Lion statues in astrogeographical field study

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Lion sculpture at the Citadelle of Belfort locaed in the first degrees of Virgo and on the first degree of Cancer phor: Thomas Bresson license: ccbysa2.0

Lion statues in astrogeographical field study

Lion statues in astrogeographical field study. Astrology, Art and sculpting: on the typology of lion statues and what their position reveals about their functions.

Related articles: Scorpio as the sign of sculpting, The Lion Horoscope of Mount Nemrud,

The Lion Gate in Mykene on the last degree of Leo

Lion Gate Mykene located in the last degree (29° ) of Leo and in Capricorn
ph: Andreas Trepte, ccbysa2.5

In the case of the Lion Gate in Mykene built around 1250 BC the lion reliefs are located exactly on 29° the last degree of Leo in such a way that they can be seen when entering into the fortress from the Leo field into the Virgo field.  As the gate is located right next to the divide between Leo and Virgo when passing the entrance one moves from Leo which is outside of the walled city into the protected zone inside of the city fortress in earth sign Virgo.  The Lion sculptures have the function here of royal signposts marking the entrance to the royal city. The 2nd coordinate here is in earth sign Capricorn. Both coordinates are valid for morphogenetic field level 4. That means they describe the atmosphere of the microcosmic field at the exact position of the Lion Gate itself, but they are much too small as to be used as indicators for the whole of the the walled city of Mykene. For the Mykene constellation read my pinterest blog.

Lion sculptures in the different signs

Lion sculptures can occur in all the astrological signs but their role when located in other signs as in the described Leo/Virgo and Scorpio situations can be judged as less important. The position in the mental air sign Libra would stand for a mere decorative function and giving the lion the function of a puppet. In Sagittarius the sign of composition the lion would be degraded to the function of a detail and ornamental part of the whole design. It would not stand out in it`s own wilderness, might and energetic attractiveness. As Taurus represents the sign of the prey for lions a lion sculpture could somewhat represent a threat or challenge to the Taurus energies of a field. Therefore if a lion sculpture would be erected in a Taurus field  it would have to be subdued in one way or other to the Taurus topics in order not to unfold it`s own information and morphogenetic stimulation at the place. In Feng-Shui such “acupuncture” of places with information through sculptures, images or objects is a method of treatment to improve and harmonize energies.

A lion sculpture if placed in Pisces is to be interpretated as part of an effort to stimulate imagination and mystification. Statues always  serve decoration purposes. But when erected in Libra the most important sign of decoration or in Sagittarius the sign of ornamentation the purpose of the statue`s position is directly to related to the purpose of displaying the decorative function itself. When placed in other signs the decoration serves the function of the signs in which the statue is located.

Another Lion Gate  in Leo with Capricorn

The Lion Gate at Palazzo Vecchio in Firenze is located in Leo with Capricorn Photo: Fvenni ccbysa2.0
The Lion Gate at Palazzo Vecchio in Firenze is located in Leo with Capricorn Photo: Fvenni ccbysa2.0

Astrogeographic position for mophogenetic field level 4 which describes the energetical topics and atmosphere of the building itself: The Lion Gate at Palazzo Vecchio in Firenze is located in middle of royal fire sign  Leo and in earth sign Capricorn. The lion sculptures appear to function as signposts for the royalty, aristocracy and central importance of the house. The sign combination is the same as at the gate of Mykene.

The original Medici Lions at Loggia dei Lanzi in Florence

Loggia dei Lanzi is an open air sculpture gallery with statues of heroes from greek mythology built  between 1376-1382 in front of the lion gate at Palazzo Veccio in Florence and located in the same astrogeographic position as the lion gate. The 2 famous “Medici Lions” are marble sculptures one of which is of ancient origin (2nd century) and the second one a copy created in 16th century by Flaminio Vacca. The 2 statues were placed at Loggia dei Lanzi in 1598 as ornaments of the majesty and royalty of the house of Medici. The Medici Lions have been copied many times. Find a list of copies here.

The original 2nd century Medici Lion at Loggia dei Lanzi in Leo with capricorn photo: Urbourbo license: ccbysa2.0
The original 2nd century Medici Lion at Loggia dei Lanzi in Leo with Capricorn   
photo: Urbourbo license: ccbysa2.0

Astrogeographic position for mophogenetic field level 4 which describes the energetical topics and atmosphere of the building itself: one coordinate of the position of the Medici Lions statues is located in the natural sign of lions: highly intense, magnetic, centralistic, emotional, royal fire sign Leo the sign of the Sun, majesty and emotional self-expression here. The second coordinate is in conservative, strict, exclusive, hierarchical earth sign Capricorn sign of control, stability, government institutions and administration. Capricorn indicates that the function of the lion statues is to represent the claim to political power and control.

The Medici Lions copies and Hitlers birthday place constellation at Feldherrnhalle in Munich

The lions sculptures at the Feldherrnhalle in the bavarian capital Munich are a copy of the Medici Lions and the complete building an exact copy of Loggia dei Lanzi in Florence. The building is a monument for the bavarian armies except that the sculptures from greek mythology are replaced by bavarian war heroes Tilly and v. Wrede and a central monumental victory sculpture added after the franco-german war of 1870/71. In regard to style, aesthetics and taste the replacement of the topics of the sculptures depicting greek mythology with nationalist emblems can be evaluated as a plain and symptomatic barbarism of neo-classicism.

Feldherrnhalle Munich located at 0° Taurus the exact position of the Sun in Hitler`s birth chart – 2nd coordinate in Aquarius      photo: Thomas Wolf license: ccbsa3.0

Astrogeographic position for mophogenetic field level 4 which describes the energetical topics and atmosphere of the building itself: Feldherrnhalle is located exactly on the divide between dynamic, male fire sign Aries the sign of warfare and earth sign Taurus sign of the earth, roots, grounding , conquering and possessing territory, market places, financial gains and indicator for attempting to stand in the center of society.  The 2nd coordinate falls in the anti-sign of the lion archetype – Leo`s opposite sign Aquarius. In fact both astrogeographical resonance coordinates represent aspects of tension to Leo – the archetypal astrological simile of lions.

Feldherrnhalle was the site of the first attempts of Hitler and Ludendorff to take over power in Bavaria and Germany during the first Hitler Putsch in 1923. Therefore Feldherrnhalle together with the Hofbräuhaus where Hitler`s  fascist party had been founded in 1920 is the most important site of the origins of the fascist party (NSDAP) and movement which led to the Nazi regime and World War 2. This resonance is astrogeographically reflected in the fact that the Sun at 0°48`Taurus in Hitler`s birth chart falls exactly on the position of Feldherrnhalle. The site therefore represented the constellation of a birthday place for Hitler.

Hitler´s yearly celebration of the Hitler Putsch on 9 Nov 1923 at Feldherrenhalle exactly on the position of the Sun in his birth chart photo: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-E12359 / CC-BY-SA
Hitler´s yearly celebration of the Hitler Putsch of 9 Nov 1923 at Feldherrenhalle exactly on the position of the Sun in his birth chart.  
photo: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-E12359 / CC-BY-SA

A winged lion in Aquarius the antisign of Leo

The Statue of Daniele Manin an italian patriot and leader in the 1848 revolution  is located on Piazza Manin in Venice. Daniele Manin was an Italian patriotic revolutionary leader during the so called Risorgimento period (1848-71) that led to the unification of Italy in 1871,

Daniele Manin statue on Piazza Manin in Aquarius with Leo photo: G.dallorto license: ccbysa2.5
Daniele Manin statue on Piazza Manin in Aquarius with Leo     
photo: G.dallorto license: ccbysa2.5

The “winged lion” sculpture of his memorial statue relates to his courage and revolutionary ideals.

Astrogeographic position for mophogenetic field level 4 which describes the energetical topics and atmosphere of the memorial itself: the site is located in idealistic, rebellious, spiritual air sign Aquarius the sign of the sky, heaven, paradise, revolution, political change, emancipation, inspiration and individual independence.  Aquarius is the anti-sign of royal fire sign Leo the sign of lions and of monarchy. In it`s role as an air sign and indicator for archangels (or angels of the highest order) Aquarius is the indicator for the wings of the winged lion sculpture here which relate the lion to the rank of a cherubim.

The 2nd coordinate is located in self-protective earth sign Virgo sign of reason, dependence, employed work, slavery, health, medicine, protection of nature and economical sustainability.

Sigiriya Fortress and Lion`s Gate with both coordinates in Scorpio

Lion`s Gate at Sigiriya the fortress of the demon king Ravana wirh both coordinates in scorpio the sign of demons, photo: Schmettau, license: ccbysa3.0
Lion`s Gate at Sigiriya the fortress of the demon king Ravana has both coordinates in Scorpio the sign of demons.       photo: Schmettau, license: ccbysa3.0

The so called Lion`s Gate or Mouth at Sigiriya (the Lion`s Fortress) was built to defend the entrance of the only pathway that leads to the top of the rock. It has eroded almost completely and only the gigantic claws carved into the rock remain.

Astrogeographic position for mophogenetic field level 3 which describes the energetical topics and atmosphere of the whole of the mountain fortress: Both coordinates of the site are located in highly alert, defensive, solid, fixed, water sign Scorpio the sign of fortresses and most important indicator for sculpting, photography, imaging, visualization and practical art-work.

I have frequently found lion statues or images as guardians in places located in Scorpio in my astrological geomantic field studies. It seems to be a typical aspect of the highly alert and defensive reflexes in Scorpio to have deterrent guardian statues particularly lions (and also wolves), but also typical images naturally related to Scorpio´s role as the sign of amphibians such as dragons (not in chinese culture) or snakes. The expression of lion sculptures when they appear in the sign of Leo are not deterrent in the same way as they would be in Scorpio.  In Leo their own sign they are rather emblems of royalty, king-hood, centralism, aristocracy or strength. As Scorpio strongly has the reflexes of social group hierarchies it`s relation with Leo the sign of the strongest among animals has a particular focus on features such as dominance, strength, frightening, rulership, danger and superiority. Scorpio as the sign of stone masonry is the most important aspect of places where statues have been carved out of rocks in situ like in the case of the Mountain Sanctuary of Göbekli Tepe, the Buddhas of Bamyan and the statue of Sri Gomateshvara, Crazy Horse Memorial. For Scorpio`s role as the sign of sculpting compare also:  Scorpio as the sign of sculpting.

The occurrence of a lion statue or image at places can of course be an indication that the astrogeographic position of the place is in Leo.  But astrogeographic field study is not that simple and easy.  It is not necessarily the depicted animal or sculpted being itself that matters. Astrological observation needs to look deeper into things. The type, style and making of the image is an essential element for astrological evaluation here.  Firstly, we need to understand the depicted creature or topic in relation to the form, style  and material that it is made of.  Secondly the function of the depicted image as a part and element of the overall picture and atmosphere of the place needs to be understood. If for example a statue is erected on top of a column it has a completely different setting and meaning than a statue below a column. Sometimes the purpose of decorating and trying to beautify the place allows all kinds of motifs which are not directly related to the actual astrogeographic quality of a place.

Towards an astrogeographical typology of sculptures

One frequently observable type of lion sculptures appears in the first degrees of Virgo which is just next to the “entrance” into Leo at 30° Leo or 0° Virgo. You can imagine that this position was really confusing for me when I had little experience with astrogeographic field studies.  I expected that the lion sculpture should be positioned in the sign of Leo and not on the Virgo side of the divide between the two signs.  And I made really long and exhausting attempts to find out what was going on, walking back and forth trying to measure places with my 1 m steps.  A typical feature of lion statues in Virgo is that they are in sitting positions and do not seem threatening but rather decorative in the first place. This aspect of a comparatively tamed lion is one feature for this type of position although these statues do always at least to some extent have the function of guardians.

Fire sign Leo is a clear indicator of predators while earth sign Virgo is and indicator of rodents and even vegetarians. This means that Leo and Virgo relate to each other like cats and mice or in regard to social classification (caste systems) like royals and slaves.  If the lion statues are positioned in such a way that they look from Virgo into Leo they guard the Virgo morphogenetic field from the Leo aspects and not the Leo field from the Virgo aspects of course. If they look into the direction of the Virgo field they are guardians of the royalty marking the aristocracy, superiority and centrality of the Leo (capital) morphogenetic field. In both cases the Lions are not designed as frightening like in Scorpio but rather as majestic (Leo) or patient (Virgo).

Creating a space for astrogeographical evaluation – and the question why astrogeography has not been explored more deeply so far

In astrogeographic field study it is essential to consciously create a space for evaluation. Professional or want-to-be professional astrologers are normally used to approaching subjects with an attitude of authority. They don`t have the time and self-reliance to indulge in closer examination and deeper critical  evaluation. The moment professional astrologers or astrological speakers have managed to impress their clients they feel that their interpretation is correct. But this attitude is of course a major impediment for deeper understanding of the more complex sides of astrology. In astrogeographical field study it is essential to keep in mind the limits of our understanding at any moment. We have to understand that the interrelations between time, space and the morphogenetic field are by far more complex than we will ever be able to perceive.  However subtle our understanding is – the smallest particles will remain much smaller than we would ever be able to imagine.
I have heard one astrologer say: “oh – your conclusion is not convincing” or another one saying “no, no – yellow is Gemini`s colour not Aries`” or someone told me: “look – I want only one sign for one place and not two or even more” …… or someone said: “your english expression is not good enough to explain” – another said “it`s too complicated – let`s do it the easy way” – and “oh no – I do another kind of astrology” – and so on. All these attitudes may be good and right.

But relying on the impediments to understanding and sanctifying the limits of perception of course is not the way to explore new fields in science. Let me say it openly: as humans we have to learn to deal with the fact that we do have limited capacities and we do subconsciously want to avoid deeper understanding at any time in order not to put our psychological patterns in question. This factor may not be such a big problem in other sciences – but it is in astrology.  This is so because that is an essential part of the actual field of research in astrology. Astrology is the science of the human fate, human conditions, rebirth and all interaction with the invisible and divine. So it is essential for astrological research to step back from the attitude of authority into an attitude of observation. For practical astrological field study this means that what is really helpful is a space in which I would not personally have to suffer when I realize that my conclusions were incorrect.  In this space understanding a mistake is as important as the euphoric momentum of an ecstatic illumination which will be gone by next Monday.  In this space the habitual “knowledge” of the signs is not useful as I cannot systematically retrace the “sector of its validity”.

Retrace the “sector of validity” of astrological analogies

In astrogeographic field study Green is is the most important color of houses, clothes and names in GeminiBut because of Gemini`s reflex to include it`s own opposition within itself stripes of contrasting colors are always an indication for the presence of this sign too. And of course any color can appear in any sign. We have too deal with that fact in astrogeography. A house in Gemini may have been painted white during the phase of a Saturn transit over the sign of the morphogenetic resonance in which the area where the house stands lies.  White color anyway is always an option in Gemini. But the white color in Gemini is not the same as in Capricorn or Virgo. Gemini as the most bipolar and multi-functional of all signs can be expected to always offer various options and color in one place instead of accepting the rule of a single factor. Capricorn or Leo tend to be a lot more centralist. Their reflexes would not have the reflex to long for diversity. But then: what would happen if Leo meets with Gemini in one place? And how can we retrace the meaning of the astrogeographical positions for various size levels of fields?  The visibility of the astrogeographic combination of the 2 coordinates at a place for field level 4  for can sometimes be overwritten by the constellation for field level 3. In the case of Burja Khalifa for example all the 5 or 6 levels of calculation of morphogenetic fields are of obvious major importance. It is the tallest building on the planet.  This brings it in resonance with all the other tallest buildings on earth. Therefore field level 1 has partially overwritten the visibility of all the other size levels of fields.

We need to consider that there are innumerable aspects that assemble in the reality at a place. We should not expect to have to see the full detailed overall picture of all the elements that gather at a place.  Considering single aspects is as good as understanding the whole situation at a place.

Astrogeographic field study through systematic measurement of morphogenetic fields is a new concept
Astrogeographic field study through systematic measurement of morphogenetic fields is a new method and concept. It has not been practiced before I introduced it. I invented the systemic concept and the method of using a number of size levels of fields nested inside one another. And what`s even more important – I explored, described and published it so that it is accessible for everyone as a solution for the largest and one of the most complicated research fields in astrology.

The Lion Horoscope of Nemrut Daği is a real horoscope depicting a constellation in Leo

The Lion Horoscope of Nemrut Daği on Mount Nemru is really outstanding in many regards. The lion relief is not only located in Leo but in fact directly related to the astrological and astronomical meaning of Leo as it depicts the constellation of three planets in Leo. 

The Lion Horoscope found at Nemrut Dagi cast by Carl Humann, 1883
The Lion Horoscope in Leo with Pisces found at Nemrut Dagi cast by Carl Humann, 1883

The Lion Horoscope of Nemrut Daği is one of the oldest horoscope images in the world and is part of a tomb and shrine monument built by King Antiochus I Theos (69-36 BC) of Commagene on Mount Nimrod in the Taurus Mountains in Eastern Turkey. The sanctuary consists of a rubble mound with three terraces grouped around it. The statues of the gods here are a synthesis of Persian and Greek mythology.

The astrogeographic constellation of the site brings together the highly energetic, magnetic, centralistic, royal fire sign Leo sign of the Sun and indicator for kings with the spiritual water sign Pisces sign of mystification, legends, fairy tales, temples and the otherworld. This is valid to morphogenetic field level 3,  which dscribes how the site is embedded in the surrounding area.

The astrogeographic coordinate in spiritual water sign Pisces stands for the topic of mysticism and mystification and can be regarded as symptomatic of temple sites (compare: Pisces and Pisces – Glastonbury Abbey, The tree of Buddha`s EnlightenmentThe three steps to Mount Olympus). The coordinate in royal fire sign Leo could be  directly associated with the the principle of kingship here and indicates that the temple might have been built to represent king Antiochus I himself and to secure his claim to the throne. The so called “lion horoscope” discovered on the western terrace is a representation of the constellation of Leo with 3 planets (Jupiter, Mercury, Mars) in it. This hints at the possible date of 14 July 109 BC. The reason why this constellation in Leo has been depicted could be that the constellation of Leo at that time already had been associated with kingship. Read more details about the rectification of the date on the page of the International Nemrud Foundation.

I calculated the astrological chart for that day for the hour after sunset when the constellation in Leo was visible above the western horizon (see the chart below). It can be assumed that the depicted constellation had been chosen through election by the royal astrologers for the coronation rite of Antiochus I. or the sanctification of his kingship through the temple rites at Nemrut dagi.

Nemrut Dagi Horoscope – the constellation described by the the legendary Lion Horoscope calculated for 14 July 109 BC shortly after sunset when the conjunction of Mars, Mercury and Jupiter was visible above the western horizon.

For astrogeographic evaluation it can be seen that the temple site has an intense resonance with the constellation in Leo and that the date was highly auspicious for the king as well as for the temple site itself.

The Lions’ Gate in Jerusalem in Aquarius – Leo´s anti sign

Lions Gate in Jerusaem located in the combination of Sagittarius with Aquarius shows 2 leopards not lions. photo: Pontificake @ enwiki, GNU/FDL
Lions Gate in Jerusaem located in the combination of Sagittarius with Aquarius shows 2 leopards not lions.      photo: Pontificake @ enwiki, GNU/FDL

The Lions’ Gate or St. Stephens Gate in Jerusalem was built by Suleiman the Magnificent in 1517 to celebrate the Ottoman defeat of the Mamluks in 1517. It is one of seven open gateways in Jerusalem’s Old City Walls. The relief shows 2 leopards not lions. Astrogeographic position: the gate is not located in or near Leo, although the leopards as cats are to some extent natural astrological equivalents of Leo. It`s location falls in the combination of dynamic fire sign Sagittarius with creative, innovative air sign Aquarius – Leo`s opposition sign which in astrology  by definition means that it represents the opposite of Leo. So how can a Lion`s Gate be located in Leo`s opposition sign? The answer is simple: the reliefs depict leopards not lions!!!!

In fact experience in astrogeographic field study shows that leopards as well as other cats only rarely occur in Leo, but more frequently in other signs: firstly in the two other fire signs particularly Sagittarius of course through it`s function as the sign of ornamentation. Aries seems to be closest related to cheetahs as the fastest animals.  For the conclusions to be transferred from astrogeographical to astrological zoology this does not necessarily mean that leopards are closer related to any other sign than Leo in it`s role as the ruler of the family of cats. But what it surely indicates is that in Leo the sign of the absolut ruler – and the term absolutism was invented in France the culture represented by Leo – sculptures and images of animals other than lions represent no real embellishment. The same accounts for other cats. The case of tigers is similar to the one of leopards: although they are part of the cats family they hardly ever occur in Leo. Tigers seem to be more closely related to Gemini – maybe because of the two-colored stripes. Sagittarius apart from its role as an indicator for the leopards here also appears as the sign of style, design, decoration, ornamentation, victory (Ottoman Victory), shooting (city wall defense) + hunting and indicator for the archway. The constellation is valid for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere of the gate itself.

The Lion Gate at the Berlin Zoo in Aries with Taurus in fact is an Animal gate

Lion Gate at the Berlin Zoo - agood example showing that the occurence of a symbol of a sign is not necessarily a hint at the astrogeographic position in that sign. photo: Dieter Brügmann (Bruhaha), GNU/FDL
Lion Gate at the Berlin Zoo located in Aries with Taurus – a good example showing that the occurence of a symbol of a sign is not necessarily a hint at the astrogeographic position in that sign. photo: Dieter Brügmann (Bruhaha), GNU/FDL

The Lion Gate at the Berlin Zoo for field level 4 is located in the combination of dynamic fire sign Aries  with earth sign Taurus is a really useful and good example showing that the occurence of a symbol of a sign does not mean that the site lies in that sign. In this case yes there are two lion sculptures at the main entrance to the zoo. But their purpose is not to frighten or show the royal status of the place but to introduce the zoo. The ornamental motives of monkey, aries, elk, common seal and other animals below the lion`s thrones are a clear indication for the diversity of animals. The animals which have their home next to the central entrance and in the same mophogenetic field for field level 4 anyway are not the lions but the elephants, which correspond to earth sign Taurus. For the relationship of elephants with Taurus compare: Serengeti National Park.

The Lion Gate at the former Hittite capital Hatusa – subordinate lions

Lion Gate at Hattusa located in Libra with aquarius   photo: Bernard Gagnon, GNU/FDL
Lion Gate at Hattusa located in Libra with Aquarius    photo: Bernard Gagnon, GNU/FDL

The Lion Gate at the former Hittite capital Hatusa in today`s Turkey is located in the idealistic combination of two air signs: Libra the sign of openness, decoration, symmetry, balance and beauty and creative, innovative Aquarius sign of the sky. Libra explains the function of the lion sculptures as for decoration in the first place. Aquarius as the opposition or anti sign of Leo could be reflected in the fact that the sculptures are not in an elevated position here but have been placed at the bottom of the gate.

Threatening Lions in Scorpio

Lion Gate to a park located in scorpio with Gemini in Darmstadt, photo: Heidas, GNU/FDL
Lion Gate to a park located in Scorpio with Gemini in Darmstadt    photo: Heidas, GNU/FDL

Another Lion Gate is the one at the entrance of Rosenhöhe Park in Darmstadt, Germany erected in 1927 in the combination of highly defensive water sign Scorpio the sign and indicator of sculpting, stone-masonry with practical, neutral air sign Gemini sign of pathways, signposts and bridges. There are several aspects to the lion sculptures that can be related to Scorpio: first of all Scorpio stands for the function of the lion sculptures here to frighten visitors. Secondly the way the lions´ manes stand upright in a really frightening position alluding to porcupines`s spines are an aspect of Scorpio as the sign of alertness.

The stereotype mass production element of the sculptures could be related to both signs the twin sign Gemini as the sign of duplication and Scorpio as the sign of learning by watching and imitation.

The Merlion in Singapore

The Merlion located in position of a guardian in the first degrees of Capricorn  and in Aries photo: fad3away, ccbysa2.0
The Merlion located in position of a guardian in the first degrees of Capricorn and in Aries
photo: fad3away, ccbysa2.0

The Merlion statue with the body of a fish and the head of a lion in the harbour of Singapore (“Lion City”) is a mascot and national personification of the Lion City.

Astrogeographic position: the statue is located on the third degree of the solid, traditionalistic, conservative earth sign Capricorn and right next to the cardinal divide between Capricorn and Sagittarius indicating the position of a guardian (compare “The Little Mermaid as a guardian in Capricorn”). The 2nd coordinate falls in highly alert, erect, male fire sign Aries the sign of warriors and warfare.  The combination of Capricorn with Aries is of high importance as the strongest constellation of warfare and indicates the readiness to fight back attacks. The astrogeographic constellation is valid here for morphogenetic field level 4.

The Lion motif is only partly depicted by the sculpture as it combines the aspect of Leo with aspects of Pisces the sign of fish and the ocean. Pisces as the eighth sign from Leo is no harmonious astrological motif for Leo at all. Pisces rather stands for dependence, transformation and being in foreign property and used to be evaluated in classical astrology as the house of death for Leo. Therefore the gesture of the Merlion as including it`s own most problematic aspect in itself is to some extend a gesture of reflecting the dependence of Singapur from the ocean. It suggests communication with the sea and could help soothe the anger of the sea in times of tsunamis or heavy storms. And it could also help incoming spirits, water gods and others spiritual entities dwelling in the ocean relate to the City of Singapur and get into communication with the people living here.

Therefore the Merlion is not a guardian that wants to frighten the spirits coming in from the sea in the first place. This is not it`s posture and expression. Even the contrary is the case here: the Merlion receives the waters and permanently exchanges water with the sea by pumping it up and spilling it back into the harbor. This gesture is so positive in the sense of being alert and aware of the powers of the ocean but without attempting any conflict.  I`m sure that this must be seen as good Feng Shui. The astrogeographic indication of the constellation of warfare here makes it clear that the Merlion is not only a puppet or just another nice sculpture but rather a definite part of the system for the self defense of the city harbor.

The two Idsted or Flensburg Lions – comparing the meaning of astrogeographic positions through historical events

The Idsted Lion is a sculpture created by danish sculptor Herman Albrecht Bissen. Bissen created a highly naturalistic and intensely vivid and authentic sculpture which he created after travelling to Paris to make studies of a living lion at the Jardin des Plantes.  The idea of the lion motif is derived from the arms of Denmark and Schleswig which contain three and two blue lions.

National Coat of Arms of Denmark Authors: User:Galico, User:Derfel73 license: ccbysa3.0
National Coat of Arms of Denmark  constisting of 3 blue lions and 9 red hearts   authors: Galico, Derfel73 license: ccbysa3.0

The National Coat of Arms of Denmark consists of 3 blue lions and 9 red hearts.

In order to commemorate the danish victory over Schleswig-Holstein in the battle of Idstedt in 1850 the Idstedt Lion statue was unveiled at St. Mary’s Cemetery in Flensburg, Schleswig`s largest city on July 25, 1862. Read more about the history of Schleswig here. Since the 1920 plebiscites held after the Versailles Treaty Schleswig was divided into two halves between Denmark and Germany with Flensburg lying just on the border between the two.

After the end of the danish possession of Schleswig in 1864 german nationalists tried to destroy the monument which caused authorities to bring the statue to Berlin where it remained until 1945.

Astrology and astrogeographical field study
1861 Leaflet showing the attack on the Flensburg Lion by german nationalists

A zinc copy was made in 1874 and later erected in Berlin in 1938 overlooking Wannsee lake from its south end. That is where I first saw it.

In 1945 the Flensburg Lion was given back to Denmark by US forces and was placed near the Royal Danish Arsenal Museum right on the divide between magnetic fire sign Leo and self-protective earth sign Virgo at 0° Virgo. The 2nd coordinate lies at 15° of the dynamic, expansive, mental fire sign Sagittarius indicator for decoration, ornamentation, victory and triumph.

The Flensburg or Istedt Lion after it was given back to Denmark in 1945 was placed near the Royal Danish Arsenal Museum right on the divide between Leo and Virgo and the second coordinate on 15° Sagittarius the sign of victory and triumph.

The position at 0°Virgo/30° Leo could at least to a certain degree be expected as being a natural part of Leo, the sign of emotionality, pleasure and sexuality.  But the more intense emotional topics of Leo are apparently not the main focus and resonance of the lion statue at the Royal Arsenal Museum. Despite the potentially highly euphoric constellation of two fire signs the statue appears as being stored in the surroundings of the military museum. The reference to Leo in the sense of intensity of self-expression, sexuality and having fun is not natural and not convincing at this position.  Therefore the 30th and last degree of Leo rather turns out to resemble the first degree of Virgo here in its aspect as the sign of storing harvests (and goods) than it would display the traits of a self-centered, majestic Leo. The contrast to the location of the zinc copy at Wannsee lake delivers an intense and truly archetypal astrogeographic documentation of the difference between the topics at 0° Leo the start of the sign as the process of the high season in summer and those at 30° Leo the quite abrupt end of the topics of emotional expansion in Leo through the reflexes of Virgo as the sign indicating the urge for mental control over emotionality.

In regard to the astrogeographical positions of monuments a location in Sagittarius is typical in the first place for the purpose of decoration, design, style, composition and ornamentation. Sagittarius suggests thinking about what we see and enjoy, mental reflection, insights, knowledge and comparison of objects and topics with each other. Furthermore Sagittarius as the sign of victory and triumph is also an indicator for a monument`s function to celebrate victory and success.

Arc de Triomphe in Paris located on the last degree of Sagittarius and in Gemini Photo: Sese_Ingolstadt, License: ccbysa2.5
Arc de Triomphe in Paris located on the last degree of Sagittarius and in Gemini Photo: Sese_Ingolstadt, License: ccbysa2.5

An archetypal example for this topic of memorials in Sagittarius is the Arc de Triomph in Paris (pinterest post) which was built in  in Sagittarius with Gemini the same constellation as the Idstedt/Flensburg Lion  and also above a tomb of the Unknown Soldier to commemorate those who fought for the French Revolution and during the Napoleonic wars.

Prince Joachim of Denmark is looking to the memorial plaque on 10 Sept 2011 photo: Soenke Rahn license: ccbysa3.0

In 2010 the danish side decided to want to bring back the statue to its former location in Flensburg to commemorate the danish victory in 1850 and the german side decided to accept the proposal in order to set a monument for german responsibility for war crimes in World War 2 and for the will for good relations with the danish neighbours.

The picture above shows the Flensburg Lion in 2011 after it was brought back to St. Mary`s  Cemetery in Flensburg. The site here is located in the combination of air sign Gemini the sign of signposts and roads with fire sign Sagittarius the sign of decoration, victory and triumph. The astrogeographical constellation combines two opposition signs. This can be taken for a clear indication of the statue`s problematic history and the confrontation which such monuments provoke when placed in a conquered territory.  To some extent the position of the sculpture indicated that it was chosen to document the danish territorial claim for Schleswig. But realistically on the other hand it has to be understood that a position in Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Aries or Capricorn would have been a much more enforced documentation of a territorial claim than one in the relatively unstable constellation of these two mutable signs. Particularly Gemini as the sign of roads and bridges can hardly be called a definite indicator for territorial claims.  This is also expressed in the fact the majestic lion wasn`t erected on a market place or in front of the town hall but on a cemetery.

I want to mention 2 more astrogeographical thoughts here: firstly it can be speculated whether or not the position in Sagittarius as the sign of caricature with Gemini the sign of puberty which is particularly known for its playfulness is a hint at the intention to play with the idea of building a signpost for territorial claims without the realistic long-term option.

And secondly: as both signs Gemini the sign of roads as well as Sagittarius the sign of travelling represent the orientation away from or beyond the limits of one`s own territory it could be examined in which way the punctuation of the morphogenetic field  through the erection of the sculpture reflects the attempt to measure out new horizons and practical options.

Copy of the Flensburg Lion at Wannsee located at 0° Leo and in the middle of Scorpio photo: Lienhard Schulz, GNU/FDL
The statue was placed right on the divide between emotional water sign Cancer and fire sign Leo thus marking the entrance into the realms of Leo. The 2nd coordinate is in solid, fixed water sign Scorpio the sign of sculpting and esp. if combined with Leo an indicator for the purpose of making a strong impressing on visitors.
photo: Lienhard Schulz, GNU/FDL

The site at Berlin – Wannsee where the zinc copy of the Idstedt Lion was erected in 1938 is located right on the divide between emotional water sign Cancer and fire sign Leo at 0° Leo with the second coordinate in water sign Scorpio the sign of sculpting. The position at the beginning (start) of Leo the sign of self-expression, emotional self-centeredness and being in one`s own energy apparently indicates that the lion sculpture has been placed here “for the lion`s sake”.  On the one hand this means to lift up the place itself, make it attractive and increase it`s value through the image of majesty.  And secondly to support the natural stimulation of emotional self-centeredness and the right to enjoy and for self-expression effected by all morphogenetic fields in Leo.

The Scorpio coordinate in addition to Leo would indicate the motif of appreciating the fine work of art in regard to its intensity of expression. This function of the statue is obvious and clearly visible here as it is placed at a popular weekend destination and in the most beautiful prominent position overlooking the Wannsee Riviera and facing Strandbad Wannsee on the opposite side of Wannsee lake. Above all the site lies at the entrance to the 6 km long forest path along the nicest south-end beaches at Wannsee lake. This gives the statue the function of a guardian in between  the exclusive residential area on the Leo side and the shady sand beaches on the Cancer side of the zodiac-sign-divide here.

The Monument for the Battle of Maiwand and the role of Taurus and Cancer

Maiwand Lion located in the combination of two female signs earth sign Taurus sign of grounding and indicator for the lion`s prey together with emotional water sdign cancer sign of motherhood. photo: QuentinUK, ccbysa3.0
Maiwand Lion located in the combination of two female signs earth sign Taurus sign of grounding and indicator for the lion`s prey together with emotional water sign Cancer sign of motherhood and as the 12th house of Leo indicator for situations where lions are in exile photo: QuentinUK, ccbysa3.0

The Maiwand Lion is a memorial erected in 1886 to commemorate the 329 deaths of the 66th Berkshire regiment in the Battle of Maiwand in Afghanistan between 1878 and 1880.  The Maiwand Lions sculpture is located in the combination of two female signs and major indicators for motherhood and the center of society:  Taurus and Cancer for morphogenetic field level 4.

Earth sign Taurus is the sign of grounding, market places and social recognition and serves as an indicator for the function of the monument to ground the souls of the lost soldiers in the middle of society here. In regard to the depicted animal – a  lion – Taurus the bull represents a lion`s prey and a sign which is in natural square aspect, an aspect of tension with the lion´s natural equivalent Leo. Therefore the attribute of the lion to be and feel like a self-reliant king is of course not the topic of the statue here. The image of the lion serves the message of the Taurus  Such monuments when placed in Taurus do of course also represent attempts to justify the wars in which soldiers have been killed. This is also plausible because Taurus simply represent the commercially most auspicious astrological sign and astrogeographical indicator for places.  Such war memorials must also be seen as monuments in favor of the profiteers of war.

The role of emotional water sign Cancer sign of motherhood and feeling at home represents the 12th sign and therefore the 12th house of Leo an indicator for situations where lions are in exile.  The 12th house of the sign of kinghood represents the loss of royality and sovereignty. The position in Cancer is so to be interpreted here as the indicator for the pain felt by those who lost their sons or family members. If any one of the twelve signs it would be Cancer which has the potential of serving as a useful indicator for the authenticity of works of art and architecture and the position of monuments.

The 22m long Lion sculpture at the Citadel of Belfort

Lion sculpture at the Citadelle of Belfort locaed in the first degrees of Virgo and on the first degree of Cancer  phor: Thomas Bresson license: ccbysa2.0
Lion sculpture at the Citadelle of Belfort locaed in the first degrees of Virgo and on the first degree of Cancer photo: Thomas Bresson license: ccbysa2.0

The Lion sculpture underneath the Belfort Castle  finished in 1880 and is entirely made of red sandstone blocks. The blocks it is made from were individually sculpted then moved under Belfort Castle  to be assembled. The colossal work is 22 meters long and 11 meters high and dominates the local landscape.The lion symbolizes the heroic French resistance during the Siege of Belfort a 103-day Prussian assault (from December 1870 to February 1871). The city was protected from 40,000 Prussians by merely 17,000 men (only 3,500 were from the military).

Its astrogeographic position falls in the first degrees self-protective earth sign Virgo and right on the cardinal divide of 0°-1° in emotional, self-protective water sign Cancer the sign of feeling at home and  indicator for the pink color of the “red” sandstone. Emotional water sign Cancer sign of being at home could indicate authentic patriotic emotions whereas Virgo stands for reminding people of the necessity for self-protection. Field level 4.

The Waterloo Lion as a guardian

Waterloo Lion in the position of a guardian at 0° Capricon   photo: Foroa ccbysa2.5
Waterloo Lion in the position of a guardian at 0° Capricon and in Aquarius photo: Foroa ccbysa2.5

The Lion’s Mound is a large conical artificial hill located on the battlefield of Waterloo, Belgium to commemorate the location where William II. of the Netherlands was knocked from his horse by a musket ball to the shoulder during the Battle of Waterloo on 18 June 1815. The sculptured lion is a copy of the Medici Lions.

Astrogeographic position: the position of the lion sculpture on top of the artificial mound falls exactly on the cardinal winter divide of 0° Capricorn in the position of a guardian or checkpost between hell or earth to the west in fire sign Sagittarius and heaven or sky to the east in earth sign Capricorn. The sculpture so has the important function of reminding the spirits of the fallen soldiers that their path and battle has ended. The astrogeographic position is so exact that geomantic consultation and spiritual advice or guidance  during the process of election of the site is highly probable. Or else architect Charles Vander Straeten must have worked really precisely and with an intense use of knowledge and insight during the realization of the project.

The second coordinate falls on the first degree of creative, innovative, spiritual air sign Aquarius sign of the sky and heaven and indicator for the reconnection with the spiritual plane. The elevated position of the lion statue can so be associated with both signs – with Capricorn as the sign of mountains and indicator for elevated positions and with Aquarius as the sign of reaching for the sky.