Santuario de Chimayo in Astrology

Santuario de Chimayo in Astrology. A temple of light and ignition in a field of angels: the American Lourdes at a small church in New Mexico Related articles: The magical spring…

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Boscawen-Un Stone Circle in astrogeography

Boscawen-Un Stone Circle in astrogeography. Astrology and Sacred Sites: Boscawen-Un Stone Circle Compare: An astrological typology of Dolmen and Portal Tombs, Stonehenge,  Saint Michael Leyline in Astrogeography, Saint Michael`s Mount and Mont Saint…

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The Hindu Gods Vishnu and Narayana in astrogeography

The Hindu Gods Vishnu and Narayana in astrogeography. Astrology, mythology and sacred sites: the Hindu Gods Vishnu and Narayana in astrogeography Compare: The Shakti Peetha shrines in astrogeography,  Capricorn & Pisces –…

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Astrology & Magical Places: Joshua Tree National Park

Astrology & Magical Places: Joshua Tree National Park Related articles: George Van Tassels Integraton Project at Joshua Tree, California Joshua Tree National Park in southeastern California is a U.S. National Park since 1994 National Monument…

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London and Great Britain in Political Astrology

London and Great Britain in Political Astrology & Astrogeography. The national charts for England, Great Britain and United Kingdom and important planetary transits in relation to the astrogeographical position of…

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