The Best Restaurants worldwide in astrology & astrogeography. Astrology of cooking, lifestyle, gourmet – cuisine: The Top 20 restaurants in astrogeography
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Modern restaurant culture requires a number of faculties: knowledge, experience, creativity, quality management and control, subtle sense of smell, a taste for style, design and decoration, hospitality, service orientation, open-mindedness and much more.
The astrogeographical position of a restaurant explains which of these aspects are particularly stimulated by the energetical qualities and conditions of the place where a resturants is located
Furthermore the astrogeographicl coordinates of the site can also be used for interpretation whether or not or in which way the location is harmonious with the birth chart of owners, employees and visitors in order to find out and understand which support, stimulation and information we can expect from the place like in regard to relationships, meeting people, working here, income, inspiration or any other fields of life.
Top 20 Restaurants worldwide in astrology
The astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the site of a restaurant can serve as indicators to explain and understand the particular topics, energetic situation and atmosphere of the place. The astrological qualities can help to explain how and what we feel, which stimulation and inspiration we get and how and why our unconsious system reacts in a partícular way.
Astrogeographical analysis can provide two major, different approaches of interpretation:
- the quality of the restaurant according to its particlular location in the overall landsacpe field of towns or nature
- the individual stimulation that we experience through the contact with the astrological qualities of the place
In this article I present to you lists from the “World´s 50 Best Restaurants” academy votings with astrogeographical corresponding signs for the place of each restaurant according to my astrological worldmap calculation system. The “academy” is run by William Reed Business media with its head office in Broadfield Park in London, UK
The head office of the “World`s 50 Best Restaurants Academy” is located in Libra + Capricorn
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position, ca. 80 m x 100 m fields): The head office has one coordinate in air sign Libra astrological indicator for aristocracy, the appeal for high culture & providing comfort & pleasure, stage presentation, decoration, harmony, balance, beauty, relationship, service orientation and openness.
The 2nd coordinate is located in earth sign Capricorn the astrological indicator for public space, rules and regulations, control, exclusiveness, strictness, faculty, conservative culture, the appeal to the formal iseals of classicism,
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 1 (region, global resonance): Imagine my astrogeographical world map system as a calculation dedicated at exploring the holographic structure of different size levels of fiedls from the global zodiac to smaller and smallest sub-divisions of fields. A fascinating aspect of the position of the head office of the 50 Best Restaurants Academy in London is that the astrogeographical positions for field levels 4 (the building) and field level 1 (the metropolitain region) are both located in the same zodiac signs: Libra and Capricorn. These astrogeographical topics of the position of London describe the capital of Great Britain as a trend-setter for particular issues opf stabilization (Capricorn) of certain aspects regarding the appeal for aristocracy and high culture (Libra). Not for all aspects of high culture of course ,but particular ones.
The exact positions for field level 1 are lovcated at 24°Libra and 27°Capricorn. For more insights regarding the interpretation of the astrogeographical position of London compare my larger artcle: London and Great Britain in Political Astrology.
The example of Ferran Adrià`s legendary restaurant & “El Bulli”
“Casa del General” (next to “El Bulli“) was a Michelin 3-star restaurant run by legendary chef Ferran Adrià born 14 May 1962, 7:00 at Barcelona with Sun in Taurus and AC in playful air sign Gemini. “El Bulli” is located overlooking a beach at Rosas just 5 km south of Salvador Dali´s house at Port Ligat, Cadaques. Dali´s works and studies in food sculpture must have been an intense inspiration for Ferran Adria and the the Spansih/European/global art scene regarding the allowance of a holistic approach to the high culture of design and sculpture cooking as well as surrealist dining performance.

There is even an astrogeographical resonance between Salvador Dali`s house crowned with an egg at Port Ligat being located in the combination of Aquariius (Inspiration, holistic provocation) with Cancer (eggs, uterus, crabs, shrimps, shells, sea food) and El Bulli being located in Aquarius combined with the opposite sign of Cancer: Capricorn. The two places so appear to be connected in equal (Aquarius) but at the same time also in complementary (Cancer-Capricorn) approaches to art.

ph: Michael Pfeiffer , GFDL
The site of “the “El Bulli” restaurant is located in the astrogeographical combination of solid, conservative, strict earth sign Capricorn (control, exactitude, effort dedicated at faculty) with creative, innovative air sign Aquarius (inspiration, innovation, provocation of patterns and impediments, re-connection, holistic perspective, self-experience, individuality).
The combination of these 2 signs are not symptomatic of a typical place for eating, celebration, relaxing, dreaming, drinking and letting go. What they desribe here is rather the focus on the important faculties of art production.
All Time Best of the Best Restaurants
The Best of the Best group is formed of all the restaurants that have topped the annual poll of The World’s 50 Best Restaurants over its history, which are no longer eligible to be voted on new editions of the list.

Capricon and Aquarius also appear as the most stabilizing astrogeoraphical factors for the highest quality level of creativity restaurants
Why Jupiter ? Judgement of the particular topics of trend & fashion of a year by the position of Jupiter
I found that there is a an intense resonance between the one year transit position of Jupiter and the corresponding signs of the sites of the restaurants in the Top 20 of The World’s 50 Best Restaurants lists of a year. I am relating here to the field level 4 (ca. 80 m x 100 m) position of these restaurant according to my astrogeographical worldmap calculation system.
Examples: The high ranking of restaurants located in: A — Leo in 2016, B — Scorpio in 2017, C— Aries in 2023
Astrology has different methods for exploration of the structure and ever changing qualities of time. Though its public image remains 80% overwritten and heavily distorted by industrial esoterics, psychological manipulation & trigger the seasonal zodiac of the solar year may turn out as its most important and advanced instrument.
That is when it is explored as a holistic systemical concept invented to differentiate the 4 seasons of the Northern hemisphere into 12 months, stages and structurual elements. In such a surrounding astrology is designed to observe the cyclic movements of the 12 astrological objects called “planets” through the 12 stations of the solar years from the spring & autumn equinoxes to the summer and winter solstices delivering 12 different lengths of years from 29 days (Moon) to 1 solar year (Sun, Venus, Mercury) up to 246 solar years (Pluto). Through this differentiation the ever changing quality of time and the “Zeitgeist” can be explored.
Jupiter`s particular role is to allow measurement and definitions of 12-years cycles and differentiation between 1 year periods by astrological sign position.
Jupiter can so serve as the factor that can helps to understand the COMMON UNCONSCIOUS and its SMALLEST/LARGEST COMMON MULTIPLE regarding the current trends reagrding colours, sensations & priortities style, design and form as well as content.
Jupiter´s position can so serve as a simple but solid factor in the evaluation ofthe particluar stimulation in trend setting. But of course further differentiation is recommendable and needed regarding other factors too.
For evaluation of Jupiter years considered is that in 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Jupiter made his first sign change in the month of May. This means the “1 year Jupiter period in one sign” is not identical with the calendar year anyway.
The 2023 list & Jupiter between Aries & Taurus
Parallel toJupiter`s transit in Aries (May 2022- May 2023) and in Taurus (May 2023-May 2024) Aries joined Aquarius – one of the all time favorites at the top of the list.

While Aquarius has appeared as one of the top stimulators of inspiration and performace in high-culture-cooking starting with the site of “El Bulli” fire sign Aries has not always been among the most frequent signs among the top 20 of the most creative (Aquarius, Cancer, Pisces, Gemini) or most stable (Capricorn) deliverers of high quality in the art of cooking.
Nevertheless like each of the 12 astroligical signs aka structurual elements Aries too has unique and particular potentials to offer, energetical impacts to stimulate and psychological momentums that it can trigger.
Among them we can expect:
- intensity of physical sensations & sensual stimulus
- intensity of display & visual provocation
- a clearness of statements
- the epmphasis & allowance of the focus on presenting single bodies, unicellular beings/objects & one-dimensional outlooks
- plain, simple, straight mobilization of muscles and activity
- hot food
- red & yellow and particularly intense colours
- foods containing iron & stimulators of blood production
Top 20 Lists for various years
The First Vote List in 2002
The introduction of a first globalized jury and vote established a new level of competition along with new attempts for globalized definitions for judging the highest quality standards of the art.
It can be assumed that the academy´s infrastructure for global exploration and observation was just about to be developed.

Astrogeographical conclusions:
- the fact that Sagittarius the sign of travelling, going out, hunting for experiences and exploration of new stimulations played he most imprtant role in early phase of the competition is an indication that places were chosen that favored which appeared to stimulate the visitor`s excitation and fascination.
- but the further the development of the globalized competition
- this does not mean that there are no particular strengths, impacts and stimulations through Sagittarius regarding art production. Sagittarius is know to stimulate ornamentation, mental euphoria, composition, caricature and an attitude of openness, lightness of contact and of a playground atmosphere.
- But at the same time Sagittarius focusses on the display and achievement of the quickest way to getting to result and may not tend and secure stabilization of quality control and repeitition of working processes.
- This could also mean that the permanency and repetition of innovation could wear out the reflexes of chiefs and employees as well as of visitors at a place in Sagittarius since the repetition of success supports an attitude of distraction and disinterest.
- an astrogeographical centemplation of the “secret” or rather the effective reason for the permanency of the breathtaking success of “EL BULLI” may therefore be assumed in the characteristics of the position in Capricorn as the sign of the appeal to permance of quality control and in fixed sign Aquarius with its aim and reflex of seeking to endure stabilization of innovation and of revolution.
2015 – Jupiter between Leo and Virgo

2016 – Jupiter between Virgo and Libra
Libra (harmony, beauty, decoration) has taken the lead from Capricorn (control, training, discipline, exclusiveness) – Taurus the sign of food itself, appetite, hunger, mainstream and quantity at the bottom.

2017 – Jupiter between Libra and Scorpio
Scorpio (sculpting, visualization, imaging, alchemy) joined Aquarius (creativity, innovation, inspiration, purification) to take the lead. Virgo (smell, health, herbs) looses its importance.

2019 – Jupiter between Sagittarius and Capricorn

Aries (action, speed, sporty competition, stimulus) took the leading place from Libra (openness, service orientation, harmony, balance, decoration, beauty, aristocracy, relationship). As a former leader on the list Libra seems out of date in the competition for the stars de cuisine.
The 12 Zodiac Signs – their qualities regarding restaurants, food & high quality cuisine
Libra on top in 2014
The first statistical calculation I made was for 2014.

In that year Libra had taken a leading role among the sites of the top 20 restaurants – pointing at a period in which a certain emphasis on service orientation, openness, stage performance and an appeal for a certain balance between the various elements of presentation, design, cooking, innovation and service were highlighted. In the first moment I felt that this absolutely made sense.
Neverteless a longer-time study over several years showed that Libra is certainly not among the longer-term leading factors for sites of highest class – super innovative food/art production. Other signs that seem to play a minor role are Taurus (food, eating, agriculture, mouth, larger amounts of food) and Virgo (careful eating, herbs, spices, health food, employee´s mode, intestines).
This in fact does not mean that signs like Libra, Taurus, Virgo are not good for godd, enjoyable or super-fine restaurants. It simply means they may not fully support the quest for top quality control in regard to art production and innovation, technical perfection and other factors regarding the competition for the highest quality level.
Examples & Interpretations from the 2014 list
In 2014 Libra was the most frequent coordinate for the best quality gourmet restaurants of the year 2014. Libra represents the archetype of service orientation. And yes that`s why Libra is the sign of angels. This is the biggest strength and of course also weakness of this sign. Libra is the door for perception and the opening in our mental system. This orientation is the reason why Libra is the sign of love and all other kinds of relationships, of opening up to others and of openness in general. For restaurant owners in Libra this means that it supports opening up to the needs, wishes and wellbeing of their guests. It may not always look like it – but we can assume that any restaurant owner would be less concerned with how her/his guests feel if the place is not in Libra. This even explains why Libra supports the reflex to beautify and decorate ourselves and the surroundings.
No. 4: 11, Madison Park in New York located in Libra with Leo – listen to the definition of hospitality in comparison to service at 3:20 in the video as a description of how the formula for service can be understood in Libra with Leo!
No.9: Libra as the sign of decoration at Alinea in Chicago
And as far as the guests are concerned: they may feel more welcome or simply feel less disturbing for the restaurant owner in Libra than they would in other signs. Altogether it is plausible that Libra is the sign of the higher ideals of culture and as such represents the “natural” indicator for aristocratic and courtly culture. This appeal is of course absolutely central for the highest quality restaurants which represent what used to be “highest cuisine” celebrated exclusively at the royal courts in former times.
And Libra helps the guests to be more open to their lovers, friends, relatives, business partner or whoever they go out with in places that resonate with Libra. This quality alone makes places in Libra auspicious, helpful, supporting and stimulative for most kinds of restaurants.
No. 18: Astrid & Gaston in Lima, Peru located in Libra with Capricorn
Capricorn as second most important sign in 2014
Highly conservative, hierarchical, exclusive earth sign Capricorn the sign of control. professional skills, exclusiveness, saying no, public space and indicator for the importance of the dress-code is second on the list of the Top 30 quality restaurants. Considering how much effort it takes restaurant owners to keep control of the quality of the food and behaviour of their employees in order to meet with the highly critical attitude of their guests Capricorn is a highly plausible indicator for an extremely careful, strict, controlling, responsible and defensive attitude of restaurant owners. Capricorn as the sign of government institutions is also the sign of rules, regulations and laws.
No. 2 in 2014 No. 1 in 2015: Celler Can Roca in Girona, Spain located in Capricorn with Leo
Spain is the only country with 3 restaurants among the Top 30 quality restaurants. Not even the USA which is much larger and has a lot more financial potential for customers is that successful in the competition between the best quality restaurants. All the three Spanish representatives are located in places that have one coordinate in Capricorn, which seems to be a particular aspect of the cultural inheritance behind quality restaurants in Spain. Capricorn represents the 2nd sign (or mundane house) from Sagittarius the traditional astrological resonator of Spanish culture. As the second house is the house of wealth, food, possession, territorial control and success, places in Capricorn may appear as highly supporting sites for the particular approach to selling and controlling the particular qualities of the traditional inheritance of Spanish cuisine and other aspects of culture.
Aquarius and Scorpio as number 3 indicators
No 1: Noma Restaurant in Kopenhagen located in Aquarius with Libra
Creative, innovative, eccentric air sign Aquarius the sign of inspiration, self-finding, inventions, raw food, alternative and holistic culture, abstraction and reconnection with the roots and awareness of our fuller potential appears as number 3 of the quality restaurants. For visitors Aquarius could support leaving normality and habitual expectations behind and welcome the unexpected. It could help them to open up to creative ideas and fill themselves with inspiration, new ideas and the courage to put them into practice. The same accounts for the restaurant owner: the atmosphere of Aquarius could support confidence in new creations and inventions, radical (= of roots) changes of perception and tracing back traditional arrangements to their roots.
No. 14: Narisawa Restaurant in Tokyo located in the two male signs Scorpio and Aries
Highly alert, mental water sign Scorpio the sign of visual perception, and sculptures is a highly important aspect for the practical work of art like imaging, processing ideas into images and sculpting. It may not be an aspect which supports the relaxed or homely atmosphere of a restaurant but it is known for it´s effect to stimulate mental fascination and the desire to be part of something superior. Whereas cheap restaurants in Scorpio should be visited with great care because of spoiled or low quality food high quality restaurants in Scorpio may be extremely promising in regard to the intensity of stimulation.
Pisces, Cancer, Leo and Sagittarius as No. 5 indicators
No. 7: D.O.M in Brasilia located in Pisces and between Capricorn and Aquarius
Relaxed imaginative, spiritual water sign Pisces is one of the best aspects for any gastronomical institution to be located in. This is because Pisces supports relatively smooth, easy and relaxed atmospheres stimulating letting go, opening up to imagination, mystification and illusions and not being critical about things in the first place. As a major indicator for consuming alcohol it is a highly supportive aspect for the profitability of drinking places as well as eateries. In regard to the question which kind of food would be most typical for Pisces it can be said that apart from all kinds of sea-fish and sea-weed the use of oils is especially supported in Pisces. And apart from all foods having to do with saltwater Pisces is also the main indicator for italian culture, style and cuisine of course. Pisces may not necessarily be an indicator for focussing on quality but it has a lot of potential for a highly subtle and imaginative approach to cooking.
No. 10: The Ledbury in London located in Cancer and in between Virgo and Libra
In regard to food homely, cozy water sign Cancer the sign of the interior is an important indicator for crabs, mussels, snails, inner organs and soups. Cancer is the most important indicator for traditional english culture. In this role and as the sign of living rooms it can often be observed as highly typical for the nicest atmospheres in british pubs. In regard to places Cancer has a lot of potential for supporting that people could feel at home at places. At home with themselves and not necessarily with the place. This could be the reason why places with astrogeographical coordinates in Cancer are frequently chosen as the sites for experiments of modernity in art and architecture. Cancer simply doesn´t need explanations – it rather tends to judge by “emotional verification”. Restaurants in Cancer may be most successful if they manage to get in resonance with the emotional needs and autonomy of their guests.
No. 19: Fäviken Restaurant, Järpen in Sweden located in Sagittarius with Cancer
Mental fire sign Sagittarius is the main indicator for shamanic cultures and of the role, profession and knowledge of priests. In regard to cooking it has to be seen as deeply rooted in the cultural heritage and knowledge about ritualistic celebrations. In this sense the role of the cook can be compared to the function of a shaman. Secondly Sagittarius as the sign of composition and ornamentation stands for the evaluation of every single detail in relation to the whole. As such Sagittarius` role in art is to find and determine the right mixture of ingredients. Style, design and fashion are Sagittarius`domains – this is the Sagittarian aspect of creativity. And thirdly open-minded Sagittarius as the sign of travelling stands for the mentality of going on a journey in order to discover the tastes and variations of preparations for the experience of it. All these aspects make places in Sagittarius plausible sites for adventure cooks and adventure food seekers at the same time.
No. 17 Gaggan Restaurant, Bangkok, Thailand located in Leo with Cancer
Highly attractive and energetic royal fire sign Leo is a naturally auspicious aspect for any place that wants to attract larger numbers of people. Leo is the sign of the Sun which attracts the planets holding them all together. This self-centering is Leo´s greatest strength and problem at the same time in individual birth charts. But for restaurants this aspect is altogether highly positive and stimulative for allowing the chef de cuisine as well as the visitor to do (and enjoy) whatever they feel to and express their emotions openly. Leo stimulates emotional self-expression, self-centering and being right “here and now” where we are. And above all the royal aspect of Leo stimulates and allows luxury helping us to enjoy what we do and spend money without thinking about it. In regard to quality food any food that cats enjoy may theoretically be ultra-stimulative: chicken and fish i´d say! :). Hot spices like red chillis are of course reflected by all three fire signs – but may not be missed as much in Leo as in other signs which do not provide the fire element by themselves. If we imagine the thrill that cats have for chicken and fish we can assume their intense taste in Leo. Maybe not the first choice of Leo would be any kinds of restrictions like for example vegan food.
The minor role of the Mercury signs Virgo and Gemini for quality restaurants
No. 12: Restaurant Vendome at Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany located in Virgo with Sagittarius
Self protective earth sign Virgo the sign of reason is no natural indicator for going out to eat in restaurants. This is not only because Virgo tends to want to spend as little as possible but also because Virgo as the sign of health stands for the reflex to avoid bad, unhealthy or unknown food and even consuming the cook`s energies. But Virgo`s strengths could also provide an ideal site for special aspects of cooking – and Virgo is often seen as the actual sign of cooking. First of all Virgo particular affinity to Indian yoga culture supports healthy food and especially a vegetarian of vegan diet. Secondly as the sign of herbs Virgo is a natural indicator for the decent and effective use of herbs and spices. Thirdly Vi- through its role as the sign of smells Virgo is an ideal surrounding for working with decent types of scents and spices.
No. 20: Restaurant Pujol in Mexico City located in Gemini with Pisces
Practical air sign Gemini the sign of communication and learning is no clear indicator for food nor for restaurants in general. But there is also no hint that it would provide an obstacle for an easy, communicative atmosphere for going out and enjoy having food in a group of people. Gemini as the sign of neutrality stands for a a rather technical and not necessarily emotional approach to cooking. The great advantage is Gemini`s curiosity and playful way of trying out new possibilities and going new ways.
Aries and Taurus: Are the two first signs of the zodiac too basic and simple for the complex ideals of world class quality restaurants?
No.3: Osteria Francescana in Modena, Italy located in Taurus and in between Aquarius and Pisces
Taurus is the actual sign of food and of eating. Therefore Taurus can be expected to play a leading role for restaurants. But that does not seem to be the case for the world class gourmet quality segment of the gastronomy market.
Taurus as the sign of agriculture, farmers, rural situations simply seems not a typical indicator for elaborate food preparations, finest of tastes and intense playful use of food for decoration. Taurus is often celebrated as the sign of physical pleasures but at the same time it is no definite indicator for more than the physical aspects of pleasure. That could be a conclusion to be drawn from the statistical analysis of the Top 20 restaurant list. Taurus is intensely related to sugar, but is often sweet in itself. Therefore Taurus may not particularly support or enjoy an overdose of sugar. The zodiac sign Taurus is not limited to eating grass and grains but rather stands for eating all kinds of foods and with a tendency to consume larger quantities.
No. 14: Narisawa Restaurant in Tokyo located in the two male signs Aries with Scorpio
Fire sign Aries the sign of action would not be expected to play a major role in the segment of highest quality restaurants. It represents the opposite sign of Libra the leader in this segment. Aries as the sign of speed is not a definite supporting sign for long meals. It can be assumed that Aries would do better with short meals or at least with some activity in between single plates. Like all fire signs Aries may have a special affinity to eating meat.