Canada and its Capital Ottawa in Astrology
Canada and its Capital Ottawa in Astrology & Astrogeography. Foundation charts and horsocopes of important events in Canada`s history Articles on political astrogeography & birth charts of nations: A -…
Canada and its Capital Ottawa in Astrology & Astrogeography. Foundation charts and horsocopes of important events in Canada`s history Articles on political astrogeography & birth charts of nations: A -…
Canberra & Australia in Political Astrology and Astrogeography. Birth & foundation charts and important transits in Australian history. Compare: Cancer and Leo: the magic of Uluru, Australian Federal Elections on…
The combination of Pisces with Capricorn at Svetitskoveli Cathedral: Astrology, astrogeography, religion, temples: the astrogeographical position of Svetitskhoveli Cathedral Related topics: Svetitskhoveli Cathedral and monastery literally the "Cathedral of the Living…
Rome and Italy in Astrology & Astrogeography. Birth charts of Italy and important astrological transits in the history of Rome and the Italian Nation. Articles on political astrogeography & birth…
Brazil and its capital Brasilia in Astrology. Birth & foundation charts in the history of Brazil and the astrogeographical position of Brasilia. Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A - Z:…
Library of Astrogeography & Astrological World Map Library of Astrogeography & Astrological World Map. List of Articles from the astrological research and astrogeographcal field study laboratory of Georg Stockhorst (Astro-Databank)…
Kabul and Afghanistan in Political Astrology and Astrogeography. Birth & Foundation charts in the national history of Afghanistan Articles on political astrogeography & birth charts of nations: African Union +…
The astrogeographical position of Bagdad and the astrology of Iraq. Transits of the outer planets in relation to the capital and government of Iraq. Articles on political astrogeography & birth…