the sky and ruler of Aquarius is her father and the ocean which represents Pisces is her mother, The combination of Pisces with Aquarius is therefore to be judged as the abstract definition of the sphere of origin and identity of Aphrodite.
Venus` main temple in Rome located in Aquarius with Pisces too

ph: Ricardo André Frantz, ccbysa3.0
The direct resonance of the early roman Venus with the Greek original Aphrodite can be observed in the case of the astrogeographical position of the super large (140 m x 100 m) Temple for Venus and Roma built by Emperor Hadrian between 121 and 135 AD. The construction site is located in the same astrogeographical constellation as the Temple in Aphrodisias: Aquarius with Pisces.
Aphrodite Urania

Aphrodite Urania is a form of the goddess often depicted riding a swan or tortoise. A Temple of Aphrodite Urania can be found on the north side of Akropolis Hill in Athens. The site is located in the combination of Aquarius with earth sign Virgo for morphogenetic field level 3. The same astrogeographical combination (Aquarius + Virgo for FL3) is present at the Augusteum in Oldenburg, Germany where a famous neoclassical ceiling painting of Aphrodite Urania can be found.
The Dolphin, Venuses animal as a symbol for Aquarius

The animal associated with Venus the roman version of Aphrodite is the dolphin. The astrological analogy for dolphins is Aquarius, the sign of the sky and sign of rulership of her father Uranus the god of the sky.
Features of Aquarius seen in dolphins are: dolphins show an outstanding readiness for intelligent interaction with humans. They seem to enjoy contact on a telepathic and practical level and are known to rescue and protect humans as well as whales. The playfulness of dolphins relate them to another animal directly related to Aquarius: the otter – named as the corresponding sign of Aquarius in the native Indian astrology introduced in Sun Bear`s “Medecine Wheel”
Temple prostitution: a thousand female slaves at the Temple of Aphrodite at Corinth

ph: Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, ccbysa2.0
One of the most important places of worship of Aphrodite in the Greek homeland was the famous temple in Acrocorinth the ancient Akropolis of the City of Corinth. Acrocorinth was home to a temple to Aphrodite described by Pausanias as the place of the famous temple prostitution.
The Temple of Aphrodite in Acrocorinth was located on the highest peak of the fortress mount around 400 meters to the east from the central fortress area. For morphogenetical field level 4 the temple site is located in the astrogeographical combination of air sign Aquarius sign of the sky, heaven, paradise and self-finding with highly defensive, solid, water sign Scorpio sign of fortresses, trauma, pain, hierarchies, the underworld and in regard to prostitution an indicator for forced labor. Scorpio also has a strong stimulative relation to sexuality. But it should be noted that this is due to the confrontation of pain and fear, intense self-defense and the habitual mental projection of emotionality in Scorpio. Aquarius the sign of the astrological rulership of the planet related to Aphrodite´s father Uranus appears as the most frequent indicator for places related to Aphrodite. Compare also: Anna Livia Plurabella and the Spire of Dublin.
Aphrodite`s relation to Libra
The most commonly known mythological description of Aphrodite as a goddess of love, beauty, relationship, sexuality and prostitution relates her to the realms and topics of air sign of Libra the sign of love, relationship, beauty, dance and the sign of the rulership of the 2nd planet from the Sun named after Venus – the roman form of the Greek original of Aphrodite.
But the astrogeographical data about Aphrodite does not reveal a closer relationship between Aphrodite and the two astrological signs of the rulership of Venus Libra and Taurus. The resonance of the important places of worship of Aphrodite rather relate her to Aquarius and Pisces in the first place. A third important factor for Venus seems to be Scorpio the sign related to her husband Hephaestos and the underworld.
The Vénus de Quinipily
The Vénus de Quinipily is a typical example for the position of a sculpture related to the Venus archetype in Libra. . It is not a depiction of the roman Venus or Greek Aphrodite archetypes but of a Celtic goddess. When female figurines are named “Venus of…” or “Mary of….” the association with a goddess is used for an abstract category but does not refer to the actual goddess.

Vénus de Quinipily located in Libra with Cancer photo: XIIIfromTOKYO, ccbysa3.0
Vénus de Quinipily is the name of an ancient statue of uncertain origins near Baud, Morbihan, Brittany, France, dated ca. 50 BC. The statue may be a Celtic deity, the Roman Mother goddess Cybele or an Egyptian Isis statue.
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere of the sculpture itself: the monument with the statue on top lies right on the cardinal divide at 0° Libra sign of harmony, balance, beauty,, symmetry, decoration and Venus herself. The exact position on a cardinal divide between Virgo (health, reason, protection of nature, hiding sexuality) and Libra (openness, love, relationship, presenting beauty) is a clear sign that the statue was placed here as a landmark and punctuation of the landscape. Its function appears to be more than a simple eye-catcher for the purpose of decoration and its position here may be found to help harmonize the flow of energies in the landscape.
The 2nd coordinate of the site lies in emotional female water sign Cancer sign of motherhood, fertility, pregnancy, the uterus and the moon pointing at a mother-goddess rather than at the concubine character of Aphrodite.
Venus Genetrix – Aphrodite as a mother goddess
The depiction of female goddesses sooner or later leads to their association with motherhood and/or fertility in one or the other way. The roman “Venus Genetrix” is a sculptural type of depicting the Venus archetype as a genetrix (mother). The first recorded appearance of this type of Aphrodite goes back as early as a around 410 BC. when Athenian sculptor Callimachus introduced a depiction of the goddess with the left breast exposed and the right hand about to cover her head with her dress.

photo: Baldiri, GNU/FDL
From the point of view of astrogeography this development can be observed through the placement of such temples in water sign Cancer the sign of the moon, motherhood, fertility, pregnancy, conception, childhood and the uterus. A perfect example is the astrogeographical position of the Venus Genetrix Temple in the ancient town of Djémila, Algeria in the combination of Cancer with air sign Libra the sign of relationship. love, beauty.