Uranus-Neptune cycles & the history of the USA. Horoscopes and astrological analyses of the history of the USA through the Uranus-Neptune ages
Related articles: Uranus-Neptune Conjunctions in Political Astrology, Uranus-Neptune Transit Cycles in European History, The USA and Washington in Political Astrology & Astrogeography, The first Pluto Return from the foundation of the USA, London and Great Britain in Political Astrology, Pluto-Neptune Transit cycles in Mundane Astrology
The 171 years periods of Uranus- Neptune conjunctions in US history
Uranus and Neptune are the astrological representatives of the largest collective multiple, collective interests, collective conscious & unconscious, abstract collective humanistic values and of collective empathy between humans, nations, mankind and all living beings.
I suggest to explore the pulse of the 171 years long cycles of Uranus-Neptune conjunctions as the most important transit for the consolidation and stabilization of human progress in collective learning.
For technical details and important keys to the interpretation of climax conjunctions between the two planets read my cornerstone article: Uranus-Neptune Conjunctions in Political Astrology
Why the USA ?

The history of the USA is a field of particular importance due to its unique political state cult, history and absolutely outstanding multi-national and multi-ethnic features:
- The territorial expansion and unification of the territories of the USA under a state cult for migrants, refugees, adventurers, escapists, seekers of personal liberties, independence and freedom and/or of economical improvement formed a globalized trans-national super-nation. The abstract innovative step in the global history of state nations brought about through the formation and expansion of the USA has therefore got to be investigated as a new climax achievement and experience of human political, cultural and social development.
- As a trans-national population and concept of state cult it embodies the Uranus-Neptune issues of abstraction of the common and collective multiple of the population of state nations.
- Therefore my conclusion is that the multi-cultural state cult of the USA represents the political and constitutional equivalent to the central issues of the conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune.
- It is the largest existing former colonial state that after liberating itself from its colonial rulers founded a state nation and national state inviting global refugees to join it. And even if it cannot allow immigration of all refugees worldwide the growth in population between 2010 an 2023 by 31 million inhabitants despite a fertility rate of 1.6 per woman explains the efforts made as a nation to allow human individuals to enter into its territories.
- this makes the official state cult of the USA a state cult of a globalized ideal which according to my conclusions from the studies of religious montheism, spirituality, yoga, meditation and karma astrology I understand as the most advanced, progressive ideal regarding human learning and development of individuality.
- And I recommend not to judge this component of the state cult of the USA by the problems that the nation has with racism and confrontation of ethnic groups but recomment to understand the heavy and problematic scenarios of racism that the teritories of modern-day USA have been going through ever since the first European landing as the processes of karmic learning of incarnated human souls.
- A closer view on this aspects of the political hardware provided by the state cult, constitution and colonial history of the USA can be gained through a comparison of the USA with Russia its morst powerful advserary in the 20ieth and 21st centuries.
- The diametrical opposites between the two state cult systems are: the US state cult favors anti-colonialist structures while Russia favors colonialism and further military colonisation of foreign territories and nations even in the 21st century. The US state cult insists on freedom of self-expression while Russian state cult prohibits it. The USA insists on globally acknowledged definitions of human rights as the basis of democracy while official Russian state cult reduces the definition of democracy to the mere exixtence of a state.
- While the USA favours massive immigration into its 9.5 million km² territory from many different countries worldwide Russia`s strictly racist state cult allows near to no immigration at all into its 17 million km² territories, even though its 145 million citizens population is too small to develop and defend its super-large colonial territories in the age of climate change.
- Alltogether this makes the USA despite its notorious problems and the deficiencies of its out of time electoral system, majority vote, 2 party and presidential systems a field of experiment, confrontation, progress and collective learning regarding the central issues of Uranus-Neptune conjunctions: transcendental humanism, empathy between nations, global union, collaboration and world peace.
Why Uranus – Neptune Conjunctions ?

- Uranus and Neptune are the astrological representatives of the largest collective multiple, collective interests, collective conscious & unconscious, abstract collective humanistic values and of collective empathy between humans, nations, mankind and all living beings.
- The positions of UR-NE conjunctions steadily and harmoniously advance through the 12 zodiac signs in steps of 16°-18° with 171 years between each conjunctions. It so takes 22 Uranus – Netune conjunctions in 3770 years to advance through the 360° of the zodiac.
- The periodical regularity of their advance allows direct and easy to overlook definitions as parameters for abstract evaluation of the historical progress made in each cycle.
- The abstract level of progress during each 171 years cycle can be compared, measured and evaluated by the exact degree of the sign position of each conjunction
- The planets Uranus and Neptune are the natural astrological indicators of the last 2 months aka stages of the solar year. This directly relates them to the highest and most abstract level of unfolding and stage of development of a single individual, organisation or described entitiy in the systemical structural model of astrology.
- My conclusions from extensive research on the parallels between the climax periods of UR-NE conjunctions (+/- 10 years) and historical events are that they mark the final dissolution of hard to overcome, old structures, waste of history.
- Through historical events the dissolution, revolution and letting go of structures becomes effective and long-term solutions of long-term problematic issues are brought to an end so that more stable, sustainable and effective structures can be established.
- UR-NE conjunctions mark periods of collective transcendence of nationalism and learning to cope with globalization, internationalization, spirituality, climate change, needs for survival on earth and effective reality.
- The climax periods of Uranus – Neptune conjunctions deliver opprtunities for long-term solutions through stable, long lasting peace treaties of highest importance. Two major examples in the short history of the USA are: A — The Treaty of Ghent that sealed of 1814 that sealed the stable, friendly relationship between the USA and its former enemy Great Britain after period of wars between the 2 nations. B — The Treaty of Maastricht sealing the results from the dissolution of USSR & Warsaw Pact through the EU foundation, peace between East & West Europe allowing to integrate the former Warsaw Pact nations into NATO.
Uranus-Neptune Conjunctions as climaxes of long-term processes of history
For lists of examples of the important role of climax periods of Uranus-Neptune conjunctions as initiatiation into new ages see my article: Uranus-Neptune Conjunctions in Political Astrology
Symptomatical innovations that manifest during UR-NE conjunctions:
- Peace Treaties & Events signalling the end of long-term wars during Uranus-Neptune conjunctions
- Multi-Ethnic and/or Multi-National Federations, Union States, multi-ethnic & multi-cultural situations & globalization founded or developed during Uranus-Neptune conjunctions
- Foundations of religious and ideological State Cults (Solar, Planetary, Cosmic Deities, Jewish, Buddhist, Christian, Islamic, “Socialist”) in the direction of multi-ethnic, multi-national globalization for unification of conquered territories, colonies, common interest of state nations
- Maximal Expansion of National Empires During Uranus-Neptune Conjunctions. For the long list of Empires that experienced their greatest extent during climax periods of Uranus-Neptune conjunctions see my article
A Time Table of important events in the current 3770 years super cycle of Uranus Neptune conjunctions

Uranus Neptune Ages & the history of the USA
A holistic, abstract perspective has to divide the history of the USA in 171 years cycles of Uranus-Neptune conjunctions in 2 major periods:
1 — Pre-European history of the territories of modern day USA from the start of the current Uranus-Neptune super cycle of 3770 years in -918 BCE until the start of the European conquest of the Americas following the conjunction of 15 Dec 1478 at 29°Scorpio
Two different historical roots of the Pre-European history of the USA can be considered:
- 13.000 BCE to 1478 CE: the poltical and cultural history of North America, its indigenous and pre-colonial population and their impact on the history of the territories of the modern-day USA.
- 13.000 BCE to 1478 : the roots of the present day USA in the cultural and political history of all nations worldwide that contribute to the multi-national and multi-cultural state nation and state cult of the present day USA.
For practical astrological studies the only way we can deal with that will be by using exact historical data. But nevertheless I feel that contemplating on the roots of the USA in all nations would help to understand the particularly holistic, abstract, humanistic, global and cosmic perspectives delvered by the two planets Uranus and Neptune and particularly their condensation through conjunction.

2 — History of the USA from the beginning of the intense discoveries and first colonizations after the UR-NE conjunction of 1478 until today

THE CAPRICORN AGE 1821 to 2165
The Capricorn Qualities
Capricorn Correspondences & Qualities: States, State Nations, Stabilization of Nations, Governments, Political Institutions, Rules, Laws, Constitutions, Administration, State Cult, Borders, Limits, Efficiency, Precision, Control, Effective Reality, Public Space
According to my astrogeographical calculation system the Cities of Vienna (13°Capricorn-17°Leo) where the initial Treaty for the AGE OF CAPRICORN pt I was defined and London (27°Capricon-24°Libra) wherea large number of the new State Nation Territories created in the 19th & 20th centuries were defined are located in Capricorn.
Extreme difference between the 2 halves of the Capricorn Age 1821-2165
- The astrological circumstances between the 2 halves of the Capricorn Age (1821 to 1993 & 1993 to 2165) as shown by the 2 initial conjunctions display an extreme difference in regard to aspects of tension.
- And to such an enormous extent that I propose evaluate period 1 (1821-1993) and period 2 (1993-2165) as antagonistic.
Global Political Achievements in Period I of the Capricorn Age 1821-1993:
- Public Space: The Capricon Age has made the whole world a public space in the sense that events become globally known, visible and reflected
- Global Map of Autonomous State Nations Completed: The Capricorn Age triggered the synchronization of the fast and large scale global development of modern definitions and structures of state nations and the covering of the whole of the world map with national states.
- United Nations: a global institution of state nations was created to set standards for solutions of conflicts between states
- Global Rules & Standards for State Nations Defined: global standards and international rules regarding the official territorial borders, rights and duties of state nations have been defined to stabilize the autonomy of state nations.
- State Nations Replaced Colonies: The European colonial era was ended except few small islands and the Russian Colonial Super-Empire which survived and keeps on attempting expansion until the 2020ies.
- National Constitutions: New, more efficient standards for national constitutions and political rules and laws have been developed and globalized.
- Larger & More Centralist State Nations Developed:
- Standards of measurement of calendar, time, weight, distances were globalized
- Technological standards were developed and globally spread:
- An international standard language for worldwide communication was globalized
Historical Events
- The beginning of the 344-years long Capricorn Age was triggered through the Uranus-Neptune conjunction of 22 March 1821 – 6 years after the signing of the global treaties negotiated in the CONGRESS OF VIENNA on 9 June 1815 – nine days before the Battle of Waterloo.
1989-94: US Victory in Cold War (1945-89): Russian Perestoika, Global End of Cold War, Fall of the Berlin Wal & & Iron Curtain, Dissolution of USSR & Warsaw Pact, 1st democratic constitution in Russian history, START treaties, Expansion of NATO, East-West European peace treaty and foundation of European Union.
1991: Gulf War I: the USA led a 1st global United Nations supported coalition into the 1st Gulf War that included even more nations than the WW 2 alliance. This made Gulf War I an experiment under the ideal of the creation of a global union of nations aimed at sanctionizing any future infringements of national autonomy of UN recognized nations. Gulf War I so represented an important experiment in the quest for a stable system of world peace for the future history of mankind.
2001: G.W. Bush Texan Oil/Gas Cartels inauguration: Government terrorist alliance between US Reps & Sunnite gulf states & foundation of Neofascist International for promotion of oil/gas cartels profite policies against climate change policies.
Within just 8-10 years after the great victory in the 45 years long Cold war the USA made a 180° turn against its 20th century achievments and agenda and became unable to keep up with its role as the caretaker of world peace, which it had “cultivated” since World Wars I and II. This move turned out as the biggest and most self-destructive turn in US history. The liberation of the USA from the pressure from its habitual super enemy projection dummy: the “USSR” and the fascistoid Russian colonialism and pseudo-socialism turned out as the source of a super-crisis as the United States state nation could no longer project its inner problems onto an outer enemies. The success strategy of using the global community of weaker nations as stepping stones to guide the USA the way to teaching democracy to the planet was discontinued..
And as it turned out the interpretation of the developments under the CONJUNCTION OF LASTINGNESS (UR-NE conjunctions) of 1993 had made the USA the only global military superpower of the new UR-NE YEAR 1993-2165 turned out as illusionary, misleading and corrupting.
US politics turned in the opposite direction to the one of a global superpower: it went into a direction of corruption and self-destruction of its own constitutional state cult and the progressive global role it had acquired in the course of the 20th century by spreading war, terrorism, nationalism, neo-fascims and global destabilization, destruction and neo-fascism.
While Russia restarted its ambitions as a global super-power in 1999 and China caught up with the USA few years later the USA itself was busy starting a global campaign of paving the way for spreading pseudo-islamic terrorism as an alibi for a new Cold War only 7 1/2 years after UR-NE conjunction of 1993.
And as an effect of this large scale political disorientation the USA is now 30 years later on the verge of an inner revolution and civil war with the lobbyists of the Texan Oil/Gas cartels uniting under the superior GLOBAL SUPERPOWER of the AGITATONPROPAGANDA machinery of the Russian secret services.
The Chart for the USA in the CAPRICORN AGE PART II from 1993 to 2165

- For the capital of the US state nation the Uranus-Neptune conjunction (aspect of climate change) at 19°Capricorn (dealing with factual reality, drought, mega-canes) occupied house 2 as the house of income, money and of the basis of the national territories and economy.
- One important aspect here has got to be the question of how the US economy will be able to adapt to the flooding of coastlines, droughts, increasing wild-fires, mega-hurricanes, migration crisis from south to north and permanent loss of farmland that will mark the age of digitalization and climate catastrophe.
- The new age began with the Moon at 11°22` in Gemini the sign of languages. leearning, communication, information, interfaces. technology, curiosity, individual liberty, dealing with opposites and freedom of speech indicating that collective global informational learning in these fields appears to be a central aspect and issue of development and priority of human life in the 171 years period to come.
- For the USA this Moon position was on the descendant explaining the need to find partners that are open enough for exchange of communication. The particular strength of this position which for Washington and the USA occupied a major axis also reflects how the USA takes a central role in the stage performance and representation and as a mediator for the technolohical progress delivered by the digital age. Makes me think of how the US born media like the Apples, Microsofts, Googles, Amazons, Twitters and Facebooks served (descendant – house 7 as house of service) revolutionized global communication by providing the media, stage and transmitters for it.
- Sagittarius the sign of victory, triumph, expansion, hunting for profits, luxury and hell rising on the ascendant was combined with its sign ruler Jupiter the planet of victory a.s.o. in the prominant position of house 10 making the status of triumph public
- Pluto at 25°Scorpio was moving into an exact square to the 27°Leo resonance coordinate of Washington explaning pressure on the governments and center of the national morphic field of the USA through the new chapter of world history that had begun.
- The position of Pluto as indicator for battles for power, organzed crime, piracy, nomadic cultures and criminal organization in house 12 is an indication of pressure on the national political structures through long-term supressed issues of paralysis of the state and nation in dealing with criminal structures in US society, politics and political culture appears to overshadow.the whole era of the age of globalization and global union between 1993 and 2165.
- Venus as the ruler of Taurus aka the sign of the earth and planet of gravity right on the IC as indicator of the inner center of the American territories and state nation explains how the new age introduced a role of the USA that ay be found to appear to have made the nation the very center of financial and economical (Venus) gravity.
- The conjunction of Mercury with Saturn an aspect of separation, divorce, rejection, abortion and metamorphosis at 20° in Aquarius the sign of emancipation, revolution, inventions and fuller human potentialscan be understood as the aspect of the ruthlessly fast digital, technological and informational revolution brought about by the new era.
- The position of Mercury and Saturn right on the cusp of house 3 the house of intelligence, learning and the competition regarding technological and informational development as such can be qualified hereas an expression of the acute ly intense motivation of the USA for the competiiion for pioneering and taking a leading role in scientific and technological research regarding the age of digital revolution.
- The fact that the position of Saturn and mercury was conjunct the 21°Aquarius resonance coordinate of Los Angeles and Hollywood may be examined as a description of the function of the LA metropolitain region and of the Hollywood entertainment industries as a central site of resonance and important player in the global spreading and representation of the developments brought about by the digital age.
The 4 Sub – Periods of the Capricorn Age pt. II
My suggestion here is to explore the conjunction of 1821 as the step in the stabilization of the shift from a post-colonial USA in the English colonies to its first “globalization” as an overall North American super territory dedicated at uniting an explicitely multil-ethnic, muilti-national & multi-cultural inheritance under a state cult of unity.
An important condition for the unhindered expansion of the USA was fullfilled though the “Treaty of Ghent” of 24 Dec 1814 between the USA and Great Britain signed just four months after the “Burning of Washington” by British troops of 24 August 1814. The British side on the other hand took the advantage of enjoying “splendid isolation” of it Canadian colony with no land borders to any other potential invaders.
This arrangement settled the border conflicts between the British colony of Canada and the US sphere of interest guaranteeing the long term stability needed in the ongoing process of expansion into the West and South including territories claimed by Spain and Mexico.
The Chart for the USA in the CAPRICORN AGE PART I from 1821 to 1993

- the gathering of 8 out of the 11 systemical planets within just 30° of the 360° zodiac delivers a fascinating image of the concentration of most elements onto one particular sphere of focus.
- The degrees on whcih these planets are gathered are stretched between 15°Pisces and 15°Aries with the half-sum exactly on 0°Aries aka the starting point of the solar year and astrological zodiac. Indicating the focus on the start of something new. Since the date was just one day off the annual beginning of th solar year through the spring equinox the sun position fell on the first degree of the zodiac further emphasizing the issues of a ne fresh start as the central topic of the new age.
- For the USA the placement of this concentration of planets happened to be right in between houses 4 (homeland, population, national morphic field and territory) and 3 (house of neighborhood, vicinity, contacts, roads, learning, pubercy), explaining the period between 1921 and 1993 as the “early youth” as a national state, of getting into contacts with other nations, learning and acquisition of experience in regard to developing & representing a state cult and the development of an interior and exterior infrastrucure.
The 4 Sub – Periods of the CAPRICORN AGE PART I

The 4 Sub – Periods of the Sagittarius Age