The Hindu Gods Vishnu and Narayana in astrogeography. Astrology, mythology and sacred sites: the Hindu Gods Vishnu and Narayana in astrogeography
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The question of the astrological significator for the Hindu Gods Vishnu and Narayana
The question of the astrological significator for Narayana and Vishnu can be answered through abstract considerations but only with an abstract result. Therefore mundane astrology attempts to find data for grounding the assumed analogies. In systemical astrogeography this data is taken from the position of places related to the gods.

In Hinduism every single god can be considered from two different perspectives: a god can be seen as the all pervading essence of the universe or Para Brahman without form as in Nirguna Philosophy. Or it can be seen as a the Para Brahman attached to a form and image in the shape of the famous indian demi-gods as in the concept of Saguna Brahman.
Narayana is a form of Vishnu or in some versions Vishnu is a from of Narayana. Literally the word Narayana means “eternal man”, “son of man” or “one who comes from the water”. Vishnu means “all pervasive” or “one who is in everything”.
Here is the list of the 9 major incarnations of Vishnu as a living being and the correspondence with the planets in traditional astrology; Matsya (Ketu) the one-horned fish: Kurma (Saturn) the mighty turtle; Varaha (Rahu) the fierce boar; Narasimha (Mars), the man-lion Vamana (Jupiter), the clever dwarf Parshuram (Venus), the vengeful, priest: Rama (Sun) the dutiful prince; Krishna (Moonn) the righteous cowherd; Buddha (Mercury) the compassionate sage.
Frst I`ll be trying to examine astrogeographical data about the older Vishnu and Narayana temples. Of course that data has to be analyzed and differentiation made between all kinds of factors at work. But I`m hoping to get a clearer picture about the archetype this god actually represents.
Vishnu in Sagittarius
Sagittarius is the most frequent astrogeographical position of Vshnu Temples. This is a clear hint that the cult is particularly related to the priest caste (Brahmins) the highest caste in the indian caste system.
Compare: The Swaminarayana cult – an Astrogeographical Study of a modern Hindu Sect
As the ruler of Sagittarius Jupiter the greek Zeus would mark a less strict and to some extent humourous god with more human features than for example a god in Sagittarius neighbour sign Capricorn. For the hinduistic pantheon another god closely related to the symbolism of the lightning and thunder provider Zeus is Indra who in later Hindiusm took over the role of the waether god.
Vaikuntha located in Capricorn
Vishnu`s celestial dwelling place is Vaikuntha (the Place of not Hindrance), Paramapadam, Vishnupada (Vishnu’s feet), or Param Padam (the Supreme Abode). In most of the Puranas and Vaishnava traditions, Vaikuntha is located in the direction of the Makara (Capricorn) Rashi (sidereal astrology), which coincides with the Capricorn star constellation. Capricorn as the sign of governments marks the symbolic place of the ruler of society or as in the case of Vishnu the ruler of the gods and the entrance into heaven (the spiritual plane). Capricorn marks the exclusiveness of Vaikuntha. But the location of Vaikuntha in Capricorn is not necessarily or not only an indication that Vishnu`s astrological indicator has got to be Capricorn`s ruler Saturn. On the other hand Saturn should as well not be totally excluded as a plausible indicator for Vishnu. The works of exorcism through killing or setting free of demons as practised by the incarnations of Vishnu are clear aspects of Saturn.
In another version Vaikuntha is located on the hills of the sacred Mount Meru.
Vaikuntha located in Libra

The Lakshmana Temple in Khajuraho is dedicated to Vaikuntha Vishnu – the paradise home of Vishnu.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere, function and energetical quality of the temple: The temple is located in the combination of aristocratic female air sign Libra sign of relationship. openness, love, harmony, harems, balance, beauty and decoration. the 2nd coordinate lies in dynamic, male fire sign Aries sign of the phallus, erection, sports, action, ignition, warfare and speed. Libra stands for the rich decoration, the attempt to depict a higher cultural ideal and the depiction of making love. And as the sign of relationship, love, dancing, beauty and prostitution Libra is relates to the ideal of a paradise for relationship and making love. Places located in Aries the first astrological indicator for stimulation support erection and the fascination from erotic and pornographic images.
Changu Narayan Temple
Changu Narayan Temple in काठमाडौं, Bhaktapur, Nepal is one of the oldest extant hindu temples. The deity it is dedicated to is a local form of Narayana Vishnu. Construction of the first temple here is assumed to have begun around 325 AD.
In the foundation myth for the temple Narayana in his form as Vishnu while fighting a demon king named Chandh happened to kill a brahmin – which in hinduism is seen as one of the gratest possible sins. The brahmin`s guru cursed Vishnu wishing him to be killed by a brahmin in return. Vishnu went to live in a tree on the site of today`s Changu Narayan Temple in the form of a black boy until one day the tree was cut down and the immortal Vishnu`s head was chopped off. Vishnu was so liberated from the spell and decided to live at the temple site for all times in the form of Changu Narayan,

Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere, function and energetical quality of the temple: the shrine itself lies in 2 fire signs – Sagittarius sign of style, design, ornaments, shamanism, fire sacrifice, priests, the brahmin caste, success, philosophy, initations and the colour black. Sagittarius as the sign of the brahmin caste is a possible and to some extent plausible indicator for Narayana Vishnu but could also simply be a resonance of a place dedicated to a temple run by brahmins. The black colour of the boy is a correspondence with Sagittarius. The 2nd coordinate lies in dynamic male Aries sign of ignition, action, speed, warfare, fighting, waking up and fresh motivation. Aries stands for the fighting, the head being chopped off and the blood spilled in the foundation myth.
Dasavatara Temple
The Dasavatara Temple in Deogarh dedicated to the 10 (das) incarnations (avatars) of Vishnu is one of the oldest hindu temples that still exist. It has been dated around 500 CE

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere, function and energetical quality of the temple: the temple is located in the combination of solid, defensive, fixed water sign Scorpio sign of sulpting, stone-masonry, imaging, fortresses with self.protective earth sign Virgo sign of hindu religion and yoga culture, health, self-cleaning, celibacy, monkhood and meditation.
Budhanilkantha Temple
Budhanilkantha Temple at sacredsitesdotcom
Budhanilkantha Temple, (literal: “Old Blue Throat”) is an ancient open air temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu situated below Shivapuri Hill at the northern end of the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal.

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere, function and energetical quality of the temple: located in the “extraterrestrian constellation” of the two spiritual signs: creative, innovative, eccentric, spiritual air sign Aquarius sign of the sky, heaven, paradise, flying, self-finding, liberation, abstraction, outcasts, the spiritual quest and mystic spiritual water sign Pisces sign of imagination, mystification, dreaming, legends, temples.
Badrinarayana Temple at Badrinath
According to legend Shankara discovered a black stone image of Lord Badrinarayan made of Saligram stone in the Alaknanda River. He originally enshrined it in a cave near the Tapt Kund hot springs. In the sixteenth century, the King of Garhwal moved the murti to the present temple.

Astrogeographical position of Bardrinath Narayana temple for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere, function and energetical quality of the temple: Sri Badrinath temple is located in the combination of fire sign Sagittarius with air sign Gemini. the sign of signpost, learning, polarity, information, roads and bridges, technology and practical magic.
Venkateshwara Vishnu Temple

Venkateshwara Temple, also called “Temple of the 7 Hills”, Tirumala Hills near Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. Venkateshwara is a form of Vishnu, Venkata means hill.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere, function and energetical quality of the temple: located in earth sign Virgo sign of health, reason, yoga culture, celibacy, self-cleansing, Hindu culture. 2nd coordinate in mental fire sign Sagittarius sign of shamanism, priest castes, brahmans, initiation, success, fire sactifice, philosophy.
Thirunelli Mahvishnu Temple

Thirunelli Temple is an ancient temple for Maha Vishnu on Brahmagiri Hill in Kerala, South India. Mahavishnu is an aspect of Vishnu as the absolute which is beyond human comprehension, beyond all attributes and the supreme god. The term Mahavishnu is similar to Brahman and Almighty Absolute Supreme Personality of Godhead. “This means that the Absolute truth is realized first as Brahman (impersonal aspect) then as Paramatma (personal aspect) and finally as Bhagavan (incarnate perfection)” (from the wikipedia article)
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere, function and energetical quality of the temple: located in highly magnetic,self-centered, royal fire sign Leo sign of the sun, light and the all-pervading aspect of Vishnu as the supreme godhead and king of the gods from which all other gods emanate. The 2nd coordinate falls in earth sign Capricorn, sign of control, government, rules, hiearchies and restrictions.
Jagannath Temple
The 12th century Jagannath Temple at Puri, Orissa dedicated to Lord Jagannath is one of the most sacred Hindu temples particularly for worshippers of Vishnu. Jagannath is considered a form of Vishnu or his avatar Krishna. Jagannath means Lord of the Universe, The wooden icon worshipped at Jagannath Temple makes the deity rather appear like a tribal native entity or a god of the place. The Templelacks a clear vedic reference and is also not a member of the traditional Dashavatara concept or the classical Hindu pantheon. The Jagannath Temple is strongly related with the saints that playes an important role in the reformation and restoration of Hinduism such as Adi Shankaracharya , Ramananda, Ramanuja & Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Jagannath Temple is located in the same constellation as the Lying Vishnu at Budhanilkantha Temple. The two spiritual signs Aquarius and Pisces apparently stand for spirituality as the main aspect worshipped at Vishnu temples but not so much for the mainstream hinduistic culture.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes the atmosphere, function and energetical quality of the temple and ist surrounding area: located in the “extraterrestrian constellation” of the two spiritual signs: creative, innovative, eccentric, spiritual air sign Aquarius sign of the sky, heaven, paradise, flying, self-finding, liberation, abstraction, outcasts, the spiritual quest and mystic spiritual water sign Pisces sign of imagination, mystification, dreaming, legends, temples.
Thiruvallam Sree Parasurama Swami Temple

Thiruvallam Sree Parasurama Swami Temple is one of the most ancient temples of South India. It is situated on the banks of Karamana River near Thiruvallam, Thiruvananthapuram
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere, function and energetical quality of the temple: located in the combunation of service-orientated air sign Libra sign of angels, harmony, balance, beauty with highly alert, defensive water signb Scorpio sign of giants, hammers, sculpting, stone masory and possible inidcator for Parasurama`s physical attributes.
Krishna Temples

Copyright: Georg Stockhorst, 2019