Neptune conjunct Venice 2019 – 2022. Astrology & places: a new climax in the slow but steady process of drowning of the laguna city Venice.
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The City of Venice is situated across a group of 118 small islands that are separated by canals and linked by over 400 bridges located in the shallow Venetian Lagoon, an enclosed bay that lies between the mouths of the Po and the Piave rivers.

The astrogeographical position of Venice
Astrogeographical position of the City of Venice which describes the international, supraregional resonance of the city: the coordinate for the astrogeographical latitude is located at 19° in water sign Pisces the sign of the ocean which is so typical fror delta regions. Compare: Shanghai (Yangtze: Pisces-Aquarius), Alexandria (Nile: Pisces-Cap/Aqu), Amazone river delta (Pisces/Aries-Taurus) Rotterdam & Amsterdam (Rhine: Pisces-Libra), Danube river delta (Pisces-Capricorn), Wolga river delta (Pisces-Virgo), Mobile city (Pisces-Aquarius), Lake Pontchartrain/North New Orleans (Mississppi: Pisces-Capricorn/Aquarius). The coordinate for the astrogeographical longitude is at 27°in air sign Gemini the sign of bridges.
The coming square transit of Neptune in his own sign Pisces and the rapidly growing effects of climate change
Neptune`s current transit through hs own sign Pisces the sign of the ocean, the invisible, hidden, suppressed, unknown, spirituality and the reconnection with the higher self, eternal soul, completeness and holistic reality began in February 2012. For delta cities this transit is of particlular importance as deltas are natural astrological correspondences for the Pisces correspondence of the dissolution of rivers into the oceans.

The Pisces ingress of Neptune came with the North Node exactly conjunct the IC representing the significator for the ground below the city. The ascendant ruler Chiron twas conjunct Neptune in house 6 the house of adaptation to the effects of Neptune´s influence including the rising water, the growing instability of the ground and high debts due to the costs of constant pumping and reinforcement works.
The period of the climax of Neptune`s transit conjunct Venice will last from April 2019 (17°Pisces) until February 2022 (22°Pisces).
Venice prohibits the landing of cruise ships in the city harbor
Info: The Guardian
On 13 July 2021 the City of Venice decided to ban cruise ships from landing in the city port due to the enormous damage done to the sensitive architecture of the drowning laguna city.
2 years later the City of Amsterdam (29°Pisces – 3°Libra) followed the example in an attempt to reduce tourism and limit air pollution. It was said that one cruise ship produces as much air pollution as 30.000 truck per day.

- both cities made the decision under the influence of Neptune transiting conjunct the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of their position in Pisces:
- Venice being located at 19°Pisces with the climax period of Neptunes transit in conjunction between April 2019 and September 2021
- Amsterdam being located at 29°Pisces with the climax period of Neptunes transit in conjunction between December 2022 and April 2026.