Magical Trees: The Tree of Life in astrogeography. On the astrology of trees: a magical tree in the Bahrain desert.
Compare: The tree of Life, Árbol del Tule with the stoutest trunk of any tree in the world, Bristlecone Pine Forest: Sagittarius as the Sign of Conifers, The largest Cashew tree on the planet, General Sherman Tree, The Tree of Life in astrogeography, Santa Barbara’s Moreton Bay Fig Tree, The Chapel Oak in astrogeography,
The Tree of Life (Shajarat-al-Hayat) is a 400-year-old, 9.75 m (32 ft) high Prosopis cineraria tree located 2 km (1.2 mi) from Jebel Dukhan in the Arabian Desert in Bahrain. It stands on a hill. with no other tree as far as the eye can see in the soaring heat where sandstorms are anything but rare. Sources of underground water have – at least according to the wiki article -not been found. The Tree of Life is located about 3,5 km from the Persian Gulf. That`s why it has been speculated wether it has some capacity to extract moisture from breezes blowing in from the sea.

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the energetical situation and atmosphere of the tree itself: the Tree of Life is located in in highly defensive, solid, stable, fiixed water sign Scorpio sign of water containers, strongholds, caves and a definite indicator for the readiness for an intense fight for survival. The fortress character of Scorpio stands for the tree as the last bastion of plants in an area which has lost all vegetation during the last 150 years or so.The second coordinate lies in self-protective, careful earth sign Virgo sign of gardening, parks, protection of nature and especially plants, spiritual entities related to plants and of protected places in general. Virgo points at the function of the Tree of Life as preserving and representing the condensed remains of vegetation in what has become a complete desert but may through a change of climate become a forrest area in a thousand years or later.