Read more about the article Pluto-Neptune Cycles & Ages in Mundane Astrology
Übersicht über die Zeitalter der Menschheitsgeschichte aus Sicht der Transit - Astrologie: Die einzelnen Zeitalter innerhalb der 33.000 Jahre dauernden Super-Zyklen der Konjunktionen von Neptun & Pluto

Pluto-Neptune Cycles & Ages in Mundane Astrology

Pluto-Neptune Cycles & Ages in Mundane Astrology. Some thoughts on the astrological interpretation of the time structure of Pluto-Neptune cycles. Cornerstone articles: Uranus-Neptune Conjunctions in Political Astrology, Saturn – Neptune…

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Read more about the article The Taal volcano eruptions and current situation
Taal volcano on 13 January 2020 ph: Adisidis, ccbysa3.0

The Taal volcano eruptions and current situation

The Taal volcano eruptions and current situation. Mundane astrology and prediction: the current astrogeographical transits for Taal volcano Related articles: The Eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991, The 1707 Eruption…

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Read more about the article The Temple of the Oracle of Apollon Claros
The Temple of Apollon Claros is located in Leo with Aqúarius photo: Nikater, GNU/FDL

The Temple of the Oracle of Apollon Claros

The Temple of the Oracle of Apollon Claros. Astrology & Sacred Sites: the astrogeographical position of the temple site. Related articles: Libra and Aries - The Oracle of Delphi, The Magic…

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Read more about the article The Magic of Prediction at Ancient Greek Oracle Places
The Ammun Temple with the legendary skiff oracle of Siwa has both coordinates in Scorpio photo: Thom Chandler, ccbysa2.0

The Magic of Prediction at Ancient Greek Oracle Places

The Magic of Prediction at Ancient Greek Oracle Places and in ancient greek culture - Astrology and Sacred Sites: here comes a list of important oracle places and their astrogeographical positions.…

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