Read more about the article The Hoba meteorite – a 51 tons piece of iron found in Aries
The Hoba meteorite is the largest known meteorite found on Earth. The site has both coordinates in Aries. ph: Damien du Toit, ccbysa2.0

The Hoba meteorite – a 51 tons piece of iron found in Aries

The Hoba meteorite - a 51 tons piece of iron found in Aries. Astrology and magical places: on the astrogeographic position of the site of the largest piece of meteorite…

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Read more about the article The 64 Yogini Temples in astrogeography
The Central Sanctorum of the 64 Yogini temple is now dedicated to the worship of Shiva Soumya Mukherji, ccbysa4.0

The 64 Yogini Temples in astrogeography

The 64 Yogini Temples in astrogeography: Chausath Yogini Temples - tantric temples dedicated to the godesses and their spiritual practice. Astrology, temples, architecture, tantric worship and the roots of astrology:…

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Read more about the article The Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and the Martyrs in astrogeography
Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and the Martyrs located in Aquarius and on the divide between Sagittarius and Capricorn ph: Ricardo André Frantz, ccbysa3.0

The Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and the Martyrs in astrogeography

The Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and the Martyrs. Astrology, architecture, art, mysticism and sacred places: the astrogeographical position of the Basilica of St Mary of the Martyrs…

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Read more about the article The magnificence of Leo at Florence Cathedral
The 160m long Duomo (Cathedral) of Florence as seen from the south. The church is located between Leo and Virgo - and the 2nd coordinate is in Leo too. ph: Leanda Verboom, ccbysa2.0

The magnificence of Leo at Florence Cathedral

The magnificence of Leo at Florence Cathedral. Astrology, architecture, art and temples: the astrogeographical position of the Cathedral of the magical city of Florence. Related topics: Vank Cathedral – an Armenian…

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Read more about the article The Richat Structure in Scorpio plus Virgo
Richat or "eye of the sahara" strucuture NASA image

The Richat Structure in Scorpio plus Virgo

The Richat Structure in Scorpio plus Virgo as resonators at the site of a super-large sinkhole. Astrology, nature and magical places. the astrogeographical position of the Guelb or Richat structure Compare:…

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Read more about the article Dragon bridge and Golden bridge at Da Nang
Dragon Bridge at Da Nang, Vietnam facing ph: Bùi Thụy Đào Nguyên, ccbysa3.0

Dragon bridge and Golden bridge at Da Nang

Dragon bridge and Golden bridge at Da Nang. Astrology, architecture and Feng-Shui art: a short analysis of the astrogeographical positions of bridges in Da Nang in relation to the symbolism…

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Read more about the article Vank Cathedral – an Armenian Church in Iran
Frescoes inside Vank Cathedral, Ph: Diego Delso,, License CC-BY-SA

Vank Cathedral – an Armenian Church in Iran

Vank Cathedral - an Armenian Church in Iran. Astrology, architecture, art and astrogeography: the wonderful frescoes of the Holy Saviour Cathedral in astrogeography. Holy Savior Cathedral located in Leo with…

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On the geographical centers of countries in mundane astrology

On the geographical centers of countries in mundane astrology. Astrology, astrogeography, politics, history and the importance of the astrogeographical position of countries in mundane astrology The astrogeographical coordinates of a…

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Read more about the article Astrogeographical data for the 2018 earthquake at Mt. Kilauea
Shakemap for the 2018 Hawaii earthquake.

Astrogeographical data for the 2018 earthquake at Mt. Kilauea

Astrogeographical data for the 2018 earthquake at Mt. Kilauea. Astrology, earthquakes, vulcanology and places:  astrogeographical data for the Mt.  Kilauea earthquake on May, 4 2018 Related articles: Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National…

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Read more about the article On the role of Pisces at Wupatki National Monument
Wupatki National Monument in Arizona has both coordinates in mystical sign Pisces

On the role of Pisces at Wupatki National Monument

On the role of Pisces at Wupatki National Monument in Arizona, USA. Astrology, History and Magical Places: on the astrogeographical position of the largest building on today`s territory of the…

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The terrestrial base of Aurora Space Station Hotel in Sagittarius with Leo

The terrestrial base of Aurora Space Station Hotel in Sagittarius with Leo.  The astrology of space travel & space stations, satellites & hotels: the terrestrial center of the Aurora Space Station…

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Read more about the article Havasu Creek in astrogeography
Havasu Creek in Astrology photo: RebexArt, ccbysa3.0

Havasu Creek in astrogeography

Stations of Havasu Creek in astrogeography. On the astrology of rivers, magical places and breathtakingly beautiful nature: the astrogeographical position of its source, the Supai settlement, the Navajo, Havasu and…

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Read more about the article On the astrology of Neuschwanstein Castle 
Neuschwanstein Castle - this image shows of the Disney associations of the way the castle is embedded in the landscape      photo: Cezary Piwowarski, GFDL

On the astrology of Neuschwanstein Castle 

On the astrology of Neuschwanstein Castle. Astrology, architecture, art, fairy tales & tourist attractions: an analysis of the astrogeographical positions and astrological data of one of Europe`s most  famous tourist…

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Read more about the article Mahavatar Babaji in Astrology
Mahavatar Babaji

Mahavatar Babaji in Astrology

Mahavatar Babaji in Astrology. Cancer with Scorpio as indications of the Shiva archetype at the birth place of Babaji in Tamil Nadu Related articles: Cancer and Scorpio – Shiva in two…

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Read more about the article Leo with Pisces: the magic of Angel Oak
Angel oak is located in Leo with Pisces photo: DannyBoy7783, GNU/FDL

Leo with Pisces: the magic of Angel Oak

Leo with Pisces: the magic of Angel Oak. On the astrogeographical position of the tree in Leo the sign of the Sun and therefore the physically strongest planetary factor in…

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Read more about the article Cochise Stronghold and the combination of Virgo with Aries
Dragoon Mountains, Arizona, from the south

Cochise Stronghold and the combination of Virgo with Aries

Cochise Stronghold and the combination of Virgo with Aries. Related articles: Checkerboard Mesa and the combination of Scorpio with Gemini, Crazy Horse Memorial in Scorpio the Sign of Sculpting,  Bighorn Medicine Wheel…

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Read more about the article Gamla Uppsala the early spiritual center and capital of Sweden
Gamla Uppsala in Astrology. Model of Gamla Uppsala at the local Museum.  photo: Cyberjunkie, GNU/FDL

Gamla Uppsala the early spiritual center and capital of Sweden

Gamla Uppsala the early spiritual center and capital of Sweden. An introduction to the astrogeography of an ancient capital of Scandinavia Related articles: The Viking god Thor in astrology, The Oldest…

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Read more about the article Aquarius as the corresponding sign of Maya culture
Magical view on the forrest in the Maya Biosphere Reserve from the pyramid of Nakbé. Nakbé is located halfway between the two major Maya cities of El Mirador and Tikal. What once was a highly developed agricultural and metropolitan region is now covered with deepest jungle. photo: Ronyrocael, GNU/FDL

Aquarius as the corresponding sign of Maya culture

Aquarius as the corresponding sign of Maya culture. 60,000 previously unknown Maya structures found in Guatemala  dating over a period of 1500 years or more discovered in what once was…

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Skylodge Adventure Suites – luxury 1300 feet above the ground

Skylodge Adventure Suites - luxury 1300 feet above the ground.  Located near Ollantaytambo in the Sacred Valley, Peru.    Book it via airbnb it for 375 € a night. Related articles:Astrology and Astrogeography for Holidays,…

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Read more about the article On the Astrology of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa
The image of the Black Madonna of Częstochowa located in Aries with Leo photo: Andrzej Otrębski, ccbysa4.0

On the Astrology of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa

On the Astrology of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa. Aries with Leo and the stimulative factors of Poland`s most famous catholic pilgrimage site. Related articles:  The astrogeographical resonance degrees of…

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