Read more about the article On the astrogeography of Carnac
Carnac Kermario alignments photo: Gerhard Haubold, GNU/FDL

On the astrogeography of Carnac

On the astrogeography of Carnac. Astrology & Magical Places: an introduction to the analysis of the astrogeographical positions of the Carnac allignments Compare: Menhir du Champ Dolent in Aquarius-Sagittarius,  The sanctuary…

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Read more about the article The Sedona Vortex System in astrology
Leo and Sagitarius – Sedona Cathedral Rock photo: Tomas Castelazo license: ccsa3.0

The Sedona Vortex System in astrology

The Sedona Vortex System in astrogeography The nervous system of any landscape has different aspects of energetical layers, grids and energy centers, chakras and or vortexes of subtle energy. My systemical astrological measurement of the morphogenetic surface field grid structures attempts to explore and recapitulate how single places are embedded in the overal field system, how they relate to the larger planetary grid system and which particular archetypal energetical stimulation affects them on a genotypic structural level.

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Read more about the article Sagittarius with Leo for the Site of a Sun Temple
Sun symbols and circles: the Carshenna rock carvings located in Sagittarius with Leo

Sagittarius with Leo for the Site of a Sun Temple

Sagittarius with Leo for the Site of a Sun Temple. Astrology & Sacred Sites: The combination of Sagittarius with Leo as an indication for the site of a sun temple…

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Read more about the article Bighorn Medicine Wheel in Capricorn and Aries
Bighorn Medicine Wheel, Lovell, Wyoming

Bighorn Medicine Wheel in Capricorn and Aries

The Bighorn Medicine Wheel in Capricorn and Aries. Astrology, sacred places, native american history & shamanism: the astrogeographical position of Bighorn medicine wheel. Related articles: The Palm Jumeirah, The Little…

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Gemini and Sagittarius – The Stonehenge Monolithic Circle

Gemini and Sagitarius - The Stonehenge Monolithic Circle Astrology and astrogeography of the Stonehenge Monolithic Circle

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