The Swaminarayana cult: a modern Hindu sect in astrogeography

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Shri Swaminarayan Temple, Chino Hills near LA located between Aquarius and Pisces and in Sagittarius Photo: Copyright held by BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha, ccbysa3.0

The Swaminarayana cult: a modern Hindu sect in astrogeography

The Swaminarayana cult: a modern Hindu sect in astrogeography. Astrology, History & Sacred Sites: on the astrogeographical positions of the temples of the Swaminarayana sect and the birth charts of its founders.

Compare: Astrology & Mythology The Hindu Gods Vishnu and Narayana in astrogeography, Lakshmi Narayani Golden Temple of Vellore, Krishna`s wives Rukmini and Radha in astrogeography, The Birth Temple of Krishna, The 64 Yogini Temples,  Astrology & Sacred Sites: Shakti Peetha ShrinesThe Sites of the 12 Jyotirlinga in AstrologyKandariya Mahadeva Temple in Khajuraho, The Navagraha Temples for the planets in Hindu Astrology,  A Kali Temple in Libra the Sign of the Angels

I`m writing this article as an astrogeographical investigation into the mechanisms and underlying archetypal patterns in the development of religious sects, subsects and branches of religions.

The Swaminarayana cult: a modern Hindu sect in astrogeography

On Comparing astrological with astrogeographical data

Astrological data sometimes allows deep insights into the motivations of the people involved in such processes.  The comparison of these results with astrogeographical data opens up another whole dimension of possibilities. It grounds the information gained through consideration of the astrological positions of the planets at particular moments in time at real places on our planet. Individual birth and event charts are always directly related to places.  The systemical approach I`m using in interpretation is based on a deep and long study of the systemical qualities of the astrological signs and houses when considered as integral structural elements of a twelve-fold definition sketched for application in the phenomenological analysis of any given system.

The Swaminarayana Sect

The Swaminarayana Sampradaya (=sect) is amodern Hindu sect which worships the monk Swaminarayana as an emanation of the god Narayana and an aspect of Parabrahman the allpervading spiritual essence of the universe.

Shri Swaminarayana also known as Sahajanand Swami born on  3 April 1781 in Chhapaiya, Uttar Pradesh is the central figure in a modern branch of Hinduism known as Swaminarayan Hinduism.

Swaminarayan writing the Shikshapatri. image: Around The Globe, GNU/FDL
Swaminarayan writing the Shikshapatri. image: Around The Globe, GNU/FDL
Sunrise Birth Chart for Swaminarayana bon on 3 April 1781 calculated for sunrise at Chhapaiya Uttar Pradesh,
Sunrise Birth Chart for Swaminarayana bon on 3 April 1781 calculated for sunrise at Chhapaiya Uttar Pradesh, India

The Sun in Aries the sign of warfare, fighting and ignition together with Mars (at 4° Capricorn) square with Neptune (at 4° Libra) shows individual karmic issue of overcoming the dependence from employment in the warrior caste.  Saturn was in the sign of philosophy at  20° in mental fire sign Sagittarius a degree indicating the urge for self-liberation, celibacy and overcoming suffering  from sexuality and role conduct indicating the quest of leaving the householder live behind and aiming for success (Sagittarius) through rebellion against dependence from habitual luxury and wealth (also expressed by Pluto in Aquarius in a square to Chiron in Taurus).

The question has to be asked here in how far the position of Pluto the planet of sculpting and imgaing (creating an artificial image) at 6° in the Gemini subdivision of Aquarius is to be evaluated as a symptom  of the replacement of the divine hierarchies along with the gods themselves by profit-orientated esoterical dogma. This is also supported by the doctrine that worships the founder of the sect as god overwriting the ancient image of the vedic supreme god Narayana.

Sri Swaminarayana Temple at Vadtal

Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Vadtal headquarters of the Shri LaxmiNarayan Dev Gadi are located in this temple in Vadtal. There are three main shrines in the temple the central shirne of this temple is that of Lakshmi Narayan and RanchodRaiji. On the right there is an image of Radha Krishna with Swaminarayan in the form of Hari Krishna and the left has Vasudev, Dharma and Bhakti. The temple was inaugurated on 3rd of November 1824.

Sri Swaminarayana Temple at Vadtal Gujarat located in Libra and Virgo photo: Swaminobhakt: GNU/FDL
Sri Swaminarayana Temple at Vadtal Gujarat located in Libra and Virgo  photo: Swaminobhakt: GNU/FDL

The astrogeographical position of  the Vadtal temple reveals a big difference to the position of the BAPS temples revealing the antagonism between the 2 branches developed  from  the original Swaminarayana teaching.

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere, function and energetical quality of the temple: the construction site lies in service orientated female air sign Libra sign of harmony, balance, justice,  beauty, openness, angels, relationship and teh sign of decoration.  The second coordinate lies in earth sign Virgo sign of reason, health, self-protection, celibacy, monkhood, yoga culture, vegetarian diet and the most important indicator for Hindu religion and culture.

The BAPS Swaminarayana Foundation

The BAPS Swaminarayana Foundation was founded by Shastriji Maharaj (Shastri Yagnapurushdas) on 5 Jun 1907 with the consecration of murtis (idols) of Swaminararyana (born 3 April 1781 with Sun in Aries)   founder of the Swaminarayana branch of Hinduism and Gunatitanand Swami (born 17 October 1785 with Sun in Libra) one of his main disciples in a small new temple established in a village near Vadtal in Gujarat, India.

The philosophy of BAPS is centered on the doctrine of Akshar Purshottam Upasana, in which followers worship Swaminarayan as God, or Purshottam, and his choicest devotee Gunatitanand Swami, as Akshar.

BAPS Swaminarayana Foundation on 5 June 1907, by Shastri Yagnapurushdas consecration of Swaminarayana murtis (statues) calculated for sunrise at Ahmedabad, India
BAPS Swaminarayana Foundation on 5 June 1907, by Shastri Yagnapurushdas consecration of Swaminarayana murtis (statues) calculated for sunrise at Ahmedabad, India

The day had three conjunctions:  Mercury with Pluto (constellation of ritual magic, manipulation and selling) in Gemini the sign of signposts, technology, learning, and communication, Jupiter with Neptune (constellation of ritualistic worship and brahmanism) in Cancer the sign of emotional independence and Mars with Uranus (constellation of mutations) in Capricorn the sign of control, traditions, exorcism, hierarchy and stability,

Shastriji Maharaj around 1941
Shastriji Maharaj around 1941 source: wikimedia

Sunrise Birth Chart for Shastriji Maharaj born on 31. Jan 1865 born at Mahelav, Gujarat, calculated for sunrise
Sunrise Birth Chart for Shastriji Maharaj born on 31. Jan 1865 born at Mahelav, Gujarat, calculated for sunrise

Shastriji Maharaj was born with Sun in Aquarius sign of self-liberation, castelessness, rebellion and alternative culture and the Moon conjunction Neptune in Aries sign of ignition, warfare, action.

Shri Swaminarayan Temple, Chino Hills

Shri Swaminarayan Temple, Chino Hills near LA located between Aquarius and Pisces and in Sagittarius Photo: Copyright held by BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha, ccbysa3.0
Shri Swaminarayan Temple, Chino Hills near LA located between Aquarius and Pisces and in Sagittarius Photo: Copyright held by BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha, ccbysa3.0

BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Hindu Mandir (Temple), Chino Hills in San Bernadino County near Los Angeles, California is a combination of traditional hindu archiecturural design including 6600 handcarved sculptures with earth quake proof construction and large solar pannel systems.

The temple is owned by the BAPS Hindu sect part of the worship of Swaminarayan Vishnu.

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere, function and energetical quality of the temple: the construction site is located between creative, innovative spiritual air sign Aquarius sign of the sky, heaven, paradise, self-finding, abstraction and msytic, spiritual water sign Pisces sign of spirituality, imagination, temples, legends, mystification.

The 2nd coordinate lies in mental fire sign Sagittarius sign of style, design, fashion, circles, ornamentation, priests, pilosophy, hunting and indicator for the brahmin caste the highest caste and biggest profiteer of the hindu caste system.

Shri Swaminarayan Temple London – Neasden Temple

SwaminarayanTemple, Neasden, London located between Gemini and Aries and in Sagittarius
SwaminarayanTemple, Neasden, London located between Gemini and Aries and in Sagittarius

BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir (Neasden Temple) inaugurated in 1995.made of 2,828 tonnes of Bulgarian limestone and 2,000 tonnes of Italian marble, which was first shipped to India to be carved by a team of 1,526 sculptors. The temple cost £12 million.

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere, function and energetical quality of the temple: the construction site lies on a cardinal divide between mystic spiritual watre sign Pisces sign of spirituality, temples, mystification, dreaming & dynamic, male fire sign Aries sign of action, ignition, warfare and new starts.

The 2nd coordinate lies in mental fire sign Sagittarius sign of style, design, fashion, circles, ornamentation, priests, pilosophy, hunting and indicator for the brahmin caste the highest caste and biggest profiteer of the hindu caste system.

 BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Temple, Houston, Texas

Swamianarayana temple, Houston photo: Swaminarayan Aksharpith, ccbysa4.0
Swamianarayana temple, Houston located between Scorpio and Sagittarius and in Capricorn photo: Swaminarayan Aksharpith, ccbysa4.0

With construction started in 2002 the temple was inaugurated on 25 July 2004 with Mars at 20° Leo in exact trine to the position of Pluto at 20°Sagittarius exactly conjunct Saturn in Shri Swaminarayana`s birth chart (see chart above).

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere, function and energetical quality of the temple: the construction site is located between highly defensive, solid, strict, mental water sign Scorpio the sign of strongholds, sculpting, hierarchy, dogma & menatl fire sign Sagittarius sign of style, design, fashion, ornaments, shamanism, priests.

The 2nd coordinate lies in conservative,  exclusive, solid, hierarchical earth sign Capricon sign of control, administration, rules & regulation, traditions, fortresses and conservation.