Rythmical activations in the “Great American Solar Eclipse” chart
Rythmical activations in the 21 August 2017 “Great American Solar Eclipse”
chart – the 2017 North Korea crisis in relation to the coming “Great American Solar Eclipse”
Compare: The Total Solar Eclipse on 21 August 2017 in astrogeography, The Astrogeographical Positions of Pyongyang and Seoul, The astrogeographic position of Beijing. The Astrogeographic Position of Washington, Astrogeographical position of Moscow, Astrogeographical position of Berlin.

Mars will be conjunct the astrogeographical position of the resonating degree of North Korean capital Pyongyang during the coming “Great American Solar eclipse” at 21°Leo. Mars is the planet of warfare and the definte indicator for rockets.
The astrogeographic positions of Pyongyang are 21°Leo and 9°Aries – a highly aggressive, centralistic, fast acting, emotional. dominant combination known for involvement in suicidal tendencies.
The astrogeographic positions of the South Korean government in Seoul are 28°Virgo (cj. Berlin) plus 23°Aries.
In my article about the The Astrogeographical Positions of the two Korean Capitals Pyongyang and Seoul, future transits of the outer planets and the impact of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in exact square to Seoul on 13 January 2020 and the parallels to the fall of the Berlin Wall I`m trying to imagine the scenario of a Korean “Wiedervereinigung” in relation to the 2020 Saturn-Pluto conjunction. But it seems a long way to go.
The 2017 North Korea crisis in the coming “Great American Solar Eclipse”
The North Node Rahu will transit the astrogeographic position of Pyongyang (21°Leo) by the end of October 2017 making the North Korean government a target and central issue of world politics.
Rythmical activations in the “21 August 2017 Great American Solar Eclipse” chart
Rythm: 1 house/1 month
Timeline of activation:
26 Aug Change from Sag into Sco – highly alert situation, increasing pressure
21 Sept Scorpio house ruler – highly alert situation, pressure
8 Oct Change from Sco into Lib – negotiations
21 Oct Jupiter at 20°Lib (UN, China) – chance for negotiations & solutions
10 Nov Change from Lib to Vir (Seoul) – Seoul activated, reason, self-protection
21 Nov Vir house ruler – reason, self-protection, staking claims
1 Dec Mercury at 8°Vir (negotiation) – negotiations
8 Dec Sun, Moon eclipse pos – Full impact of the eclipse activated together with the full negativity of unsolved issues and problems of updating in the US political system
16 Dec Mars at 21°Leo (Pyongyang) – acute danger – Mars activation as co- ruler of Pyongyang