Earthquakes in astrology and astrogeography. Astrogeographical analyses from the point of view of holistic astrology.
This category contains a collection of over 25 articles on important article regarding the subject. For daily or weekly updates on earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and astrological issues please keep in touch through my facebook blogs “Astrological Worldmap” and “Astrogeographie”
In my articles I combine precise data regarding the epicenters from my astrogeographical calculation system with planetary transits in relation to the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the places. This allows a fascinating dimension of interpretation and a whole new field of astrological study which you can not find anywhere else in the world.
The San Francisco earthquakes in astrogeography. Astrology and earthquakes: the position of Uranus near the MC-IC axis during the San Francisco earthquakes of 1906 and 1989. Related articles: San Francisco…
The Nepal Earthquake on 25 April 2015 in astrology. Astrogeography and earthquakes: astrological data and analyses CNN Video, Everest Basecamp Video Related articles: Crimea Earthquake, Krakatoa and the extreme weather…
Dun Aengus ringfort and temple in astrology. Temples & Magical Places: the astrogeographical position of the megalithic ringfort on the Aran island of Inishmore near Galway, Ireland Related articles: The…
Astrology and Places:Earthquake in the Black Sea - HAARP or who else caused it? Its an answer to the Russian invasion? - HAARP or who else caused it? Related articles: San…
Christ of the Abyss in Scorpio the sign of the underworld. Astrology, sculptures and the magical punctuation of the landscape. Compare: Scorpio as the sign of sculpting, Capricorn and Sagittarius…